Chapter two is here. This is set before the anime and is based on Munakata's history with Mikoto. Intensely MikoRei, don't read if you don't like.

Once again I own nothing, but the idea is mine so please don't "burrow" it. If you're interested, I wrote this listening to thinkin bout you and oblivion (Bastille) and Could you bite the hand and Heaven's not enough (Steve Conte). Please review, criticism is needed :) now enjoy!

The blue king glanced up from his work as the door handle of his office began to quake. Rising voices echoed in and the most prominent among them the female voice of Awashima Seri. Someone was trying to yank the door open while she attempted to keep it closed.

"You have no appointment with the Captain, you must wait like everyone else." He heard her saying. "I must request if you do not desist from your destructive action I will be forced to take action and use force to restrain you." There were more muffled shouts from people further away and the rattling of the door ceased. Munakata relaxed back in his chair to realize his heart rate had picked up and his hand was closed over the handle of his saber. He picked up his pen about to sign an agreement for some power bill when he heard a yell from outside his office. It was cut off as red aura poured through the seams between the door and doorframe before it was blown off its hinges, singeing the walls and flooring and smashing to pieces against the far wall. Reisi stood, hand firmly grasped on his saber, ready to draw it at the slightest of danger. More members of Scepter 4 were shouting as the destructive figure stepped into Munakata's office. The officers hesitantly followed, flooding in behind him; sabers drawn and aura's flashing. Yet the lone, smoldering red figure stood in the center of the room unflinching from their swords and auras. The red haired man grinned.
"Mikoto-san, what is going on? You can't just come rampaging in here without consequences!" The Captain said firmly.
"Why? Is it wrong to wish to visit a fellow king whenever I please?" Mikoto said innocently, however any innocence in his voice was lost due to the fact it sounded like it could have from the center of the earth itself.
"Yes, you should be aware of that. You can't just come into my headquarters, destroying things and frightening my officers purely because you want to visit me." He nodded to his brave Scepter 4 members and worried second in command. He could feel the fear and anxiousness emanating off of them just like their auras.
"Thank you, you may leave us, I'll handle this… do not come back unless summoned." His clansmen bowed and filed out of his room, Awashima Seri being the last to leave.
Munakata dropped back into his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. He let out a deep sigh.
"Mikoto-san, what am I going to do with you?" He said wearily. The red haired man smirked.
"I'm not kidding. You couldn't just visit me when I was at home could you? You have to create a huge drama about it." Mikoto walked over to Munakata's desk and leaned across it so that he was face to face with the blue king. He cocked his head to the side as he studied Munakata's face. It was as if he found it fascinating, which was strange because they'd known each other since they were in high school. And they knew everything about the other. That knowledge had intensified since they started to have romantic encounters with one another.
"Would you get off my desk… and stop staring at me like that! Do you want my whole clan to find out we've been sleeping together because it won't be long after that your clan will find out." Munakata snapped and Mikoto pushed himself away from the desk. He mumbled an appreciative thanks and went back to his paperwork, pretending the other king wasn't there. When Mikoto didn't get the attention he wanted he stalked around the desk and pushed Munakata's chair back and straddled his lap.
"You're really attention seeking." Munakata muttered as the red haired man pressed his lips against his.
"Stop—" he argued and the other man did it again.
"I said stop, I don't want my clan seeing this... Also you're really heavy." Mikoto didn't get off but he pulled away to scrutinize the blue king.
"That's not what you say when we're in bed. —Leave early and let's go back to your apartment." He said seductively, pressing constant touches of his lips over the entirety of one cheek. He ran a finger down the length of Munakata's face pausing at a point below his chin so he could lift Munakata's face to meet his. He kissed the other man's lips and climbed off his lap.
"I'll go out through the window, so it doesn't look suspicious to your clan."
"Mikoto-san l never agreed to meet you at my apartment and besides even if I wanted to I have to clean up this mess you made." Munakata retorted, gesturing to the blackened and beat up walls then the shards of door in an messy pile, like an abandoned puzzle in the corner. The entryway was scorched too, the whole room would stink of smoke and need to be re painted and doorway would need to be replaced along with a new door.
"Hmmph, I'll be at your apartment." The man's aura grew and flickered around him like a heat haze. Glass shattered and when Munakata looked to where the red king had just been all that was left was a burnt and blackened hole where the window used to be. Munakata sighed and shook his head. One visit and one man; who was there for a total of ten minutes; had put two holes in his office and the whole room needed to be replaced.
