TITLE: Just Breathe


CHARACTERS: Batman / Wonder Woman


WARNINGS: Author Chooses Not to Use Warnings

DISCLAIMER: I love Justice League, but especially shipping Batman and Wonder Woman. Unfortunately, I do not own the characters and if I did things would be much different for them.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm pretty clueless about the ins and outs of the Justice League Universe, but hope to learn as I go. Please forgive any mistakes that come through along the way. My sole focus in writing this is to just explore the relationship and love between Batman and Wonder Woman.

SUMMARY: Wonder Woman and Batman both struggle with their growing feelings for one another.

Just Breathe

She leaned her weary bones against the moist wall of the shower, allowing the hot steamy water to soothe her aching muscles – muscles that were screaming at her for what she had put them through yet again today.

It had been another day of hard-fought and hard-won battles that had tested the League but they had thankfully come through with only injuries and no casualties.

Turning, Diana pressed her forehead against the shower wall, squeezing her eyes closed against the horrifying images that seemed to cling to her like the water that trailed in rivulets down her toned body.

She had turned just in time this afternoon to see the Batman slammed hard into that tree, his body crumpling to the ground so limply. She thought for sure that she had lost him in that dreadful moment, that there was no possible way he could have survived such a brutal assault.

She had relentlessly fought and clawed her way to him, breathless with panic until she had finally reached him. She had called his name with no response as she had deflected a hail of bullets that continually rained down upon them, desperation to save him crushing her from the inside out.

Rage like a tidal wave had erupted deep within her, oozing through her veins. She had attacked with a fierce vengeance, her fear for Bruce stimulating her on and renewing her strength. Despite her own injury, she had continued to battle on, fighting for him more than anyone else if she was truly honest with herself.

She had been in love with him for a long time, their friendship deepening and transforming over time into something stronger, more dangerous, terrifying and yet so exciting. She couldn't be near him now without feeling a flutter of nerves in the pit of her stomach or a warm arousing flush inside whenever he would look at her.

She had never felt this way before about anyone, had never known what these strange sensations and feelings inside of her were about until Shayera caught the way that she had been looking at Batman one day. Shayera had immediately picked up on her thoughts somehow and had started teasing her about being in love with the elusive loner Batman.

It hadn't been long after that, though, that Shayera had begun to notice a similar longing on the Batman's face, a look that had lasted a heartbeat too long, a touch that had lingered long after it was necessary.

She had told Diana that the Dark Knight was in love with her, but Diana was having a hard time believing it. They had flirted here and there and she had to admit that their sparring sessions had gotten rather…heated…at times, but love? With her?

She had to admit that she could've sworn Bruce was going to kiss her after he had somehow managed to get the upper hand on her the other day, pinning her to the mat. He had leaned over her, pinning her hands to either side of her head, his hips straddling hers.

He had stared at her for the longest time, some deep dark inner struggle playing out in his face as they both fought to catch their breath. She had been so desperate for him to kiss her in that heated moment, a sweet aching spreading through her and demanding he make her his at last. She wanted to be with him so badly, longed to finally know the touch of a man and the pleasures that he alone could give.

But she didn't want any just any man. She wanted Bruce – all of him. Wanted him to be her first…her only.

Diana ran her fingers through her long wet raven hair, remembering how she had leaned over Bruce this afternoon once the battle had ended, frantic to now that he was still alive. The thought of losing him had rattled her to her core.

She had lightly stroked his face, cradling his head in her lap as she had called his name all the while fighting back the tears that were so unbecoming an Amazon warrior right after a heated battle.

But it had been Bruce and he was not immortal like she nor had he been imbued with super powers like the rest of them. He was special, super in his own right. It was one of the many things that had attracted her to him in the first place. He wasn't like any of the others, his strength coming from any inner source, his skills from years of focused intense training as well as an iron-will determination and drive.

But then he had opened his eyes, staring up at her in wonder. She had nearly kissed him right then, overwhelmed with such relief that he was alright. He had lifted a gloved hand to her face, wiping away a tear that had somehow managed to break free against her Amazonian will that was usually stronger than steel…except when it came to him.

"Don't cry, Princess…"

His deep raspy voice still echoed in her heart and mind, his words warming her clear to her toes. It had been spoken so sweetly and not by the Batman at that moment, but by Bruce himself. It had reached in and touched her heart and then the moment was suddenly gone, the man quickly tucked safely behind the black mask and cape once more, all business and no pleasure.

He had sat up, quickly telling her that he was fine. But she was not fine. Not by a long shot. She wanted him, wanted him to let her into his dark world so badly she could scarcely breathe at times.

Didn't he want her too? Had she somehow misread the way that he looked at her, the rare moments that came so few and far between where he actually let his guard down around her and allowed himself to just be Bruce? To actually laugh with her?

Diana slammed her fist against the shower wall in frustration as steam curled around her, careful to not put a large hole in the wall. It was growing harder and harder to even breathe around him when all she wanted was to kiss him, to finally know that he felt the same way about her.

With a frustrated sigh, Diana turned the water off and got out of the shower. Grabbing a towel, she gingerly dried off, careful of her left shoulder that throbbed mercilessly, reminding her of her own injury.

