I was glad to see that mein awesome birdie was fine, well besides his eye and head, but other than that he was fine. I saw him read the notebook and with a confused look in his face, when he looked up he started to cry. What did I do? I quickly grabbed the notebook back and wrote on it again before handing it back.

Don't worry 'bout me, the Doc said that they were gonna give me a prosthesis for my arm. Awesome right? And you should be able to hear my awesome voice again soon, that ass didn't cut that deep.

Mathew lowered his head and I could no longer see his face. I heard fain hicks as he brought his hand to his face. I got worried for a second but to my surprise he started laughing, he still had tears in his eyes but he was laughing that awesome laugh.

"I should have had known…" he paused to breathe "that you wouldn't take this seriously" he whipped the tears from his eyes and smiled. "What kind of prosthesis are you getting?" I grinned and scribbled on the notebook again.

I want them to keep it robot looking instead of covering it with that fake skin looking shit. A robot arm is much more awesome! He laughed again. How 'bout you? Are you getting a glass eye or are you staying with an eye patch? He narrowed his eyes in confusion and then his expression dropped.

"So that's what happened, eh?...that explains a lot" his expression softened then looked up showing a small smile. "What do you think?"

I think you should stick to the eye patch so you can look like a pirate!

"Gil, take things seriously!" he said punching my right arm softly. I wanted to laugh but I couldn't, at least not yet.


They both continued talking, well Mathew at least, for a while. Neither noticed that the brunet girl had left the scene long before leaving the two alone. Gilbert noticed that Mathew kept zoning out, the doctors had told him before that he had damaged part of his brain and it was most likely he would have a long term effect of some sort.

Days past and both teens were released from the hospital. Alfred had agreed to let the doctors make Mathew a glass eye. Nobody noticed the difference except for Gilbert which claimed the glass eye didn't match the violet color of the other. He felt uncomfortable with it but eventually got used to the feeling thanks to the fact that his brain would make him forget it was fake and would constantly had be reminded. Gilbert got his voice back and used it to his advantage to convince the doctors to let his prosthetic limb look like a robot arm since it was much more awesome than the skin looking one.

Both eventually went back to school. Mathew kept getting picked on by Feliks but this time he had Gilbert by his side and his teasing eventually stopped. Alfred, in time, learned to accept Gilbert and Elizabeta finally forgave him but constantly argued with him when she tried to dress Mathew up. Francis and Antonio warmed up to Mathew and used him as a way to torment Gilbert (mostly Francis) by turning him into a cuddle object whenever he was around.

Both teens finally graduated High school and became independent young adults. Mathew moved in with Gilbert into an apartment, it was small but cozy. Due to his brain damage, Mathew got distracted easily so it was Gilbert who looked for a job while Mathew took care of the house and the small polar bear and bird.

Gilbert had the day off from work, so he decided to spend the day with his birdie. Kuma-what's-his-face and Gilbird where asleep on the living room couch, so they desisted to leave without them.

"Where do you want to go Birdie?" asked Gilbert as he got in the car but Mathew was looking out the window. "BIRDIE!"

"W-what? Oh s-sorry can you repeat that?" he said scratching the back of his head.

"I asked where you want to go." Mathew thought for a moment only to zone out again. Gilbert snapped his fingers in front of his face and brought him back.

"Oh right….ummm…I guess some place where I can keep myself occupied" Gilbert thought for a moment. Some place where there are multiple tings so he can have something different to do every few minutes.

"Hey want to go to the zoo?" Mathew's face lit up the way a child's would and he nodded.

When they got to the zoo, Gilbert made sure to keep Mathew occupied to avoid getting distracted. Gilbert kept getting strange looks from people but he wasn't sure if they were because of him being an albino or because of his robotic limb. He shrugged it off and continued walking to catch up to Mathew who had wondered off into the polar bear exhibit.

"They're like Kuma but bugger!" he said as one approached the glass.

"Yea and less annoying" said looking at the gigantic bear in front of him who pressed his paws against the glass wall. Gilbert shifted his weight under his feet and took Mathews hand. "Hey birdie come with me" he guided Mathew into a giant cage where people could go in and feed birds. He looked around in awe as he noticed the hundreds of birds that must be in there. A couple birds flew to Gilbert ad ate from his hand as others nested on his hair.

"Seems birds really like you Gil" he said giggling.

"Of course they do… that's why you couldn't resist the awesome me" Mathew blushed as Gilbert laughed. When he calmed down he got closer to him "Hey birdie you know I love you right?"

"Of course I do… and I love you" he said blushing harder.

"Good, because you're not getting rid of me any time sooner" Mathew looked at him and titled his head.

"What do you-" he was cut off as Gilbert got out a silver ring with a small red gem on it from his pocket and got on one knee.

"Mathew…I almost lost you once and I'm not going through that again. I would if I had to…but that's not the case…will you marry me?"

Mathew stared at him wide eyed but didn't respond, Gilbert though he was going to get rejected but suddenly found himself being talked by the smaller Canadian. "YES, YES, YES, GIL, YES!" Gilbert got up with Mathew and slid the ring on his finger before kissing him as the other visitors cheered at the announcement. They broke the kiss and Gilbert noticed tears in Mathew's eye.

"Kesesesese, you know you're only crying from one eye right?"

"Shut up Gil… don't ruin the moment" Gilbert chuckled and kissed him once more. "ich liebe dich, birdie"

"Je t'aime trop, Gil"

SUP PEOPLE DUCKLING HERE QUACK! I had so much fun writing this chapter, I'm sad it's the last one though T-T anyways I hope you guys liked reading this as much as I liked writing it. Thank you all so much for bearing with me during my first fanfic and thank you for reviewing YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! Anyways I'm planning on doing another story soon so you guys aren't getting rid of me that easily. So again thank you all, you're awesome and DUCKLING OUT QUACK!