AN: I do not own the rights to Bioshock: Infinite. And this is my first Bioshock fanfic. It's a little short, but I'm pressed for time. Hope you guys like, I'll continue if I get some good feedback.

"Bring us the girl, and wipe away the debt."

The quote resounded within the confines of Booker's very soul, muttering it to himself over and over again as he contemplated what he had just done. He sold his own daughter, his flesh and blood, to a man that promised him something that sounded too good to be true. Booker Dewitt had owed money to men that nobody would ever want to owe money to. Or anything for that matter.

Then a man, some 'prophet' comes along and tells him that he could pay all his dues, but at what cost?

The young, broken father sat in his dark office, despairing about what could be done about his decision.

"Anna… I'm so sorry…" He choked through his tears.

He wiped away the salty streams from his eyes, then noticed a peculiar scar on his right hand. He squinted his eyes, trying to re-focus his gaze through all the tears.

"A…D…" He read aloud, wondering what it meant. The scar seemed freshly etched into his skin, like it was to remind him.

With his eyelids closed, Booker saw a vision of a floating city with clouds surrounding the tallest buildings, and the sun peaking in through the horizon. A person could easily mistaken it for Heaven. At that moment, his eyes swung open as he breathed heavily in his chair, putting his hand up to his forehead.

"What the hell was that." The question was answered by silence.

Then it hit him.

He remembered everything. The journey to the girl's tower, meeting the girl, barely escaping with their lives.

"Elizabeth." The words flowed out seamlessly, as he got up and rushed out the door.

He saw the prophet and Robert about to climb into the portal as he ran after the two.

"Give me back my daughter!" The investigator yelled, pulling Comstock with all his might.

"Shut down the machine!" Comstock shouted as he was about to climb in, the Lutece twins awaited the prophet to be free from Booker's grasp.

"NO!" Booker tried to snatch Anna away from Columbia's founder, but he failed. Anna stuck her hand out as the portal closed.

Dewitt stuck the tip of his ring finger into the portal as it closed off completely, truncating off small portions of skin from both Anna and Booker.

The detective held his finger in pain, but then smirked, seeing as how he could see the future of Columbia before his very eyes.

"You better be ready pal, because this time will be different."