Hey everyone! So this fic is based on a request from jameis. I really appreciate your request and I hope this turns out ok. But before we start, I just want to say a few things. First, this fanfic is yaoi/shotacon with OC x Kirino x Kariya. The OC is called Zerf, who is a maths teacher at Raimon in Inazuma Eleven Go. Second, my knowledge on Inazuma Eleven Go isn't as good as my knowledge on Inazuma Eleven, but I've tried my best.
So let us begin shall we?

I yawned loudly as I walked into the school gates, making my eyes water. I was so tired lately from all this training for the soccer revolution and trying to take down the Fifth Sector and everything. It was starting to become more and more serious, with more training and pressure to win these matches. I still don't even know why I want to stay on the Raimon soccer team. I mean really, the Holy Emperor himself wants to destroy us, with the whole Fifth Sector behind him, plus all the other schools hate us as well. But I guess I have I reason to stay.
I turned around to see Tenma, Aoi and Shinsuke running towards me. At least I had some people who liked me, people who I could call friends.
"Good morning Kariya. How are you?" Aoi asked.
"Tired," I said in a sour tone, before turning around and continuing my way into the main building for class, followed by the others.
Although I was exhausted and tired of everything that was going on, I was also just plain bored with it all, with this school, the soccer club, with everyone and everything. I wanted something exciting to happen. Not for everyone, but just for me. Something that will spices up my dale life a bit.

Tenma, Aoi, Shinsuke and I all made it into our classroom, walking over to our sits and got ready for homeroom, before having our class rep run in with important news.
"Everyone! Everyone please, listen up!" She said loudly over everyone's conversations, but successful got their attention.
"We're having a new teacher from now on starting today," she said. "I'm not sure what his name is but he'll be here in a few minutes for homeroom."
Everyone immediately started chatting again not really caring about the new teacher, except for Tenma, Aoi and Shinsuke.
"Really? A new teacher?" Tenma asked excitedly. "I wonder what he's like?"
"I hope he's nice," Aoi said.
"I bet he will be," Tenma replied. "I mean, any teacher here is super nice and welcoming. Do you know if he's taking any other classes?"
"Just us and one class of the second years. I think it's Shindou-san and Kirino-San's class," the rep explained.
"Cool! Tenma, Shindou-san and Kirino-san get to have the new teacher too," Shinsuke said with excitement.

Suddenly the classroom door slide open, catching everyone off by surprise. A tall man with dark navy hair, light skin and dark grey eyes, wearing a white business shirt, pants and tie, holding a leather case walked slowing into the room, before placing his belongings on the desk at the front of the room.
"You can all take your sits," he said. His voice had a kind tone to it, but it was still quite deep. When everyone was sited he continued.
"Alright everyone. My name is Mr Harino Zerf, but you can all call my Zerf. I'll be your new homeroom and maths teacher from now on," he said as he got out the class role and a pen.
"Now I'm not very good with names, so when I call you, would you please raise your hand so I can see what you look like, ok? Ok." He looked down and called out the first couple of names. Then he came to my name. "Um, lets see... Kariya?"
I raised my hand and clearly said, "here." He looked up from the role, and looked at me straight in the eyes. It was funny, but it didn't seem awkward, or weird. It was strange, but that look he gave me made my heart pound. He finally looked back down to the role, freeing me from his trance. My heart was still pounding in my chested.

Normal P.O.V

"Kariya, are you ok?" Tenma whispered after seeing Kariya's expression.
"Huh?" Kariya answered, still his eyes on Mr Harino.
"Uhh... Yeah. Yeah I'm... I'm fine..."
Tenma became concerned from Kariya response, and looked to Aoi to see if she felt the same. She had the same look on her face as Tenma from Kariya's response, and the two of them looked at their friend as he continued to watch their teacher.
"What's wrong with Kariya?" Shinsuke whispered.
"I don't really know," Aoi replied. "Do you know Tenma?"
"No, I don't," Tenma said.


For the rest of homeroom and the first two periods of maths, Kariya tried his best to focus, but something kept forcing him to watch their class' new teacher. Something about him seemed familiar, like he know this man from somewhere before. Finally, the bell went for the end of class and everyone grabbed their books and headed outside for break.
"Kariya, are you coming?" Tenma asked, for their friend hadn't even moved in his sit.
"What? Oh... Yeah, I'll meet up with you later," Kariya replied.
"You sure?" Aoi asked.
"Yeah. Just go," Kariya said again.
Aoi looked at Tenma, then both left, leaving Kariya and Mr Harino.
Kariya knew he had seen this guy before. He got up, leaving his books on his desk, and walked over to his teacher at the front of the room.

"Um... Mr Harino?" Kariya said.
"I already said, you can call me Zerf," he said before turning around. "Oh, Kariya. Is something wrong?"
"Well... Yeah. I have this weird feeling that I've met you before," Kariya said.
Mr Harino chuckled slightly. "So you remember."
"What?" Kariya was completely confused.
"You're right. I've meet before, back when you were a lot younger. I was amazed to see you in this class. You've grown a lot since I last saw you."
Kariya was so surprised. He only fought he'd seen this man somewhere before. He never knew he had taught him before that day.
"So... Were you like a teacher to me when we first met or something?"
"Yes. Well sort of. I came to the orphanage you were staying at when you were little for a few weeks to teach you and the other children. At first you were quite shy, but then you seemed to like me the most out of everyone," he explained. "I came back a few months ago to see if you were still there, but I was told you had left. I was a little upset really."
Kariya looked away slightly, as he felt slightly embarrassed for this man's behaviour towards him.

"Listen Kariya," Mr Harino said. "This may seem a little strange, but that time I spent with you back in the orphanage was quite special to me. Do you think we would be able to spend some time together, just like back then?"
Kariya hadn't said a single word as Mr Harino spoke. He was in too much of surprise, shock and confusion. This man, who appears to know him very well, what's to spend time together after not seeing each other for years?
"Um... Sure I guess..." Kariya replied timidly.
Mr Harino smiled. "Ok cool. I'll see you tomorrow then," he said, messing up Kariya's hair, before heading towards the door.
Kariya was frozen, not knowing what to do. He quickly turned around to stop him, but he was gone. Kariya remembered nothing about this man, but he had this vibe to him that made Kariya really want to know more about him.

All done! I hope it was ok. I know there wasn't much action and that it was a bit short, but don't worry, I have a good plot going for the rest of the fic. I should have the next chapter up in maybe the next couple of days. If not by Thursday, I'll have it up on Saturday or Sunday. I'm also working on the next chapter of Simply Jealous which should also be up in the next couple of days I hope. But a new chapter should be up of either this or Simply Jealous by the end of the week. Well I hoped you liked it, and I'll see you soon. Have a good weekend :)