/I tried to do equal amounts destiel and sabriel in this fic because I really like both. xD Note: I do not ship Balthazar/Sam, I just didn't want to put in an OMC so I put in Balthazar instead. Enjoy! Concrit is appreciated. R&R and follow me or check out my other fics if you want more :D/

Dean absolutely hated waking up on cold, rainy mornings in San Francisco. In fact, he despised it. Unfortunately for him, winter weather brought plenty of such mornings, and this particular morning shower signaled the beginning of the later half of November and the arrival of winter. His alarm didn't really help matters, and he groaned into his pillow. As it was he hadn't gotten much sleep last night. Dean smirked at the memory of the cute blonde he'd picked up at the bar last night. She'd been a good ride, even though Dean didn't remember her name. Maybe Candi or something like that. Either way, he'd snuck out of her apartment at 3AM in the morning and caught a cab back to his apartment which was conveniently located right above his café.

Stretching, Dean tumbled out of bed and onto the carpet of his bachelor pad, which quite effectively woke him up. He went through the usual routine: brushed his teeth, showered, got dressed, ate a bagel along with a cup of black coffee and ran down the stairs to open shop. He was proud of his café, which Sam had suggested he name Cup-A-Cabana. And so, the name had stuck. He cleaned up and prepped the café for an hour before he flipped the sign to indicate he was open.

The bell rang cheerily as Gabriel Milton, Dean's co-owner, walked in half an hour late, whistling. Dean scowled at him, as he wiped down the counter.

"I know, I know." Gabriel raised his palms up in surrender, sighing. "But I was up last night being a ravished by this babe of a guy, and I wasn't about to refuse morning sex."

Dean pulled a face. "Dude, details are unnecessary. I don't tell you about my sexual adventures."

"Or lack of them." Gabriel managed to look convincingly wounded as Dean smacked him upside the head. "Ouch."

"Dean." Sam rushed in, hair mussed, briefcase in hand.

"Coffee to go, Sammy?" Dean shot a sympathetic glance at Sam as he darted behind the counter to get Sam his coffee.

"I know it's not Christmas yet, Sam, but Santa's lap is always ready." Gabriel winked salaciously at Sam. Sam gave him a withering glance.

"I have a boyfriend, Gabriel."

"There's space for him too!" Gabriel waggled his eyebrows.

Sam groaned. Dean came to the rescue. "Gabriel, instead of flirting with my little brother, will you please go grind coffee beans in the backroom?"

"Oooh, backroom huh? Sammy, wanna come?" Gabriel teased as he pulled on his navy blue apron and padded to the back of the shop.

"Here you go, Sam." Dean passed his brother his cup of coffee, to go.

"Thanks, Dean." Sam gave his brother a grateful smile and Dean shooed him off, watching him whirl through the door.

The next two hours of the morning were filled with pretty much the same brand of people as Sam; people who were trying to get their caffeine fix before heading to work. (Not to brag, but Dean had been told multiple times that his coffee was the best for miles around.)

As much as Dean complained about Gabriel, he secretly enjoyed working with the guy. Also, Gabe made a mean hot chocolate. "Dude." He called out to his friend. "Morning java rush is over. I think we can take it easy for a while." Gabriel poked his head out from the backroom, swallowing something.

"Uh, okay, sure, yeah."

"Duuuuuude. You've been in your candy stash again haven't you?" Dean smirked.

"Maybe." Gabriel dusted his hands, and offered a candy cane to Dean as a peace offering, and Dean declined, making a face.

"Nah man, you know candy isn't my thing." He followed Gabriel into the kitchen where he baked cakes and made chocolates for the café. One thing about Gabriel, the man was a culinary genius.

"I've got just the thing for you." Gabriel told Dean. "Praline infused with white rum."

Dean bit into it, enjoying the feel of the chocolate over his tongue, with slight tang of the rum praline combination. "Damn, Gabe. I think we've just found our Christmas special."

