Roxanne, Fred, and Scorpius walked up a gravel path surrounded by large grim trees. They reached a large wrought-iron gate and stopped. They waited for a few minutes until a man, who Roxanne was at least a head taller than, walked up to the opposite side of the gate. He looked rather dirty and was sporting a large bald-spot on the top of his head.

He spoke with a high-pitched voice, "Go away, we don't want trespassers."

"We're here to see Bellatrix Lestrange," Scorpius demanded.

"And what business do you have with Madam Lestrange?" the man inquired.

"That's between Madam Lestrange and I, not some pathetic servant," Scorpius spat.

The man smiled and said, "Very well."

He opened the large gate with a tap of his wand and held it open as they walked through. Roxanne made sure to keep her nose up and her back straight as she walked. Scorpius said the plan wouldn't would if she and Fred looked like "classless oafs."

They walked up to equally large double doors and waited for the man to open the doors for them. They walked into an expansive foyer and were lead to a grand room that was mostly empty, apart from a circular table in the centre of the room with four people seated around it.

"Wormtail!" A woman shouted. "What was at the gate?"

"Visitors for you, Madam. They say the have business with you," he responded.

Bellatrix turned her head to face Roxanne, Fred, and Scorpius. She looked over each of them for a few moments before she stood up and walked towards them. Roxanne noted that she was about the same height as Bellatrix as she reached the small group.

"What exactly is your business with me," she asked while walking past each of them.

"We have information that we would like to give you," said Scorpius.

Bellatrix stood in front of Roxanne, and roughly grabbed her face. Roxanne noticed Fred stiffen but he remained still.

"Such a pretty girl. Tell me, what is your name," Bellatrix asked while she held Roxanne's face.

"Vera," Roxanne answered.

Bellatrix reached for something behind her back, and before Roxanne could react, she pricked her finger with a small dagger.

"Wormtail!" she shouted. "Bring me a phial!"

Wormtail scrambled to a bookshelf built into one of the walls of the room and retrieved a narrow phial, before handing it to Bellatrix. She took Roxanne's finger, placed it over the edge, and squeezed her finger until a fourth of the phial was filled with blood. She let go of Roxanne's finger, and Roxanne immediately put pressure on the puncture. Bellatrix ordered Wormtail to get her two more phials and repeated the process with Fred and Scorpius. She held the phials in one hand and gripped her wand in her other hand while muttering a spell. The blood in the phials turned a bright, almost luminescent gold. Bellatrix faced the three and smiled, exposing her rotted teeth.

"And what information do you have for me?" she asked.

"We have information on the wear abouts of Harry Potter," Fred stated.

Before Bellatrix could respond, Scorpius asked, "Do you mind if I use the loo? These two can tell you everything just as well as I can."

An elegant slender woman, who was seated at the table answered, "Up the stairs, first door on the right."

Scorpius climbed the stairs, and Roxanne hoped that Fred could continue to carry them through this as well as Scorpius had.

"How old is this information exactly," Bellatrix inquired.

"We heard last night, but I am unaware of the exact time the information was discovered," Fred replied.

"How old are you two exactly?" she asked while spinning her wand between her fingers.

"Nineteen," Fred responded.

"Seventeen," Roxanne said quietly.

"It's so nice to see people so young with an interest in helping the Dark Lord. Did you hear her Draco? She's seventeen, and she came here on her own accord to assist us. Would you have done that Draco? Of course not, because you're a coward!" Bellatrix shouted.

The elegant woman seated at the table tensed considerably. Roxanne thought she would say something, but she remained silent.

"Now, let's hear what knowledge you have on Harry Potter," Bellatrix ordered.

The phials of blood that were placed on the table, rolled off and shattered on the dark wood floor. Scorpius came down the stairs just after they had fallen and winked at Fred and Roxanne, while Bellatrix commanded Wormtail to clean it up.

"We heard that Harry Potter was staying in the Shrieking Shack in Hogsmeade," Scorpius said as he rejoined Fred and Roxanne.

They had decided to use the Shrieking Shack, as it would not actually be inhabited, and because it might have seemed the least bit plausible.

Bellatrix mused over their information for a moment before saying, "And you're sure he is there?"

"We aren't completely positive, but we thought you'd like to know anything regarding him," Scorpius explained.

"I'll make sure to have someone look into it. Wormtail! Escort them out!" Bellatrix hissed before rejoining the table.

The rat-like man escorted them to the foyer, and Fred silently put a full body-bind curse on him. Wormtail's eyes looked at everything they could take in, until Scorpius stunned him. Scorpius silently cracked opened one of the double doors that lead into the grand room they had just exited. He muttered a memory charm, one that would effect everyone in a certain proximity. When he finished, he quickly closed the door, and did the same spell on Wormtail.

Roxanne, Scorpius, and Fred opened the front door, quickly ran through the gate, and Apparated to the beach near Shell Cottage. All three of them ran past the protective enchantments and saw the house about one hundred yards away. They sprinted through the front door and immediately went to the living room where their cousins were all seated.

