November 11th, 2013

"MJ, we're coming out!"

The door to the bank bursts open as Michael and Franklin hurry down the stairs. Melody yanks back the charge lever with a loud snap as she peers down the scope through her yellow shooters glasses. She presses the stock against her shoulder as she adjusts herself in her position perched high atop the bridge stanchion.

The bank was over eight hundred yards away, and the wind makes the papers in her data book whip a little before she drops one of the .308 caliber rounds onto them.

A security guard barrels through the doors behind them as Melody Jayne's finger brushes the trigger. The weapon bucks as the round ejects and before she could exhale the round tears through the guard's skull and blows his brains all over the large glass window. She clicks the large button attached to her tactical vest.

"You're clear." Michael slides over the hood as he swings himself into the front seat and starts the engine.

"We're in MJ, get the hell out of there."

"Roger that." Melody stuffs her data book into her backpack and slings the rifle over her neck as she grabs ahold of the carabiner attached to a long length of rope and jumps.

The wind echoes in her ears as the ground rushes towards her, Melody yanks on the line just before she impacts and nimbly flips upright landing half crouched on the asphalt.

"Are you clear yet?" Melody jogs over to her car dumping the rifle and her backpack in the passenger seat as she looks around just before sliding behind the wheel of the modified Feltzer.

The engine roars to life and her tires squeal as they catch traction. The transmission audibly pops just before the blow off valves hiss as she shifts into second and accelerates over the bridge, glancing down at her speedometer. 90...110...

"I'm working on it." Melody downshifts and revs the engine as she weaves around one car that blows its horn at her before braking hard and whipping the car around a sharp corner off the bridge and onto the city streets.

"How far are you behind us?" She glances down at her phone a purple dot indicating Michael's car, she yanks hard on the e-brake and guns the car down an alley.

"Forty five seconds." 55...60... Melody jams the brake pedal to the floor with both feet as she twists the wheel hard weaving inbetween two manicured palm trees in the center median missing a minivan by inches before depressing the clutch shifting and gunning her way down the street.

"We've got heat." Franklin's voice comes over the headset as Melody tightens her grip on the steering wheel the car catching air as she bounces over the top of a hill. She almost cracks her head on the window as she lands the tires screeching as they catch traction on the blacktop again and Melody sees their tail lights in the distance, the cops in pursuit.

"Fifteen seconds." She weaves around a car just as it slams on its brakes and guns the engine to the apex of a sharp curve letting it coast and downshifting as she twists the wheel into the exit apex gunning the car, accelerating into the draft of the trailing police car.

"I'm here."

"Can you do anything about that car?"

"On it." She can see the officer looking at her through his rearview mirror just before she swings the car out and accelerates until the nose is even with his rear tire. She spins the wheel hard gunning the engine forcing the cop into a wild spin as she tries to break away but fails and gets clipped.

The car begins spinning wildly as Melody downshifts once, then twice trying to steer her way into the skid and revs the engine again. She grits her teeth as she manages to pull out of the spin just in time for her to catch the corner of a cement guard rail. She feels the car go weightless and her rifle goes flying the stock hits her in the head and everything goes black.

"Man hurry that shit up!" Franklin's panicked voice echoes in her ears, his voice sounded a thousand miles away as her driver's side window explodes.

"MJ?" Michael's boots, then leather gloved hand, then Michael's face appears as he kneels and looks in the car. The sounds of gunfire could be heard in her earpiece and just beyond the car.

"Franklin she's alive hold them off as long as you can." Michael pulls a knife from his boot as he crawls half into the car over the broken glass.

"I think I had an accid-ent." She manages, her words were slightly slurred and her voice trails off as her eyes roll back then close. Michael smirks to himself as he cuts her seatbelt and hauls Melody out of the turned over and wrecked car. He pulls her clear of it and lifts her up under the arms, pulling her into the backseat and shutting the door.

"I got her Franklin let's go!" Michael shoves himself behind the wheel and slams the accelerator to the floor as Franklin turns and ducks behind the wheel of his own car.