In the town of Gravity Falls, secret societies and the government have decided that this town has too many secrets and powers. To keep the town folk in their place each year they will reap 24 children between the ages of 8 and 16 to fight to the death until one lone victor remains. Hence forth and evermore this pageant shall be called THE GRAVITY FALLS GAMES!
As the propaganda blared across the public access channels, the youths of Gravity Falls shook with fear, for the reaping will be tomorrow.
The whole town, even those in prison, gathered around a stage to hear which youth are going to be selected. Children clung to their parents in hope they are not chosen. They all stood in a clump, chatting amongst themselves. A large, plump woman sashed onto the stage. She looked in her mid twenties and on her feet were pink stilettos, two sizes too small. Her face was powdered white and stained with makeup. She was wearing a puffy pink dress with roses sown on. A glass bowl was carried onto stage and placed upon a podium. She stood in the middle holding a microphone. Many guards stood to attention keeping the youths in place. The town fell silent.
"My name is Effie Trinket and this year I have the honours of choosing the first ever participants of the Gravity Falls Games!" She bellowed to her audience of troubled youths and worried parents.
"I shall pick 24 cards out of this bowl, each of which with a youths name on." She dived her hand into the glass bowl and pulled out the first named card. She broke the seal and read out the first name. "Matthew Jeffery!"
Heads in the sea of kids turned to look at a young boy. He walked slowly , head down, followed by five guards. Matthew walked quietly onto stage.
"Our first ever contestant!" Effie spoke. "How does it feel?"
She held the microphone to the boy's mouth. He kept silent.
"Matthew Jeffery everyone!" She clapped as the boy was ushered through the door behind her.
Effie Trinket smiled again, with big fascia lips, and pulled out the name of the second tribute.
"Pacifica Northwest!"
Pacifica's smile crumbled from her face as her name was called.
"No way am I going up there! And no way am I going into the games either! They can't make me, I'm the richest person in Gravity Falls!" She protested.
Two guards grabbed her and dragged her onto stage and through the doors.
Soon after , Pacifica's two best friend's were called up, Natalie and Patricia. As well as Robbie and his friends, Lee, Nate, Thompson and Tambry.
Next, the cute little kid, Gorney was reaped.
"Am I going to die?" He asked as her was dragged away from his parents.
Effie then called out two more names: Candy and Grenda. Mabel began to cry when her two best friends were taken away. She couldn't bare lose either of them, let alone both.
Multiple names were called. There was three unfortunate places yet to be reaped.
"Gideon Gleeful!" Effie announced
"NO!" Gideon screamed "NO! Get off!" He cried and protested as he was thrown through the doors.
Effie stared, quite shocked at the display before her, before calling out the next name.
"Mabel Pines!"
Mabel's completion turned snow white, and her eyes began swelling up with tears.
"Me?" She whimpered. Mabel turned to face Dipper
"Don't let them take me! Please Dipper, don't let them kill me!" she cried as she was dragged away.
"Mabel" Dipper cried.
But Dipper wasn't going to let his sister face it alone.
The last name was called.
"Amy Trott!"
"I volunteer!" Dipper called over the crowed "I volunteer as tribute!"
"Oh we have a volunteer!" Effie announced, surprised. "And your name is?"
"Dipper Pines!"
He was then taken through the doors...
List of tributes reaped in order (You might want to read to get an idea of the story):
Matthew- OC
Gorney- Kid from summerween
Shmipper- Dipper look alike
Smabel- Mabel look alike
Thank you for reading our Gravity Falls Games
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GravityFallsGirl22 x
Lil ol Gravity Falls :)