Gabriel grinned. "Right? It's sort of christmasy."

Dean heard the ring of the bell, signaling the arrival of a new customer. "Oh, and dude, can you flip on some music." He grinned as the first strings of Kansas, Dust in the Wind, floated out into the café. Dean looked the newcomer up and down. Given the current temperature in San Francisco, Dean supposed the get up was practical, but it wasn't very stylish. He was wearing a tan trench coat over a dark suit with a blue tie. Furthermore, it was way past lunch break, and nowhere close to the usual office end hour.

"Can I help you?" Dean noticed the stranger had very big blue eyes, surrounded by rather beautiful black lashes, that matched his curly mop of raven hair.

"I would like a hot cocoa please." The man stared intently at Dean.

"Right." Dean popped his head into the backroom. "Gabe! Hot cocoa!"

"On it!" Gabriel hurried out of the backroom and took a double take when he saw the blue-eyed stranger standing at the counter. In a moment, he was pulling up the detachable part of the counter, and maneuvering himself out, he wrapped the man in a bear hug.

"Dean," Gabriel addressed a bemused Dean Winchester, "This is an old friend of mine, Castiel Novak."

Dean held out his hand with an easy smile. "Nice to meet you Castiel, I'm Dean."

Castiel shook his hand, his slender fingers clasping Dean's. "It is nice to meet you Dean. Gabriel has told me much about you."

"Castiel is a writer." Gabriel supplied. "But he's got a major case of writer's block right now, so he came down from Maine, to hang out."

"I see no need to be writing now. And the library has given me two months of leave to spend on holiday." Castiel said the word holiday as if such an idea was completely alien to him.

"Well, you can come in for hot cocoa whenever you like." Dean smiled.

Castiel offered him a solemn, tiny smile in return. Gabriel cleared his throat. "Anyway Cassie, I finish up here at 6, so you can go ahead and look around without me if you want."

Castiel held up a book. "I have time, Gabriel." The taller man walked to a corner of the café and sat down, absorbing himself in his book.

Dean lifted an eyebrow at Gabriel, and the other man ran his hands through his hair, sighing. "He may have been dropped at birth." He offered in way of explanation. "Castiel's always been a little wonky. He was such a serious little kid."

Dean listened. In all the three years that they had been friends, Dean had never heard even a mention of this Castiel Novak. Then again, Gabriel had never really spoken about his old life in Maine. They had been waiting for their coffee at Starbucks and somehow began discussing how insipid and ridiculously expensive coffee had become nowadays. That discussion, one year later would lead to them opening their own café.

Dean continued to serve the varied assortment of people, a mix of regulars and tourists who filtered into his café, some alone, and some in tiny groups of twos and threes. As 6PM rolled around, his café was somewhat full, and Dean got busy. He did however keep an eye on Castiel. The man had barely moved, other than to flip a page at random intervals. Dean kept refilling his cup, and each time, Castiel offered to pay, but Dean insisted it was on the house. Finally, Gabriel hung up his apron, and bidding Dean goodbye, shepherded his brother out of the café. Castiel cast a glance at Dean, who was watching him, and Dean waved with a smile. Looking encouraged by the gesture, Castiel returned it with a shy smile of his own, the wrinkles in his forehead disappearing for a second. In the next moment, he was gone, out the door.

Dean pulled his attention to the pretty brunette who was ordering a non-fat soy latte and a cranberry muffin, and out of obligation, flirted with her while he made her order. She left him her number on a napkin before she left. "Lisa." Dean muttered, as he stuffed the napkin into his back pocket. Lisa could be sure Dean would call her on Saturday, barely two days away.

"Can I help you?" Dean grinned at his next customer, a mother with two young children. "Ma'am, we've just gotten in a lovely assortment of liqeur chocolates if you were interested."

