/I wrote while high and edited while sober. True it was just a couple shots of vodka and two beers but still. Anyyywayyyy, here's your last chapter. Thank you for everything I love love love all of you! Muax! Much love :D/

Today was the day…Dean tapped his fingers against the counter. Cup-A-Cabana was pretty busy today, and he was serving up hot cocoa and coffee left, right and centre. Castiel was still nowhere in sight, and between making beverages, Dean was starting to get impatient. He loved that idiot, but sometimes Castiel had the tendency to get caught up in a random book at the library, and he so did not want to be kept waiting on the day that he was making his Big Romantic Gesture.

"Hello, Dean." Dean had been too caught up in his daydreaming to notice that Castiel had walked right in.

"Hey Cas!" Dean gave him a quick kiss over his immaculately clean counter. A few of his regulars whooped and even wolf-whistled but he ignored them, with an eye roll. "The usual?"

Castiel smiled, his eyes shining. "Yes, please."

Castiel wandered over to Gabriel to chat, and Dean thanked God for the distraction, working fast on Castiel's special cocoa. He added extra whipped cream, just the way Castiel liked it, then dropped in one last ingredient, his heart clenching in anticipation. Giving it a swirl with a candy cane, Dean handed the cup to Castiel with a smile. "Order up!"

Castiel took a long, happy sip, giving Dean a dopey smile when he caught his boyfriend watching him intently. Suddenly, Castiel got this funny look on his face. Muttering to himself, he dipped long fingers into the sugary beverage and extracted something metallic. Utterly confused, Castiel cocked his head, and stared at the foreign object. He gazed at Dean like a lost puppy. "Dean, is this a key?"

Dean cleared his throat. "Well, you know, you're supposed to go back to Maine in a week, and I just thought maybe-"

Dean wondered later if things would have been easier for him if Gabriel hadn't chosen to open his big mouth right at that second.

"Holy shit!" Gabriel stared at him, his jaw slack. "Are you proposing, Dean?"

There was a pin-drop silence in the café, as everyone waited for Castiel's answer. Dean's cheeks burned. "Cas, it's an extra key to my apartment. I uh…I wanted to know if you'd maybe like to move in with me." The last few words came out in a jumbled rush, but even if the triumphant, joyous and hungrily possessive look hadn't been indicative of Castiel's feelings towards moving in with him, his answer definitely was.

"Of course, I'll move in with you Dean." Castiel scoffed. "As if I was going back to Maine without you."

Dean couldn't get past the counter fast enough to kiss his beloved. As soon as his lips pressed against Castiel's, a huge cheer went up in the café.

Gabriel shooed them out, with a big grin. "I'll call Sammy in for help, you guys go on now. Be romantic." As they hurried out, their arms tight around each other, Gabriel called, "Use condoms!"

Castiel looked like he wanted to sink into the floor, but Dean laughed and bundled him out. They'd get Gabriel back later. For now, Dean just wanted to spend some time with Castiel.

They drove up to Hendrik Point again, but this time, as they watched the sun set in brilliant hues of orange, red and violet over the bay, Dean held Castiel in his arms.

"So here's where you fell in love with me huh?" Dean inhaled Castiel's clean scent, resting his cheek in his soft ebony hair.

"Yes, Dean." There was fond exasperation in Castiel's voice. "As I have told you countless times."

"Tell me again." Dean murmured.

"You brought me here, to see the Golden Gate Bridge, and I looked at you." Castiel stroked Dean's arms which were wound tightly around his waist, leaning his head back so it rested against Dean's chest. "You were so beautiful and bright. It happened so quickly, I was stunned. I was scared because I thought you were unlikely to return my feelings. I am glad that I was wrong." Castiel sighed.

"I wanted to kiss you." Dean told him, combing Castiel's hair back with his fingers. "I didn't let myself do it though. I should have."

"It matters not." Castiel told him firmly. "You are here with me, and that is all I can ever ask for."

"Is that really all you want, Cas? Am I really what you want?" Dean asked, his voice faltering slightly. He just couldn't believe his luck.

"I love you Dean. You're all I want." Castiel informed him.

"Then I'm here for as long as you want me." Dean told him, both stunned and humbled by Castiel's open admission of love.

"I will always want and need you."

"Then I'll always be here."

"I can't believe Dean and Cas are moving in together." Sam murmured to Gabriel as he waited for his early morning coffee. "It seems so fast.."

Gabriel grinned. "Castiel got all his stuff down within a week."

Sam glanced over at his brother. He was showing Castiel how to work the coffee machine, his eyes crinkling as he watched Castiel. "I've never seen him so happy."

Gabriel stole a look at Sam, loving the way his eyes turned a beautiful milk chocolate when it caught the sun's rays. "You wanna know something?" He began conversationally.

"Yeah?" Sam asked, distractedly.

"I liked you the minute Dean introduced us."

Sam glanced at him sharply. "Are you kidding?"

"Nope." Gabriel chuckled. "Why do you think I was flirting with you all those years?"

