Rating: G
Spoilers: None
Character/Pairing: Caesar Flickerman
Author's Note: Based off the fact that Katniss sensed that Caesar was also trying to help her.
Warnings: None
Summary: Caesar Flickerman makes tributes shine. A character study.


Caesar Flickerman makes tributes shine. A one or an eleven or an impossible twelve, for three minutes they are all equal on his stage. For many it's the only three minutes of attention they'll get the entire Games, including their death, but he treats them just the same as he treats the crowd favorites.

It's not act of rebellion. He has spoken to Snow many times over the years and they are in complete agreement: the Games are necessary. But anybody who has any contact with the tributes at all knows they are just children, even the oldest and most frightening ones. Caesar couldn't have done his job for four years, let alone over forty, without learning that lesson. Those children, sent off for the awful task of keeping their country at peace at such a price, deserve his kindness and respect.

The least he can do is give them three minutes. Three minutes to have his utmost attention, three minutes to remind Panem that every tribute is human.