"Thanks for nothing you red headed bastard." He cursed under his breath. After a determined yank the stubborn drawer in his desk opened and he dropped the files in. No way was he going to get any work done, not after Mikoto's visit. His swivel chair complained as he stood, it probably wasn't thankful Mikoto's added weight. He began to clear through the broken pieces of door to see exactly what damage had become of his office. The door was a wreck, like an ancient pirate ship, the walls would need extensive scrubbing, re-plastering and and painting. And the small bookcase which had taken the brunt of the impact had virtually imploded on itself, most of the books on it were unsalvageable. He'd leave it till tomorrow and clean it up when his conscious was clear. There was no way he could work while knowing Mikoto was at his apartment alone. That was the one thing he didn't need burning down to the ground right now.
But if he was leaving early he needed an excuse other than: the red king is in my apartment, waiting to climb into bed with me. He swallowed hard and strode out of the room, he was never good at acting but he had to fool his clan into thinking he had something important to attend to. Just as he was leaving his office Munakata collided with his Vice Commander as she bustled around the corner. Both were surprised and caught off guard but Munakata was the first to regain his composure.
"Vice commander," he addressed.
"C— Captain, forgive me for being careless and not watching where I was going, I just came to check that the red king was not making any hostile actions towards you." She said, standing straight with a pink glow on her cheeks, embarrassed by her carelessness.
"No he only busted another hole in the wall, destroying the window." Awashima nodded and looked at her Captain more carefully.
"Captain, are you sure he did not demonstrate any hostility towards you, your right cheek is bright red like he struck your face." She said kindly. She could be cold and unloving as the Homra bartender named her; "The Heartless Woman" but she could be as kind as anyone. Munakata didn't flinch but he could feel the heart radiating from the area she named. It was from the red king's heated kisses; his skin was always hot to touch, it came from his fire-like aura.
"No he didn't maybe a rogue tongue of his aura struck me while I wasn't paying attention. I'll be leaving now anyway, I need to chase him up about paying for the damage. I'll begin the clean up tomorrow. Only let my men patch up the hole. Goodnight Vice Commander." And with that he continued his way down the hall without looking back. As he exited the building he reached into his uniform pocket to retrieve his keys. He aimed the button in the direction of where he knew his car was parked and was a little surprised when he didn't hear the familiar click of the doors unlocking. He peered up and could have screamed in rage. Instead he only rolled his head back and let out a deep, loud groan. His car was still there; well the wheels were as was the base but other than that nothing resembled the cheap buzz box he owned. The roof was completely gone, melted down along with all the interior and engine. The walls were melted, everything was just a glowing hot mess.
Reisi's eyes narrowed. "I'm going to kill that bastard." He pocketed his keys and began in the direction of his apartment. If that wasn't still standing in one piece the red king would die a slow and painful death.

It wasn't a far walk really; only a few blocks but he was still pissed. He liked that car. He had memories associated with it. Then as he stormed into the lobby of his apartment complex he paused in front of the elevator.
"Out of order" a sign in his land lord's hand writing was stuck on the door of it.
"You are kidding me!" He cursed. As he began up the stairs to his apartment he thought of all the ways he was going to kill Mikoto. Then he was cursing himself for choosing such a high level room, at least he had his fitness that would get him up the many, many, many flights of stairs.

Finally he stumbled over to the door of his apartment. He wasn't out of breath but his body was stressed and exhausted and over-working himself wasn't all that good for his health either. He paused at the door, his tired fingers fumbling over the keys. The door just down the corridor opened and his young neighbour emerged. He offered Munakata a polite smile and a wave of the hand. Then his eyes widened slightly, like he was remembering something. He dashed back inside before quickly reappearing with a bundle of envelopes in one hand. He tossed them to Munakata who caught them, surprising himself with his reflexes. They often picked up one another's mail for the other.
"And before I forget I saw a man go in there earlier. Red hair, six-foot, white t-shirt and jeans; a friend of yours?" The guy asked, he had one of those gorged earrings, one that stretched the lobe.
Munakata shook his head. "No not a friend but I know him, thank you." After exchanging a nod of farewell they both went back inside their separate rooms. The second Munakata's door was shut he growled. Searching his apartment with his eyes for the flame haired bastard who said he would be there. He found the man in question fast asleep on his bed.
"You melted my car!" He shouted. "And by god you probably stuffed up the elevator too just to piss me off more. Bloody hell, what on earth has been going on in your head!" When the red haired perpetrator didn't even stir it only infuriated Munakata further. He flung his coat and saber onto the coatrack at his door and kicked his shoes off. He picked one up and threw it at Mikoto, then he threw the other hitting his back with the first and the second one bounced off his head.
"Get out of my house!" He shouted and the slumbering man stirred. Then he got comfy and his body relaxed again. Munakata, infuriated to boiling point crossed his tiny space in a matter of strides and leaped onto the bed. He was straddling Mikoto's back and he flipped the man beneath him and began punching his chest, throwing all his energy into each fist that made contact. Mikoto sniggered but didn't make a move to stop Munakata. He didn't even open his eyes, it was like he couldn't feel the other man hitting him. Seeing red Munakata's punches began to slow and grow weaker; his energy running out. Finally he slumped forward; short of breath and still angry. That's when Mikoto opened his eyes.
