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After she had left her parents River went straight to the Doctor in the year 2693 where she found him and Clara enjoying afternoon tea on a planet two galaxies over from Earth. It had rolling mountains and crystal blue seas, an aromatic scent in the air due to the many flowers around and the calmest, most gentile people. She got to the planet to find Clara sat alone reading Summer Falls at a table outside of the cafe.

"Professor Song, hi" said Clara.

"Hello Clara, left you all alone has he?"

"Yeah, I don't mind though, he's helping the owner fix the oven while I read my favourite book"

"Summer Falls by Amelia Williams"

"Have you read it?"

"No, but I know it's author


"Yes, she's my mother"

"She is!"

"Yes but to the Doctor she'll always be ..."

"Amelia Pond, the Girl Who Waited" finished the Doctor from the doorway of the cafe behind River.

"There you are, I have something to show you"

"What is it?"

"This" answered River, getting out the camera she had taken to her parents with her and showing him the photo's she had taken of Amy, Rory and Anthony, there was even one of the four of them and one of River with her little brother.

"He's cute"

"I said I'd go back for his first birthday"

"Did they like the book I gave you?"

"Yeah, they said they'd read it to him every night, tell him stories of their great adventures with a madman in a blue box"

The Doctor then smiled before he looked at his wife and said "I have an idea for his birthday present, Clara, River, how's about we go shopping"

"Cool with me, I need a little retail therapy, besides, I promised Angie and Artie I'd bring them something back this time"


"I'd love to, where were you thinking?"

"There's this planet in the future, which is just one giant shopping centre, I went there once with an old friend, I think you'll like it, what do ya say?"

"Let's go"

The Doctor then led Clara and River to the TARDIS and moments later it disappeared off into the Time Vortex.

End of Chapter