Chapter 8

The next day was a Saturday so Bella and Edward were hanging around at home.

As Edward went to grab a red drink from the fridge there was a knock on the door.

As Bella opened it she gasped. "Demetri what are you doing here?"

Demetri stepped inside the house. "I just came to visit my little sister and her boyfriend."

He looked to Edward who still had the bottle in his hands and said. "What are you doing with that?"

"I was just about to give it to Bella when you barged in."

Demetri chuckled and shook his head. "No you weren't."

Edward nodded. "Yes I was."

Demetri chuckled again and shook his head. "No you weren't because you're the one that will need it in a second."

He grabbed a pocketknife from his pocket and threw it towards Edward.

It hit him in the chest.

Bella gasped and mouthed to Edward. "Fall to the ground."

Edward fell to the ground and dropped the bottle to the ground where on impact shattered.

Bella ran over to Edward but Demetri grabbed her hand. "You will not save him this time." He said as he threw her to the wall. "This time he dies."

Bella hit the wall head first which knocked her unconscious as she landed on the ground.

Demetri turned back to Edward and walked over to his side who was pretending to be dead.

Demetri chuckled as he pulled the knife out. "That was too easy. I wish you would put up more of a fight." He sighed. "But you never will. No matter who you are reborned into."

Edward's eyes flung open and smiled. "Well I might as well start now."

Demetri gasped as Edward stood. "How is that possible?" he said as he stood. "You shouldn't be alive."

Edward grinned. "Bella did save me when you tried to kill me the last time but you see she gave me something to do so."

He looked down at the shattered glass and Demetri followed his gaze.

"So she did turn you."

Edward nodded. "You can't hurt me."

Demetri smiled as he looked to Bella. "Oh but I can hurt you through her."

Edward frowned. "No you will no longer hurt her."

Demetri laughed. "How can you stop me? You don't even know how to kill our kind."

Edward smiled. "As a matter of fact I do. Bella told me how to kill an immortal." He walked over to Demetri. "She told me what to do to kill an immortal." He smiled again as he jabbed his hand into Demetri's chest.

Demetri gasped out in pain.

"She told me to pull out an immortal's heart and then they will die never to return." Edward said as he pulled out Demetri's heart from his chest.

Demetri looked at the heart for only a second before he fell to the ground dead.

Edward dropped the heart next to Demetri's body and ran over to Bella.

He shook her and she woke a second later.

"Where's….. Where's Demetri?" she asked.

"Demetri's gone."

Bella turned to see Demetri body.
"We have to get rid of the body." Edward said.

Bella shook her head. "No need. His body will turn to dust in a few seconds."

True to her world Demetri's body turned to dust a few seconds later.

"I can't believe that his finally gone." She said as she turned to Edward. "Thank you for this. I love you."

Edward smiled as he kissed her. "I love you too."

The end.