"Bye Mr Winchester!" His students filed out the door, chattering excitedly amongst themselves, taking a moment to bid Sam farewell as they rushed out the door. Sam had never been happier to see the end of the school day. He took homeroom at 9AM in the morning, then rushed to mark papers until his history period. For some reason, there always seemed to be a dire lack of history teachers in high schools, and Abraham Lincoln High School was no different. Sam nodded as the last of his students left the classroom and busied himself with stacking up papers and stuffing them as neatly as he could into his already overflowing briefcase. He sighed. It had been a really long day, and he missed Balthazar already.

"Sam." That polished voice tinged with arrogance floated into Sam's ear and he smiled to himself, before turning around.

"Mr. Inger" Sam glanced out through the open door of his classroom, noticing the corridors were still filled with students, and nodded at him. "Can I help you?"

"If you'll walk with me out to my office, Sam. There's something I wish to speak to you about."

Sam's spine tingled, and he gathered up his briefcase. "Right behind you, sir."

It was a short walk to Balthazar's office, and Sam cast a glance at the gleaming bronze nameplate on his beau's door. 'Principal's Office'. Sam smirked, a little shiver going up his spine. Dean often teased him for being in a relationship with the principal of the school he worked at, saying that half the passion in it was the fear of being caught. It was at moments like this, that Sam really appreciated how right Dean was, and how thrilling this relationship was.

Balthazar showed Sam in, then closed and locked the door behind him. "I missed you." He growled, pushing Sam up against his table. In a swift, smooth motion, he hoisted Sam up onto the table and Sam leaned down, hands cupping the other man's face, as they kissed. Balthazar licked into his mouth, hungry and aggressive, and Sam moaned into his mouth, his pants getting uncomfortably tight. Balthazar palmed him through his jeans, his kisses on Sam's neck hot and heavy. Sam let his head drop back as Balthazar's nimble fingers undid his belt and pulled his pants down along with his underwear, letting it catch around his ankles.

Hands shaky with lust and arousal, Sam reached forward and undid Balthazar's slacks, pressing kisses to his neck. Balthazar slipped two fingers into Sam's entrance, stretching him as Sam freed the other's erection, loosely stroking it. Balthazar bit back a groan, and pulling his fingers out of Sam, reached for the lube he always kept in his desk and slathering his cock in the cool liquid, pushed into Sam in one fluid motion.

Sam cried out, the now familiar sensation of being filled making his body tremble with pleasure. Balthazar fucked him hard and fast, more for the need for release rather than for the purpose of making love. Sam however, considered none of this through his red-tinted vision, as he jerked himself off, watching his lover pound into him, gasping as he came into his hand. Moments later, Balthazar came hard into Sam, with a strangled moan.

Five minutes later, Sam was cleaned up, and out the door, nervously smoothing his hair down. Balthazar leaned against the doorway, arms folded.

"Listen, if you're free tonight," Sam began.

"I'm sorry, love." Balthazar cut him off with an apologetic smile. "I've got work to do."

Sam nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Bye, now." Balthazar disappeared into his office once again. Sam smiled, still basking in his afterglow. Humming to himself, he started up the engine of his car, a small nondescript Honda. Resting his hands on the wheel, he sighed. It had been two weeks since he and Balthazar had been out on a real date, and he didn't let Sam make love to him anymore, the way lovers were supposed to. All they managed were little quickies in his office between classes. It took fifteen minutes of driving for Sam to realize that he'd left his briefcase in Balthazar's office.

Thirty minutes from the time he'd first left, Sam hurried to Balthazar's office, and opened the door without knocking. "Balthazar, I left my…"

Sam stopped short, drinking in the sight of Balthazar with his pants down, his cheeks flushed, one hand gripping the table and another hand fisted in another man's hair. Another man, who was not Sam. Sam gaped, unable to say a word.

It took a moment for Balthazar to notice his presence and when he did, he stared at Sam, mouth half open. "Sam!" The man who was giving him a blowjob, pulled off and turned around. Sam barely had to look at him to know the younger man was a student.

Mouth in a stiff line, Sam muttered an apology, and backed out of the office.