He grabbed the raging king's wrists and rolled them so that he was on top and Munakata's arms were pinned above his head with only one of Mikoto's hands. His other hand pulled on his shirt so that it became untucked and slid beneath, his fingers sliding over Munakata's smooth washboard muscles. The blue king growled and struggled against the other mans grip. But ultimately he had no choice but to go along with the red king's actions, he had no energy to fight back and was in no position to escape. He kept glowering at him, hoping to hurt the red king with his dagger eyes. It didn't work and Mikoto smiled. He only did that when one of two things was happening or was about to happen: when they fought; king against King or he was teasing Munakata and they were about to have a romantic encounter.
"I love it when you're mad." He said, his deep voice like a purr in Munakata's chest.
"You love making me mad!" He snapped and the red king gave a low laugh.
"That's half the fun." His hand exited Munakata's shirt and he tore it open, ripping the thin material and sending buttons scuttling in all directions. Munakata groaned scoring himself another smirk.
"You could have just unbuttoned it or asked me to. But it doesn't matter, I won't have you tonight. Get off me and get out of my house." He was too tired to raise his voice and Mikoto had focused most his weight on Munakata's lap and all that muscle didn't make for a light weight parter, he was slowly making the blue king's breaths come shallower and shallower.
"Yes you will, you'll have me tonight. You can never say no to me and you're not in any position to stop me from wanting you."
The blue king wriggled some more but it didn't to anything but pin him more firmly between the red king and the bed. He sighed and looked up at the red menace loathly. Mikoto only grinned and dropped his head, crushing his mouth against the other man's. Munakata fought to resist the other man as Mikoto tried to part his lips. Mikoto growled when his attempts failed. He pulled away and grabbed the open edges of the blue kings shirt. Munakata gasped as his shirt was forcibly torn from his body and thrown to the floor. He sat up so his head was virtually beneath the other man's and opened his mouth to complain about the disrespect he was being shown. Before he got a word out Mikoto descended, his hand taking control of his Munakata's jaw and forcing the others open lips upon his own. They went down, the bed groaning beneath their weight and he felt Mikoto's tongue slide over his own. He shivered; unsure whether it was from pleasure or displeasure. He felt Mikoto's hands over his torso, the nails scraping over his skin like he wanted to peel it away. Munakata pulled away as best he could when the red head kept his teeth biting into Munakata's lower lip.
"You're such a temptation." He mumbled.
"You're such a distraction." Mikoto replied and went to kiss the other man again. This time Munakata stopped him.
"What?" He said holding Mikoto back by his shoulders.
He chuckled low, his voice like a cat from the savanna's, purr in Munakata's chest. "Never you mind. Now shut up and save the chit chat for the morning." He broke Munakata's hold like it was nothing and pressed his chapped lips against his. Munakata's fight back against his tongue was pitiful and Mikoto once again dominated. Munakata's thin fingers found the hem of the other's shirt and Mikoto allowed him to lift it over his head. Then it too was discarded and dropped onto the floor. They kissed long and hard and when they broke, both were panting heavily against the other.
"Why do you do this?" Munakata rasped. Mikoto gave another deep chuckle and twined his calloused fingers in his silky indigo bangs. With him this close and his rational thinking back Munakata could smell the cigarettes on him, and the strong scene the Homra bar left on the other's skin.
"Don't fight me." Mikoto said in a loud whisper, his deep and husky voice more like a sexy growl. Munakata seethed, he wanted to burn the man down. Yet he wanted to be ravished to a further extent than what was already being demonstrated. His aura surged, and he saw Mikoto smirk. The said man enticed his own aura to flare up, creating a purple atmosphere around them. The blue king wet his lips, swiping his tongue over the chapped skin. When did that happen? He wondered and looked to his fellow kings lips; they were chapped too. It must have been the heat from the red kings aura that caused it. Mikoto caught Munakata's action and glance and Mikoto leaned down to wet the other's lips for him, even though he'd just done it himself.
"If you want, your lips won't be the only thing that I make wet tonight." Mikoto arched an eyebrow and Munakata shuddered.
"That's disgusting." The blue king said and the flame haired man smirked. His fingers slowly began to trail down the blue kings front, snaking past his navel and delving past the waistband of his trousers. Munakata caught his hand, eyes widening at the red king's persistence.
