So this is my new story I will focus on Lia mostly, and I have plenty of idea on this one. Please forgive if my English isn't good, thanks. Hope you guys will enjoy it :)

It has been almost 18 years since the end of the Reaper War. The galactic community has been fully recovered. Peace has finally settled in the galaxy.

Tali and Shepard were living in their beach front house on Rannoch. They daughter; Lia'Shepard was just about to turn 18. Lia was adopted after the war was over, as they promised to Shala'Raan when her ship was destroyed.

Lia was the only child in their family. It was a strange think among Quarians since they reclaimed they homeworld. After the war, the one child law was forbidden, and even the conclave started to make a quick repopulation program. In the coming years a normal family had about 7 to almost 10 children, since the time of pregnancy was only about half a year.

Some went to even extreme measures like with the help from the Salarians they used gene therapy so they could get twins more often.

In the year 2200 the total Quarian population has reached 100 million. The Admiralty started to plan the recolonization of former planets in the coming decade.

During her childhood Lia didn't liked to be an only child. She felt like an outsider among the others. That is why she only had a very few friend, she mostly spend her time with her father and aunt Kasumi.

Tali was still an Admiral for a few years, she help with the building of the local firewalls and later became a teacher at a local school. Since her engineering skills were remarkable.

Shepard was still a spectre plus he also became a celebrity. During his time on Rannoch some Quarian officials ask him for a little help, to train their army. First he hesitated then he accepted it. Also he asked some friends in the Alliance for some training officers. For his surprise they sent James and Ashley.

The training was quite easy. At first they main task was to train other training officers, so more units can be recruited in lesser time.

Later Ashley had an idea about organizing some war games every year. It was always held during the day of the victory over the Geth and the reclaiming of Rannoch.

Lia always liked these shows, since her youth she wanted to join the army. Tali wasn't a fond of this plan, but Shepard backed her plan.


It was three o'clock in the afternoon Tali was still teaching at the school, while Shepard and Lia were at home target practicing. Lia had a natural talent with sniper rifles, and sub machine guns.

Shepard was throwing bottles in the air while she shot them without any mistake.

"Hey there little girl, you are starting to be a better shoot then Garrus."

"Well that's good, this year he will pay me 100 credits. I bet you."

"It will be fun to watch that's sure." He laughs as he throws another bottle.

"Dad! It's starting to be boring can we shot something else? I hate this."

"Not now, your mother will be home any minute, you know her. She still can't get over the fact that you are not the engineer type."

"I know..." Her voice was a little upset.

"Don't be upset dear, she still loves you, more than anything."

Then he hugged her. Her helmet wasn't on her face just the suit. She was wearing her grey coloured black stripped suit with three purple belts.

"This is so unfair..." She said with a little grim looking in his father's eyes.


"That you're not wearing any suit, it's not even better for me, that I don't wearing my mask..."

"So you are jealous?! Don't be, you have far better life than your mother had."

"I know, but I really want to feel the sand under my feet you know..."

"You will my dear, one day."

Suddenly the door opened, Tali had arrived. She was really tired it has been a rough day. She was wearing her full suit on, with her helmet on.

"Good to see you home Tali, how was your day?"

"John... please don't ask me it was terrible... these kids are real bosh'tets"

"What happened; Mom?" Lia sat next to her mother and hugged her.

"That little bosh'tet Arle and his little pal Rolad had hacked somehow my omni tool and activated Chitika von Paws it flew around every where even shot at one of the lamps... Keelah I never shouted on a kid like today."

Lia smiled so does Shepard. Then he headed to the kitchen.

"Tali are you hungry? I can cook you something, if you would like?"

"Yes that would be great."

Later at the dining table, they had they late time lunch. Lia was a little nervous; she wanted to tell her parents something big she had decided.

"Mom, Dad... I want to tell you something... it's important..."

"What is it Lia? Did you found a boy? Or something like that?" Tali was the first one to ask.

"No, not that... I.. I.. Will join the army."

"That's a great idea Lia, maybe you could be a very famous officer, and you got talent kid." Shepard said in a proud tone.

"Shepard! She is barely an adult, the army is too dangerous for her, and besides... she doesn't even started her pilgrimage!" Tali shouted at her husband.

"Mom...I know that and I studied about it, they will let me complete my pilgrimage and after that I will become a full member of the army. And beside relax, it will be okay."

"Tali..." Shepard grabbed her hand. "She can take care of herself I guarantee you about that, so please don't be so strict."

"Fine, but promise me that you won't do stupid things like your father did!"

"Mom... I'm not even a spectre... yet!" She looked at her father and smiled while saying that.

"When will you go to enlist yourself?" Shepard asked.

"In the morning, would you like to come with me? Please."

"Sure think." He smiled.

"Khmm... as you asked, I would really like to come with you, but there is work in the school..." Tali was a little angry at Lias decision.

The next day Shepard and Lia went straight to the recruiting office. He took a sit while her daughter was so nervous she couldn't stand in one place. They waited for about 15 minutes when they finally called her.

"Greetings, young girl! So you would like to sign up to the army?"

"Yes I would..." Her voice was shy.

"Excellent! May I ask your and your parents name, and age please?"

"I am Lia'Shepard nar Rannoch... my mother is Tali'Shepard vas Normandy and my father is..."

"Wait! You are Commander Shepard's daughter?" The registrators voice was full of excitement.

"Yes she is." Shepard stepped to the man.

"It's an honour to meet you commander, and it's most pleasant that your daughter is going to join us. May I assume she has some knowledge of combat training?"

"Well, we practiced for a while now, she can shot can take cover, use medigel and things like that."

"Well that means she's got her basic training."

The man now faced Lia, who was wearing her helmet, so nobody could see that she was flattered.

"So Miss is there any weapon you prefer?"

"Well...I... really like the sniper rifle..."

"I see, well if the commander agrees with me, I may suggest you to become a member of one of our infiltration team. What do you think?"

"It... will be good. Dad what is your opinion?"

"Well its suits you the best Lia, so yes it will be good for you."

"Then everything is settled we will meet you on Monday Lia'Shepard. I will just send the camps location to your omni tool... and we are done. Have a nice day! Goodbye"

Lia already exited the room, while Shepard stayed behind and went to the man.

"Can you somehow make it possible that no one finds out that she is my daughter? I don't want that because of me she will be treated differently."

"Of course we can manage that, and I understand your concerns."

"Thank you!"

After that he left the room.