"Didn't you do that with everyone?" Sam asked, mystified.

"Did you ever see me doing that with anyone else?" Gabriel pointed out.

"Well, no…but…" Sam frowned.

"There you go." Gabriel kissed Sam. "I feel pretty damn lucky."

"Oh, Gabe…" Sam's eyes softened and he pressed a palm to Gabriel's cheek. "I didn't take you seriously. I'm so sorry."

Gabriel sighed and leaned into his touch.

"Castiel?" Gabriel hazily registered the voice, but something seemed familiar about it…then it clicked. Horror, anxiety and guilt swirled in his mind, and he snapped away from Sam to locate the source of that voice.

"Michael?" His voice was hoarse and lacking its usual jocularity.

"Gabriel." Michael smiled at him, kindly. "It is nice to see you again."

A/N: I'm using Matthew Cohen as Michael xD

"You look well." Gabriel managed, with a smile. Taking off his apron, he went out to greet his ex.

Sam stepped beside Gabriel, protectively twining his fingers with Gabriel's. He smiled at him gratefully. Michael took in the sight of their clasped hands, and his eyes lit with relief and understanding. Michael grinned at him, real joy in his green eyes. Gabriel was surprised. Michael was genuinely happy for him. He could not have picked a better man to be his first love.

Gabriel, in that moment, felt the scars fading. Seeing Michael was a sort of closure, realizing that they were both happy because Gabriel had left, and they had gone their separate ways and both found love. In that moment, Gabriel understood destiny, and its ambiguous nature. He accepted his choices and relished the fruit of his path. Gabriel looked at Sam and he knew where his heart was.

Michael smiled knowingly. "As do you, Gabriel."

Castiel embraced his brother. "Michael, this is Dean."

Michael shook hands with Dean, solemnly. "I trust you've been taking care of my little brother."

"Of course." Dean threw a loving glance at Castiel.

Gabriel tugged on Sam's hand, gesturing with his head to the backroom. He wasn't interested in the in-law business and he needed to talk to Sam.

"Are you okay?" Sam murmured. He was slightly worried about Gabriel and also a teeny bit afraid that Gabriel was still in love with Michael.

Gabriel smiled, beatifically, his eyes filled with awe. "I love you Sam."

"What?" Sam asked bewildered.

"I love you. Not Michael. I looked at him, and I felt nothing." Gabriel laughed, caressing Sam's cheek with the back of his hand.

Sam's smile was like the sun coming out on a rainy day. "No one has ever said that to me before." He said, in a low voice, amazed.

"I love you, Sammy." Gabriel murmured. He brushed his lips against Sam's jaw. "I love you."

Sam looked at him differently. There was a light in his eyes that had never been there before and he brushed Gabriel's hair back, with a contented smile. "I love you Gabe."

Gabriel was thankful. He'd come to San Francisco with nothing. No money, no job, no friends, no family. Yet now he had everything he could possibly ask for. Dreams did come true. He held Sam close, not moving, and not saying a word. He didn't need words to show Sam what he felt. He hadn't needed Sam's words to know his love. It was in everything he did, everything he said. Gabriel could feel the selfless adoration that Sam exuded towards Gabriel, and it made him feel like he was the only one in the world. He loved Sam for that, for being the person he was and for making Gabriel work towards the person he could and wanted to be.

Finally, Gabriel was insanely happy. He'd taken a path he had been unsure of. He'd put his heart up to be hurt. He'd trusted. He'd loved.

He wouldn't have it any other way.

"Dean." Castiel shuddered, pinching Dean hard.

"Ow!" Dean managed to look slightly wounded. "What was that for?"

Dean had just been kissing Castiel's neck, his thumb flicking his lover's nipples through his shirt. Castiel turned around, face prettily flushed, nipples hard through his white shirt, his hands cupping Dean's butt. Dean smirked at the faked irritation in his boyfriend's eyes.

"We'll have company any minute now!"

"So?" Dean swooped in, silencing Castiel with a kiss, plunging his tongue into the sweet depths with a hunger that never ceased. "Baby, I missed you."

Castiel swatted him, laughing as he broke the kiss. "Dean, you had a café to run, and I had a book to write. Besides, you came upstairs several times while Gabriel manned the counter, don't forget."

Dean groaned and kissed Castiel's pink lips. "Can't we cancel? I wanna be with you tonight."

"No!" Castiel protested. "Christmas dinner with Sam and Gabriel has been tradition for three years now!"

Dean licked the other man's neck. "I don't have a choice, do I?"

Castiel rolled his eyes. "You cannot fool me, my love. I know you enjoy Christmas, perhaps more than Sam."

"I love you." Dean chuckled, his eyes burning into Castiel's.

The love of his life met his gaze with fiery passion and tenderness. The emotions in his eyes stopped Dean's heart.

"And I love you."

"Always?" Dean ran his fingers over Castiel's jawline.

"Always." Castiel confirmed.

Dean beamed. Castiel was the best Christmas present he'd ever had.