Merlin Ambrose & Freya Potter

Chapt 2: Remembering.

A/N: I am so, so sorry I am an awful human being. Things half been really bad with my laptop breaking and my school work piling up and so, I hope that u, my readers can forgive and I'll try to update often :)

Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING! Merlin belongs to the BBC and Harry Potter belongs to J.K Rowling.



And there it was, clear as day. Three spirals that met in the middle of her arm. Before Arthur or anyone could stop him, Merlin was across the room with Freya wrapped tightly in his arms. It took everyone a minute to get to their senses though, in that one moment something went wrong.

One minute Freya was being hugged by Merlin the next, she was on the floor in lying in Merlin's arms with her eyes closed.


Normal pov

All Freya could see was pictures flashing in front of her eyes. A man attacking her family, the man approaching her with a blade, him on the floor dead with his blood on her hands. Being cursed by a sorceress, running through forests at twilight. A stout man approaching her with chains and putting her in a cage, endless days on the road. Arriving in Camelot and meeting Merlin….then, being loved in return by him. Her attempted escape that, resulted in Merlin finding out her secret and eventually, her dying in his arms.

Freya paused for a moment. Wait. Wait a minute, she had died. How… was she alive, if she had felt death consume her.

She blinked, and everything around her started to fade. She tried to open her eyes and all Freya could see was a worried Merlin looking down at her.


Merlin's pov

The recognition shown clearly in her eyes as she looked up at me. This was Freya. The Freya that had been in my arms, two weeks ago. Dying.

"M-Merlin…" I felt tears prick my eyes at that moment, I heard her say my name.

"It's definitely me, Freya." She lifted her hand, and slowly wiped the tears away from my eyes.

Normal pov

Merlin slowly lifted Freya up and hugged her to him.

"I'm so sorry, Freya. I should have done something more than just allowed you to die in my-" She placed a single finger on his lips to stop him.

She sighed. "It wasn't your fault, Merlin. I told you this in my last moments." Freya smiled. "I couldn't let you give up the life that you had in Camelot, with your friends."

The girl glanced over to the group in time to see Arthur storm over and pull Merlin away from her. It didn't help that the wizard had been the only thing keeping her upwards and she, would have fell if it wasn't for the tall, bear-like knight that had caught her.

"Merlin!" Arthur yelled as the servant managed to escape his grip. "Are you completely stupid? That Bastet is dangerous and you're creating her as if she is a normal human being."

Merlin wanted to punch him right there and then. "Her Bastet form is as tame as a cat when, she is around me and how, dare you say that she is dangerous when, is the best person I know."

Arthur sighed and shook his head. "She's killed people, Merlin and she's a Monster."

Merlin had turned around and glanced around in time to see Freya lower her head as her shoulders shook. If you had blinked at moment, you would not have seen him turn around and punch Arthur straight on the nose.

"Oh My God, Merlin," He whispered through his pain. "What the Hell?!"

"She is not a monster, Arthur…. She is so much more than that, Freya is the Lady of the Lake."


So hey guys, here is the update that I had promised a year and a half ago and while, I was away I was working on more stories so prepare for more stories soon. :)

Please review,
