I Know it's late, but I have delivered what I promised! As I head to bed, I hope you guys enjoy! This is not the ending, by the way ;p Also, the bathroom thing in the last chapter was an excuse for her to teleport to Jason's penthouse to setup the indoor picnic, but pregnant isn't a bad idea ;) Sorry, I didn't explain that well. Also, thanks for the name suggestion :)

The Unnamed Story

Chapter Eight

I wasn't too sure I liked the plan Raven had, but, of course, I had to trust her; she is my girlfriend. I also wasn't too keen about letting Raven be in someone else's arms, but whatever keeps me with her. Time for the show to begin.

I watched as The Teen Titans raced onto the roof to Raven and Red X. He was going to place a bargain - Raven with her powers back though they weren't really gone for never being chased by them again. The look on Robin's face cracked me up, but I really did hope he would give in. I'm not sure how I'm going to like Robin being his new teammate, maybe. Instead of complying, he tried to free Raven and get Red X at the same time. What an idiot. The other three followed suit, but Red X teleported to the bottom of the building, but not without saying: "Catch me if you can." He does a great me! Raven's plan is going perfectly.

I followed everyone as Red X he teleported to where they could see him then out before he could catch them. He stopped at an old abandoned warehouse and teleported to the roof. On the inside, we had placed gasoline This is going to be so much fun, but I worry for Raven. I know I shouldn't; I mean, she is completely capable of taking care of herself, but I can't help my worries. He set the bound and mouth-taped Raven down on the building preparing for what was to come. As Starfire approached the roof first, the battle begin. Her eyes began to glow a bright green as she started throwing starbolts at him. He dodged them as he became closer until he knocked her out then quickly transported to another building to dump her off. As soon as he transported back, Beast Boy and Cyborg arrived to see if they could finish him off. It seems that Robin stayed behind this time to observe the fight. I wonder if he senses that this Red X moves differently, though is still a beast that could whoop him. I am obviously better, but this isn't my time of stardom... yet. Beast Boy became a bird and kept cunningly flying around and pecking Red X. Grass Stain has actually improved; I'm amazed, but Red X was too good for him and teleported out. He teleported in and caught him, but Cyborg took the opportunity to use his sonic cannon. Red X tried to dodge, but he was skimmed on the arm which was still utterly painful.

"AHHH!" I felt terrible hearing him yell, and I saw concern in Raven's eyes as well. I wanted to rush in right there and finish it, but I knew better. Red X was a trooper and kept the fight. He took out a special "X" and shut down Cyborg and teleported to the building with Cyborg. He saw Starfire coming to and slammed her head into the roof to knock her out again before quickly transporting back and tackling Beast Boy. He, again, teleported to the other building, threw Beast Boy down and strapped him down then punched him in the face, knocking him out. He transported back, and Robin was standing there ready. Though I would have enjoyed seeing how Red X fared with Robin, it was now my turn to be in the limelight. I flew down to the building preparing myself for any possible scenario. As I reached the roof, Raven muffled something, but what she said is mystery.

"If you don't mind, the dark beauty is mine, and I want her back."

"Sorry, I don't give handouts." The good part about Red X is that is had a voice modulator, so it doesn't matter who is talking... as long as it's a guy, that is.

"Wait a minute. Who are you? You look like a creepy griffin! Also, Raven is not yours." How nice of Traffic Light to join in on the conversation.

"Well, Blobbin, here's the story. My name is Griffin. You are a jerk who probably didn't even try to look for her, but I did find her. Yes, you may call me an idiot, though only once, to lose her, but I will win her back. I actually cared to find her." Before Robin could respond, Red X chimed in.

"Well, I'm glad you two, had the opportunity to meet, it's cute; it really is. I'm bored though, and I prefer to take out my tension with physical combat." He began to fight Robin as Robin looked angry yet speculative to me.

"Friend or Foe?" That's actually a good question.

"Friend. I'm here to work with you. I'll grab Raven while you fight him. I heard you're one of the best." Is it bad that I wanted to gag after that last statement? Anyway, I went for Raven and he tackled us. We all went falling to the ground, and Red X quickly rid of his suit. Raven teleported inside the building lighting everything on fire and letting Red X's suit hangout yet burn for The Teen Titans to see. As we heard Robin getting to the edge of the building, we heard, "RAVEN!"

Since, Raven's cape was singed, she threw it by the burning Red X suit, and we all quickly transported to downtown. Raven was the first to speak to the former and temporary Red X.

"Thank you so much Mr. Sung for helping us out." She hugged him to my surprise and I shook his hands and gave my thanks as well.

"It was my pleasure. I had fun tonight. It has been awhile since I have been able to use my Master of the Arts for fun. Thank you." Raven healed everything he received tonight, and we separated from him and got ready for the next step. Raven was hurt somewhat in the fire, so it helped act two. She placed herself into my arms, and we transported back to the building where most of the titans were placed. They had the two uniforms in the middle of their circle, mourning their loss.

"Did you miss us?" They turned their eyes toward us and suddenly became excited. They gathered around Raven asking her hundreds of questions as I stood in the background. I knew that they each had a special bond with my precious sunshine. Cyborg and Beast Boy came to me first, thanking me for saving her.

"Also man, explain the beastly griffin suit." I figured Cyborg would be asking sometime.

"This suit is waterproof, fireproof, and bullet proof. I can fly, teleport, and have beams that happen to come out of my hands. I also know jujitsu and mixed martial arts. Lastly, I can transform into a stone like a legit statue Griffin."

"Dude, that is awesome! We're keeping him!" As Beast Boy said that, he turned to Robin who was interrogating Raven already.

"We'll see. Let's go home."

"Alright, but Griffin gets to stay over."

"Fine Cyborg. He can until I decide."

"Yes!" Cyborg and Beast Boy said in unison, and everyone left except Raven and I. I held out Raven's hand.

"Raven, I love you, and I know you love me. I promise you that I will always be here for you no matter what the situation. I also promise you that one day I will ask you to be mine forever. I slipped on the sapphire ring while staring at her awestruck face. She kissed me passionately, and smiled so largely and genuinely.

" You're right. I do love you, Jason, and I always will. I'll always cherish this

ring, and I'm going to hold you to your promises. Let's go home."