Hey there! Uhm... I have nothing to say, so here's chapter 4. I really hope you enjoy it!

Killian turned to face Regina.

"Are you alright? What was he doing with you?"

"I'm fine, we were just talking… Who was he?" she asked. Killian sighed.

"He's my brother"

Regina stared at him in shock.

"Really?" she turned the direction Daniel went and then back to Killian "You don't look like him at all…"

"He was adopted. My parents thought they couldn't have children, and two years later they had me but they kept both of us. He was always jealous of me for he thought I was their favorite, even after they died and the tailor took care of us. He left when he was old enough"

"I'm so sorry, I had no idea…"

"It's nothing, really. We don't get along very well as you see…" He said looking the way his brother had gone. "What did he say to you?"

"Oh, nothing, he was just trying to court me…" Regina said rolling her eyes.

Killian's expression hardened and his hands turned to fists. Regina noticed this and frowned.

"Are you angry with me?" she asked.

"uh? Why would I be angry with you?"

"I don't know it's just… you look very angry…" she said with an innocent shrug.

"No, Regina, I'd never be angry with you. It's just that Daniel always flirts with the girls I like"

"You like me?" she said blushing.

"No- Yes! I mean, uh…" he looked down embarrassed and saw the rose in his hand. He turned back to Regina and handed it to her "I got this for you"

Regina smiled and took the flower. It was a rose that went red to pink from the bottom and up.

"It's beautiful…" she said looking at the flower.

"Just like you" he muttered to himself, but the Princess heard him and kissed his cheek. She giggled when he blushed. He smiled at her.

"Oh, I almost forgot" he took her hand and began to take her to the tailoring.

She was surprised at the sudden contact, but followed him without saying a word.

When they got to the shop, the tailor was setting some fabrics on a shelf. When he heard the door closed, he turned to them.

"Ah, there you are, boy" he said approaching them.

He smiled at Regina "You must be Regina" he took her hand and kissed it "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Killian wouldn't stop talking about you…"

Regina and the man chuckled at Killian's red face.

"The pleasure is mine, Mr. …"

"Rumpelstiltskin" the man said "Rumpel, for short"

"Rumpel" she repeated with a nod.

The older man looked her attire up and down.

"Tell me something, dearie, do you know what day is today?"

"Yes, Killian told me it's the day of the Full Moon's festival"

"That is correct. And you must have something… nice to wear. Do you have anything else apart from that?" he said gesturing to her clothes.

"No, these are the only clothes I have…" she said.

The tailor brought a hand to his chin thoughtfully and circled the girl. He smiled and nodded.

"Come with me, please" he said and walked through a curtain that seemed o lead to the back of the shop.

The princess turned to Killian. He smiled and gestured her to follow the tailor. She nodded and went to the back of the shop.

When she passed the curtain, she saw the tailor shuffling shelves with many suits and dresses.

"Where is it? I know I left it here... somewhere" he mumbled while pulling clothes out of the chest

"Sir?" she asked shyly. The man didn't hear her. He kneeled next to an old chest and began to pull clothes out of it

"It has to be somewhere!"

"Sir?" she asked louder.

"Oh, I'm sorry, dearie. What is it?"

"What are you looking for? Can I help?"

"Oh, don't worry, it's just… aha!" he exclaimed after turning back to the chest "Here it is!"

"What is it?" she asked. The tailor stood and turned around slowly, smoothing the fabric in his hands.

Regina stared in awe at the beautiful velvet dress he was holding. It was a light blue color with a darker ribbon under the bust and small details in white thread along the knee-high skirt and thin straps on the top.

"It's beautiful…" she said. The man smiled and bowed his head.

"Why, thank you. I made it a few years ago"

"For whom?" she asked. He shrugged

"No one in particular, I was bored at the time" they laughed "Here…" the man said handing her the dress "Take it. I'm sure it'll fit you"

"Oh, no, I couldn't-"

"I insist. Consider it a gift" he said smiling at her. She couldn't help but smile back; he was a very nice man, so she carefully took the dress from his hands.

"Thank you"

"Take those as well, dearie" he pointed at a pair of white shoes "Come out when you're finished" he said and went back to the front shop.

Meanwhile, Killian went to change into his now fixed suit. When he returned, he saw his Master was back.

"Ah, there you are" the tailor said upon seeing him "Your girlfriend will be out in a minute. She's changing her clothes"

"Al- Wait, what? She's not my girlfriend"

"But you want her to be" the older man smirked when the boy blushed.

"What are-?" he stopped in mid sentence when he saw Regina entering the room. He couldn't tear his eyes off her, she looked beautiful.

The dress reached a little past her knees; the smooth skin of her shoulders and collar was exposed, and her long raven hair hung loose down her back. She really looked like a princess.

Regina looked down at the dress and then back at the men.

"How do I look?" she asked twirling around.

"You look wonderful" the tailor said.

"Thank you, sir" She smiled and her eyes locked with Killians.

"Gorgeous…" was all he could say. The Princess blushed.

"Thanks" she said. He smiled and extended his arm.

"Shall we go?" he asked. She linked her arm with his.

"Yes, we shall…"

Killian led the Princess to the entrance of the Forbidden Forest where the villagers made a small carnival.

Regina was mesmerized by the amount of people and kids dancing, playing and having fun.

"I've never seen so many people enjoying themselves before" she said absentmindedly.

"Really? You must be joking…" Killian said raising an eyebrow. Regina shook her head.

"It's true. The few balls I've attended to were full of shallow royals who always found a way to talked about themselves"

She still thinks she's the princess. Killian sighed. Well, better play along with her…

"That sounds… awfully boring" he said.

"It is. And now mother wants to throw one for my birthday in a week and-" she gasped and grinned excitedly "I have an idea, I'll try to convince her to invite the entire village!"

"That's a wonderful idea" he said with a charming smile. Regina blushed.

"Thank you…" she whispered "What is that?" she asked pulling him towards a stall.

Killian smiled to himself; the night best night of his life had begun.