Bill and Fleur had started going to work at Gringott's normally a few days ago, and were gone until late afternoon on most days.

"Well?" Teddy asked.

Scorpius reached into his shirt and pulled out a time-turner on a gold chain. He took it off and carefully handed it to Teddy.

"Did she take your blood?" Rose asked.

"Yeah, with a dagger too, it hurt like hell," Fred responded.

"Did you make sure to get rid of the blood?" Victoire asked.

"Yep, I made the phials roll off the table, and their servant vanished the mess. And yes, I did the memory charms," Scorpius replied.

Everyone else let out a breath, and Rose, Teddy, and Scorpius started studying the time-turner. Rose pulled out notes she had taken and was glancing back and forth between each item.

"How awful was it on a scale of one to ten," Dominique asked later that afternoon.

"It wasn't that bad, maybe a four," Roxanne said honestly.

It was true, the only bad moment had been when Bellatrix grabbed her face, but she was a tough girl. She knew it would have gone much differently had the blood in those phials turned another colour, that was the only reason she went. If Albus, James, Rose, Victoire, Dominique, or Louis had gone, the result would most likely not have been very successful. They had decided collectively that Fred, Roxanne, and Scorpius would go because they were the only pure-bloods.

Technically Margot and Oliver were pure-bloods, but no one in their right mind would send two eleven-year-olds to Malfoy Manor.

Roxanne didn't care about blood purity, she thought it was bullshit, actually. Especially since Voldemort was a half-blood. Roxanne almost thought it comical how Bellatrix was Voldemort's most faithful servant, when if Rose or James had gone to Malfoy Manor, she would certainly have treated them much differently than she had treated Roxanne, Scorpius, and Fred.

"Only a four, did they invite you to have tea or something," Dominique said in more of a statement than a question.

"I don't know it was like we were as close as you could get to friends with those people after the blood turned gold," Roxanne explained. "You should have seen Scorpius though, it was kind of scary how easily he fit in."

"Well, he's convincing, and it was his family's house, maybe they felt a connection with him. He's just really brilliant," Dominique swooned.

"C'mon, Dom. You've got to give this Malfoy crush a rest. Besides, I heard that he started seeing someone," Roxanne said frankly.

"Really? It better not be that bimbo Leslie Kelly. She's had sex with practically every sixth and seventh year boy, it's truly disgusting," she fumed.

Roxanne stifled a laugh, it's not like you haven't either, Dom, she thought.

"I'm not sure, but I think they're keeping it a secret for now," Roxanne remarked.

"Well, now there are no single and cute guys left at school. I can't wait to finish Hogwarts and move onto real men," Dominique said.

Roxanne put a hand on Dominique's knee and said, "Oh, honey," before going into the living room to see what progress had been made on the time-turner.

Rose was still carefully examining the time-turner, while Molly was reading her a passage off one of the pages from the time travel book. Scorpius was comparing his own notes to Rose's, and jotting more things down on his own sheet of paper.

James was tied to an armchair, to make sure he didn't mess with anything.

"This is torture. I would rather spend a day with Jennifer and Simon," James whined, referring to his dad's cousin's children.

"Shut up," Victoire ordered, while throwing a magazine at him.

Fred walked through the door carrying a brown paper bag.

"Where have you been?" Roxanne asked.

"I was just getting a book for Rose," Fred responded, while handing Rose the paper bag.

Rose made four copies of the book and handed one to Molly, Scorpius, Victoire, and Teddy.

Fred noticed James tied to the chair and laughed, "Can't say I blame them, mate."

Before Fred could move, he too was tied to an unoccupied armchair. Victoire smiled at her work and went back to reading the new book.

Fred squirmed around for a few moments before shouting, "Why, did you tie me up? It was James's fault, not mine."

"If my memory is correct, you knew about the time-turner before the rest of us did," Victoire snapped.

Fred shrugged back into the chair the best he could and remained silent.

A tawny owl flew up to the open kitchen window, carrying the evening edition of the Daily Prophet. Roxanne untied the paper and grabbed a piece of bread off the top of the compost bowl as a treat for the owl. It took the piece of bread and flew away into the setting sky. Bill and Fleur had owled them shortly after Scorpius, Fred, and Roxanne had returned to inform them that they were having dinner at Gram and Granddad's.

Bill and Fleur, of course, had no knowing of their plan to steal a time-turner from a place occupied by the biggest supporters of Voldemort in all of England.

Roxanne read the heading of the front page of the paper and walked into the living room, and handed Albus the paper.

"Well, this is one for the scrapbooks," Albus said, while holding up the article titled "Harry Potter: Undesirable No. 1."

"I've got it," Rose said, rather dumbfounded. "I think we can finally get home."

A/N: Hello! I guess I am officially back. I think this story will only be 20 chapters max, or maybe even less. I already have another story started, and I'm going to make sure it's a lot further along before I upload it to avoid anymore ridiculously long hiatuses. Please review and thanks for reading!