In hindsight, it had been really quite obvious. But hindsight is 20/20, as they say.

Mackenzie tilted her head slightly as she surveyed her body in the mirror.

Yup, definitely bigger.

'Hmmm,' her husband mumbled as he walked past, sliding his hand around her waist as he reached up for his jacket – and stopped, his hand still touching her side. He stood at an angle behind her, observing her in the mirror.

'Do we see a problem?' he asked, mimicking her by tilting his head to the side a little.

'Have I put on weight?' she asked, a tone of incredulity in her voice. Will just blinked.

'Seriously? You expect me to answer that?' he asked, and she frowned.

'I think I have,' she said, the incredulity increasing.

'Mac, the first time you ate or slept in months was two weeks ago and that's only because you were stuck in a hut with me on a small island and had little else to do. You haven't put on weight.' He turned and walked away. She watched him go, her eyes on his back.

He'd certainly lost weight. They all had. At least she thought they all had. Maggie had lost so much weight from stress and lack of sleep that she looked practically skeletal and Rebecca threatened to put an IV in Maggie herself if she didn't stop. At that point Mac had instituted a mandatory lunch break; everyone was to meet in the conference room at 2:30pm and they had to bring at least a semi-decent lunch.

When they'd all asked what a semi-decent lunch looked like, she'd been stumped, and Will had jumped in, trying to be helpful, saying that it had to at least have something green in it. Mac had then said it had to at least have some carbs, and Will had said protein. Jim had asked if they were required to prove it was from a restaurant that had at least one Michelin star at that point, and Mac had swatted him over the head with her folder in reply.

It had proven a good idea for more reasons than one; not only did they eat at least one decent meal a day, but it also gave them an opportunity to just relax for fifteen minutes – something they all desperately needed. It was time to chat about nothing, get to know each other a little better, and generally stop thinking about the news or the courtroom appearances most of them were making or the general sense of dread and foreboding that seemed to have overtaken the newsroom like a fog.

But then one day Charlie had burst in saying that they'd won. They'd won. That Dantana had obviously admitted to doctoring the tape, and that the Judge had decided that whilst it was in part an institutional failure – and had recommended some disciplinary action among other things – a considerable portion of the blame for that failure lay at Jerry Dantana's feet as senior producer, and on top of his colossal mistake, his suit for wrongful termination was dismissed.

The whole office had paused for a second before exploding. People screamed and jumped for joy; champagne corks were heard very, very shortly after. Will and Mackenzie had just hugged, both unable to control the tears of joy and relief that filled their eyes. Charlie had soon joined them, as had Maggie and Jim and eventually everyone else.

The news was prepared at the very last minute that night, and if anyone had taken his blood-alcohol reading prior to taking the chair, they would have found Mr McAvoy was a little over the legal driving limit.

But he didn't care. His wife was smiling freely again, and that in itself was reward enough for him.

He didn't really think it was reward enough for her though; he'd organised a week on a small tropical island for both of them, leaving three days later, where he ensure that both he and Mackenzie ate well, slept well, and got some serious Vitamin D.

And yet, here she stood, in front of the mirror, and her bra didn't fit.

Well, it did technically fit, but she wouldn't be doing any backflips today. Or running. Or bending over.

She frowned.

'My boobs are bigger,' she said, raising her voice so he could hear her in the bathroom. He walked out of the bathroom and studied her chest.

'Hmm. Maybe. I don't mind,' he said, smirking.

'Oh, shut it, you,' she said, before grabbing her blouse and skirt.

'The death toll for the earthquake in Pakistan is now over 200.'

'Ok, putting it on the board. Next.'

'The hostage situation in Nairobi still has no definitive number of hostages, and several sources are reporting that an employee of the mall helped the terrorist move belt-fed machine guns into the mall a couple of days before.'

'Ok. Next.'

'Obama's change in foreign policy is definitely something we should talk about,' stated Neal.

'You want to talk about Obama's change in foreign policy?' Mac said, incredulously. 'What's the angle?'

'Well, most social media in Iran is banned, but there was a brief window in Iran two days ago. For two hours, we saw a flood of tweets out of Iran, and then nothing. The official statement is that it was a technical glitch, but I think they were hacked.'

Mac raised an eyebrow. 'By whom?'

'I have two sources who are stating they managed to bring down the firewall.'

'What is the more plausible theory?' she threw out to the table.

'That the new president was testing Iran's ability to control social media without the firewall,' Tess offered.

'Right. We'll go with that, but we'll talk about Iran's thawing relationship with the US.'

Neal looked disappointed, but resigned to his all-too-common fate. 'I'm sorry, Neal, but we need more proof than just two teenage boys on holidays with very fast computers.'

The meeting eventually ended, the team having secured their five stories for the night. Mac packed up and headed for her office when she felt a warm hand on the small of her back.

'You're right,' Will said quietly as she stopped outside her door.

'Right about what?'

'Your boobs are bigger,' he whispered, smirking.

'You were staring-' she stopped, and he pushed her office door open for her. 'You were staring at my chest for the whole meeting?' she asked.

'Not the whole meeting. Just some. Ok, quite a bit. But you had it under control,' he said, waving his hand dismissively.

She sunk into the chair, feeling her skirt tighten around her hips and stomach – more than it usually did. She sighed, frowning.

'I continue to maintain that you're still the most attractive woman I've seen in real life, and your chest size increasing very slightly certainly isn't going to hurt that assessment,' he said quietly, leaning across her desk to kiss her. She smiled half-heartedly as he turned to leave.

'This means you're going to need to buy more, right?' he said, turning back to face her.

'Oh, probably,' she muttered, turning to her computer.

'Excellent,' he muttered back, clearly pleased with himself, before leaving her office. She smiled, shaking her head at him.

Another one. I know I haven't finished the first, but this one practically wrote itself yesterday. And I know exactly where this is going, which is always a nice bonus.

As always, feedback is greatly appreciated!