Looking down, she wasn't the least bit surprised by the large ugly bruise that had already spread over her shoulder, a nasty jagged gash twisting down the middle of it. She was more than thankful for her Amazonian healing ability. Hopefully by morning, it should nearly be healed.

Slipping a deep blue silk nightgown over her head, she left the steamy bathroom, thoughts of Bruce still dancing through her mind and tormenting her heart.

When Bruce had come to after the attack today, he had been more than a little upset by the blood he saw covering her arm. He had immediately torn a piece of his cape off in order to stop the bleeding. With a deep frown and an angry glare, he had carefully applied pressure to it before wrapping the material around her arm.

He had cursed angrily under his breath as he had inspected the wound, reprimanding her for not taking better care of herself, reminding her once again that she may be immortal but she was not indestructible.

She knew that his anger had been directed at what had happened to her and not truly at her. She had grown accustomed to his shifting sullen dark moods, his bouts of anger and flaring temper, taking his rants in stride. In fact, she felt she knew him, could read him better than anyone she had ever met and she knew that it bothered him.

She had tried insisting she was fine and would heal with time, but Bruce had been just as equally insistent that she return to the Watchtower immediately for treatment as was protocol. He had even gone so far as threatening to hog tie her and carry her there himself.

His overt concern and worry for her had warmed her heart, bringing with it that pesky nervous little flutter in the pit of her stomach again that only he seemed to be able to create within her.

She had thankfully avoided being physically carried to the Watchtower by the Batman only because of an emergency call he'd received forcing him to return to Gotham immediately. She had tried to go with him in case he needed help, but he had flat out refused to let her come, stating in no uncertain terms that he didn't need help least of all from an obstinate wounded Amazon Princess before suddenly taking off in a cloud of dust.

Her heart had sunk as she had watched him take off on his batcycle, a part of her tempted to follow him in order to prove him wrong, but she was too exhausted and angry to listen to her stubborn pride at that moment.

Instead of returning to the Watchtower, she had decided to go back to her apartment instead. She didn't want to see Bruce tonight when he had returned from Gotham and yet she had wanted him here with her now, holding and kissing her, sharing with one another what each felt in their hearts but hadn't had the nerve to speak out loud.

Diana made her way out to the balcony, the warm breeze blowing through the open doors drawing her outside and into the night. She stood with her thighs lightly pressed against the wrought iron railing as she stared out into the city lights that stretched as far as the eye could see.

She couldn't help but wonder where Bruce was at that moment. Was he safely back in the batcave already or still chasing the Joker through Gotham's sinister city streets?

Diana gazed up at the moon shining so full and bright, the thousands of stars littering the black canvas of the sky. Was he thinking of her at all? Did he ever think about her?

His name suddenly slipped past her lips in a breathless pleading moan that she knew he'd never hear. Her eyes fell closed as she swallowed back the lonely tears filled with longing that refused to be denied this time by the warrior princess.

She lowered her head, the tears slipping silently down her cheeks for a love that would never be.


He swung stealthily through the night as if actually part of the darkness that completely shrouded him; his black cloak like mighty wings spread behind him. He felt at home in these dark shadows that helped shield him, at peace in the secret ominous places that most people feared and avoided at all cost.

To him, it mirrored the inky lonely abyss that he felt deep inside of him, the cold realities of life that people so often avoided or ignored because it hurt too much to dwell on, choosing rather to try to fill the painful cavity with sex, alcohol or money.

He had come to accept that dark ugly void that was a part of him, one that followed him everywhere he went even into his sleep and filling his dreams. No night was ever peaceful, no dream devoid of the things that haunted him every moment of his life whether his eyes were closed or open.

No dream save for one.

Swinging through the air, he released his grappling gun as he landed soundlessly on the roof of Diana's apartment building. He was more than anxious to see her, needed to make sure that she was alright.

After he had taken care of the Joker, he had checked in with the Watchtower to find out that she had never returned with the others, choosing rather to return to her apartment for the night instead. Her adamant refusal to listen to him had stirred his anger in a way that only she ever could and yet seemed to arouse him at the same time.

He had never met a woman who could his heat blood like she could, provoking his ire and yet making his heart race with such an intense need that he didn't want to admit to. He didn't want to want her like he did, didn't want to have such erotic dreams about her that seemed to so surreptitiously slip between the horrifying nightmares that visited him every night.

He didn't need her, hadn't needed anyone for a very long time, longer than he could remember. He didn't want to start now and yet he couldn't stop thinking about her, wanting her so desperately at times that he thought he would go mad.

He had gone so long without actually living, without breathing in the pleasant things in life. He had tried to avoid it all cost, not wanting it to interrupt his plans or the solitude that he had built up around him in order to protect himself and yet Diana made him want to live…to fully breathe her in and drink her down into himself so he wasn't so alone, the gapping void inside quite so unbearable.

Bruce silently tried to shake the thoughts from his head that continually tormented him, the passionate ones that always ended up with Diana beneath him as he devoured her. He reminded himself that he was only here to check on a colleague, nothing more. They were just friends…teammates. There could be nothing more than that between them…ever.

