*Electric Flame* Hi!*Waves frequently at everyone* Welcome to a new story with new hosts!

*Sg Ravage*Hai dudes!

*Fireflight*... How did I get here?...

*Smokescreen* Wazzup!

*Kittycon Lover**Walks in*Whats going on here?

*Electric Flame*Sorry kitten but I am in charge of this story!

*Kittycon Lover*WHAT!

*Electric Flame*He he Smokescreen if you please...

*Smokescreen* Sorry kitten!*Grabs kittycon lover and drags her out then runs back in and locks the door*

*Sg Ravage*Lol!

*Fireflight*Hey why did you guys do that! That isn't nice

*Electric Flame*Yeah I know but she had promised me this earlier to create my own story

*Fireflight**Laughs*Ooooh okay that makes since!

*Electric Flame*Anyway here are some funny moments amongst the teams... oh and some will be in the cybertronian heavens!XD

*Sg Ravage*Lol this be rockin Lol XDXD

Electric Flame, Jetfire, and the bird and the jet

"Okay Electro first lesson what is that in the sky?" Jetfire said in his british accent as he pointed up in the sky where a jet was that was passing by.

Electric Flame giggled."It's a bird..." He said not really paying attention.

"No try again" Jetfire said as nice as he could to the little Stormflyer.

Electric Flame gave him a strange hostile glance. :/ "No it has wings so it's a bird!" He shouted looking away from Jetfire and up at the sky.

"No it's a jet!" Jetfire growled at him giving him a stern look.

Electric Flame smacked the British Aerial bot across his face plate before pointing back up at the sky."No dumbo there is a bird!"

Jetfire nearly shouted at the younger bot then sighed and looked behind him only to see a crazy Laserbeak smack right into him knocking the mech to the ground.

"Told you!"Electric Flame giggled as he picked up his teddy bear and walked back inside leaving Jetfire outside.

Sandstorm and Wolf-Blade and the blind jokes

Sandstorm walked up to Wolf-Blade whom was just standing around causing no harm. He grinned at the blind mech."Hey blindy" He sneered.

wolf-Blade narrowed his optics and pinned back his cybernetic wolf ears."Shut up sandstorm!" He growled looking in the opposite direction.

"whats wrong you can't see me?" Sandstorm joked."Or are you having a tough time seeing your place on this team now!" He laughed.

wolf-Blade snarled at his uncle then managed to push the mech away from him."Have a nice fall!"

Sandstorm stumbled back and felt himself meet nothing behind him. He then practically slipped and rolled down the stairs only to crash into the wall at the bottom."YE-OW!" He shouted.

"He he"Wolf-Blade laughed before leaving his spot and went back to his room.

Inferno believes he can fly

Inferno walked outside of the base and looked out over the cliff of the canyon."Hmm today looks like a good day to take a joy flight" He said then he converted into his shadow dragon form."Okay Laserbeak lets fly!" He jumped off the cliff and thought Laserbeak had spread out his wings. Was he wrong.

"Inferno!"Smokescreen shouted from the cliff. "Where are your wings!"

Slow-mo moment

Ever had that I believe I can fly moment before you had gotten shot by the F.B.I or had started falling? Well let's just say I never forgot that day. :( Stupid bird.

Back to normal speed

"Laserbeak!!" Inferno shouted as he begun falling. no one came which left Inferno to hit the ground with a loud BANG!

He blackout for a moment then came back to and saw a bird laughing at him."Stupid Laserbeak" He growled then shot the bird making Laserbeak fly away in fear.