"Woah… stop! I'll make a deal with you. You can ravish me tonight, in what ever way you want and I won't complain— but! The pants stay on and I am allowed to get some sleep before work tomorrow, deal?" Mikoto groaned however he made a reluctant nod of his head and mumbled something about "a deal". Munakata grinned and flipped the other man. He was finally on top and when he crushed his mouth down on the flame haired man's and achieved dominance. He moaned into Mikoto's mouth and felt strong hands come down on his waist, pulling his body hard against the other man's so that their hips were level. Their new position meant Munakata could feel everything about his partners form; everything. At that thought he heard Mikoto chuckle. Neither complained about the situation, until Munakata's attention to his position slipped and Mikoto merely took it as his window to take back his dominance crown. And flipped Munakata back to his original position. As the red king went to straddle the other man his knee misjudged the distance and hit the other man's crotch. Munakata gasped and without an apology Mikoto righted himself and forcibly grabbed hold of Munakata's shoulders. His calloused fingers dug deep into the flesh and the blue king sighed pleasurably as his back arched and he felt the man above him's stomach on his own. Mikoto lurched his head down and ran his mouth over the other mans neck, throat, collarbones, chest and shoulders. He bit down on the skin of Munakata's neck and for a while didn't even bother sucking, he just buried his teeth in deeper. When he was done he drew his tongue across Munakata's jaw making him shiver. He liked making Munakata quake, he liked teasing him.
It was always this way, no date, no proper conversation, just this. Just a night where they would ravish one another. When they would sleep together and forget about it the next day. Well he would, maybe it meant more to Munakata. Did Munakata think they were in love? Mikoto didn't, he didn't love anyone. Yes, he cared or his clan, that he respected and looked out for, but was it love? He wasn't sure, he felt an overprotectiveness for Totsuka and Anna and Izumo he had known forever, but was that love? Eh, why did he care right now, all that mattered was the submissive man beneath him.
He gives himself to me too easily, Mikoto thought as he engaged his fellow king in a powerful kiss that could have lasted hours. Which, it could of because all too soon the flame haired man was watching the sunrise beside his sleeping partner. He sat up with his back to the headboard and elbows on his brought up knees. Glancing down at his torso he noticed the neat circular marks Munakata had left on his torso, now turning a bluish-purple. The man to his left stirred as he raked his fingers through his messy hair. Should he leave before his partner woke? Should he wake him up? Just for good measure should he burn down the other king's apartment? Knowing it would be best if he just left he let Munakata continue sleeping while he went in search of his shirt. The sleeping, indigo haired man must have noticed a stir in his surroundings because he shifted from his position on his side to one on his stomach. His eyes lazily opened and he eyed the flame haired man with a groggy-calmness.
"Going so soon?" He rasped. Mikoto didn't reply but he found his shirt on the carpet flooring and pulled it on. As he moved for the door Munakata called out to him.
"I don't even get a kiss goodbye?" His tone was supposed to be incredulous but it didn't fully hide the real hurt in his words. Mikoto almost took some joy in watching the other man flinch when he told him, "no." And he continued for the door.
"Lunch then?" Mikoto stopped again.
"What?" He barely even bothered to arch an eyebrow.
"Will you take me out for lunch then? There's no use in being lovers if the only time we interact is in the bedroom." He gave a sleepy smile and Mikoto felt a pang of something inside him, was it guilt?
Shit, he thought, the bastard actually thinks I have feelings for him.
He chose his next words carefully, and after a long pause ripped out the heart of the other man.
"Lovers? No. Reisi I don't love you. I don't love anyone, not even my own clan. You are not a person I care deeply about. You're a toy to me, —an item to offer me pleasure in an otherwise boring world." He paused, "… you should have known this all along Munakata, why would you believe that I love you?" Hurt swept across Munakata's face like wind over water and his hands made fists in the blankets.
"Because… I'm in love… with you." The last words shook, betraying him and his bottom lip quivered. Mikoto sighed and twisted the door handle letting himself out without a last glance. Munakata stared after him, wishing he would step back inside and say he was sorry and that he loved him back. But he knew he wouldn't. He knew Mikoto wasn't coming back. His eyes filled up with tears and he scolded himself for it. His pain turned into hatred, how could he be so foolish? He should have know Mikoto was only using him. A toy, that's all he was. He hated the man, hated him with a passion but part of him told him he could never fully hate him, part of him would always love that bastard red king. With a bitter sigh he got out of bed and began his morning ritual, already late and without his car he was going to be even later. He buckled the belt on his trousers and called Seri to tell her he would be late. Or more realistically late by his standards, he was always overly prompt to arrive at Headquarters. With a final look in his bathroom mirror to make sure he looked as formal as everyday he began his way to work, taking the winding stairs down to the ground level. Once he was out on the street and in the chilly winter air he began thinking about what Mikoto had said to him. His mind began replaying what he had said like a broken record stuck on repeat, the most loud and prominent line; you're a toy to me. He thought back to the way he felt at that exact moment. Hurt, betrayal, guilt, shame and regret all mixed together in a concoction devised by one man. And as the damaged king made his way down the street with the first flakes of snow falling from the grey sky he decided upon one thing: he was never going to treat anyone as he had been. No one deserved to feel that same shame of rejection as he had.