He had told himself that at least a thousand times or more, berating himself for allowing his thoughts about his colleague to turn so sensual and erotic. And yet, the dreams about her continued to come, night after night, assaulting him and leaving him wanting and craving so much more than her nightly ghostly form could ever provide him.

He wanted the woman, the Amazon Princess of Themyscira. He wanted Diana.

He had tried for so long to deny it, but it was becoming harder and harder to ignore the way she made his heart race and his breath catch. His heart and mind were in a constant battle between logic and desire, what was right and what he wanted…between the bat and the man.

Silently slipping through the darkness, Batman lowered himself to the narrow ledge of the building that sat just to the left of Diana's balcony. From this vantage point, he could get a partial view into her apartment.

This wasn't the first time that he had secretly visited her like this, watching her from the shadows to make sure that she was alright or in those tenuous moments of deep personal struggle when he just needed to see her, needed to be able to breathe if but for only a moment.

There was something about Diana that created a sense of tranquility deep within his soul, helped ground him. She had somehow managed to chip away at some of the thick icy fortress he had built around his heart to protect not only himself but the ones that he could potentially care about.

Despite his best efforts, she had still somehow managed to work her way into his heart whether he wanted to accept it or not.

Bruce's eyes fell closed as he breathed in the intoxicating scent of jasmine that was so Diana. It seemed to drift from her apartment, floating on the evening breeze and stealing its way through the double doors and into his lungs.

He stifled the groan that suddenly rose up in his throat, fighting against the sudden arousing rush of warmth that washed through him. He tried to force himself to focus his racing thoughts, to keep the rising sense of urgent need at bay.

Opening his eyes, Bruce peered inside, needing to know that she was alright. When he had finally come to and found her leaning over him, his heart had nearly stopped beating at the sight of her sheer beauty alone, the way her raven hair had fallen over her one shoulder. The panic and the tears in her beautiful blue eyes had caught him off guard, the pure unadulterated love reflected for him there rendering him speechless.

He had known that Diana had feelings for him, had known for a long time, but had done his best to keep her at arm's length. But seeing her today like that, the utter fear and grief in her beautiful face had been the final blow to the icy barrier around his heart, carving a hole in it just for her and her alone.

But then he had seen her wounded shoulder, the blood oozing down her arm and reality had slammed hard into him – the reality of what their lives were, of what they were. How could love ever exist in a cold desolate world like his?

His entire body suddenly tensed in anticipation at the soft sound of approaching footsteps. He held his breath, his heart beginning to race. He watched from the safe confines of the dark shadows that surrounded him as Diana approached.

Dressed in a revealing indigo nightgown, Diana stepped out onto the balcony, the warm glow of moonlight highlighting every bit of her perfect goddess features and completely stealing the Batman's breath away.

He pressed his back more fully against the wall behind him, his gloved fingers trying to dig into the rough brick to keep the moan forming in his chest from reaching his lips or her ears. He felt himself immediately growing hard at the mere sight of her, her presence…her nearness beginning to chip away at his steel resolve.

He longed to bury his hands in her magnificent raven hair, allowing the silken strands to repeatedly slip through his fingers. He ached to kiss her perfect lips, to taste her fully, to devour every inch of her soft skin, to be completely surrounded in her hot depths.

His hungry gaze suddenly fell on the purplish-blue skin that covered her shoulder and arm, the horrible gash that marred her perfect skin. The sight of the wound stopped him cold, an icy chill of dread shivering through him. He knew she had been wounded worse than she had let on, but the head-strong warrior princess refused to admit as much, wanting instead to follow him into another battle with the Joker.

Bruce was actually quite surprised that she hadn't followed him despite his insistence that she stay behind and be tended to at the Watchtower. He had half-expected her to show up unannounced and uninvited, but when she didn't, he knew his cutting words meant to keep her safely behind had cut a little too deep this time.

He had only said those things to keep her safe, to make her seek the medical attention that he knew she needed. Now, though, guilt began to surface as he watched her, the sorrow shining in her bright blue eyes that gazed out over the city lights reminding him once more that he truly loved this woman.

He could scarcely believe that he had allowed it to happen. He was the terrifying Dark Knight, the ever-vigilant silent sentinel watching over Gotham. He was the Batman, a lone vanguard of justice for the innocent.

He had defeated more villains, fought more scum of the earth than he could begin to count and he, the Batman, had finally been beaten and betrayed by his very own heart.

Bruce felt his chest constrict as Diana lowered her head, a silent trail of tears trickling down her face and disappearing into the dark shadows of night. She reached out to grip the wrought iron railing, her slender fingers curling around the cool metal instead of around him like he wanted.

He felt his body begin to lean forward ever so subtly, threatening to expose himself and reveal his presence to her, but then his name slipped softly past her lips and tickled his ears and it was all he could do not to reach out and grab hold of her.

Everything muscle in his body strained towards her in that moment, wanting to touch her, aching to have her. And then she suddenly released her hold on the railing, disappearing back into her apartment and leaving him alone in the suffocating darkness where he had once thought he'd always wanted to be.

Now…he found he wanted so much more. He wanted to be allowed to breathe.