Here are a more bloopers and some off camera shenanigans. I hope you enjoy.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading and commenting. You have been very generous.

A SECRET OF THE WINGS Blooper story is currently under development and should be posted soon.

Tinker fairies don't go to the mainland

Queen Clarion tries to explain to Tinker Bell that tinker fairies are not allowed to fly to the mainland. It is a wide shot with Tinker Bell and Queen Clarion in the foreground while Hyacinth and Cheese are in the background. Vidia is in the upper left hand corner of the shot looking down from her perch. She is lying on her chest, head sitting in her palms and her legs are swaying back and forth from the knees.

Take 1:

Queen Clarion: Tinker Bell, sweetheart, has no one explained? Tinker fairies don't go to England.

Director Bradley Raymond: The mainland, Your Highness.

Queen Clarion: What?

Director Bradley Raymond: The mainland. You said England.

Queen Clarion: I did?

Tinker Bell: Yes, you did.

Queen Clarion: Oh, well then let's try it again.

Director Bradley Raymond: You heard the queen, lets take it from the top.

Take 2:

Queen Clarion: Tinker Bell, Sweetheart, has no one explained? Tinker fairies don't go to England. (short pause) I did it again, didn't I?

Tinker Bell: Yup.

Queen Clarion: Oh dear. I'm very sorry.

Director Bradley Raymond: Okay, let's try it again.

Take 3:

Queen Clarion: Tinker Bell, Sweetheart, has no one explained? Tinker fairies don't go to Eng-MAINLAND. (face palms) Not again.

Director Bradley Raymond: Oka-ay. Once more from the top.

Take 4:

Queen Clarion: Tinker Bell, Sweetheart, has no one explained?

Tinker Bell starts to crack up and snicker.

Queen Clarion: Tinker fairies don't..., don't..., stop laughing (the queen starts to crack up).

Tinker Bell: I'm sorry. I know it's coming and I can't help myself.

Queen Clarion: Shows what you know. I was going to say 'England.'

Tinker Bell busts out in fits of laughter.

Take 5:

Queen Clarion: Tinker Bell, Sweetheart, has no one..., she's laughing again. (The queen begins to laugh herself)

Take 6:

Queen Clarion: Tinker Bell (Tinker Bell starts snickering again) Oh, let me get through it once.

Take 7:

Queen Clarion cannot even begin to say her lines as Tinker Bell starts to snicker and laugh causing Queen Clarion to crack up. The queen turns around to return to mark, still giggling.

Take 8:

Queen Clarion: Don't laugh, Tinker Bell.

Tinker Bell: I won't, Your Highness.

Director Bradley Raymond: And action!

Queen Clarion immediately begins to crack up and then doubles over in fits of laughter.

Director Bradley Raymond: Why me?

Take 9:

Queen Clarion: Tinker Bell, Sweetheart, has no one explained?

Director Bradley Raymond (shouting): MINISTER, STOP STARING AT THE QUEEN'S ARSE!

Queen Clarion (to Lord Milori who is off screen): Dear, please make the bad minister go away.

Lord Milori darts into view and chases the Minister of Spring out of the square. He then wraps his arms around Queen Clarion and consoles her.

Queen Clarion: Why does he keep doing that?

Lord Milori: You are quite beautiful, my dear. He probably can't help himself.

Queen Clarion: But why does he keep staring at my bum?

Lord Milori: Well it is a lovely bum.

Awkward pause

Queen Clarion (alarmed): Do you stare at my bum?

Vidia (from her perch): He does it constantly.

Lord Milori (after another awkward silence): Back to places everyone, we need to keep this film rolling.

Take 10:

Queen Clarion: Tinker Bell, Sweetheart, has no one explained? Tinker fairies don't go to the (snoring can be heard in the background) mainla-. What is that sound?

Director Bradley Raymond: Somebody please wake up, Vidia?

Take 11:

Queen Clarion: Tinker Bell, Sweetheart, has no one explained? (The queen stops, flits backward and takes Hyacinth by the arm) You're with me minister, where I can keep an eye on you.

Director Bradley Raymond: CU-UT! Alright, that's it. Let's shoot this scene as a close up so we don't have to worry about Hyacinth staring at the Queen's bum. Minister, over there. WAY over there.

The Minister of Spring flutters off to a corner in a huff.

The following occurs off camera

Vidia begins to plot her revenge for what her friends did to her during the filming of earlier scenes. However, anticipating this Tinker Bell, Fawn, Rosetta, Iridessa and Silvermist have taken advantage of a rare day off during the shooting schedule (weather delay) and have come to make peace with the angry flyer.

The group arrive at Vidia's sour plum tree home. They knock on the door and when Vidia answers she greets them with a face covered in cold cream and her hair is wrapped in bits of foil.

"Whoa!" Tinker Bell tries to say under her breath, but it can still be heard by everyone.

"Hey, you try looking this beautiful when you get to be my age," Vidia replies angrily. "What do you want?"

"Well, we wanted to apologize to you for our little prank, Vidia," Fawn, the mastermind behind the practical joke, explained.

"Yeah, no hard feelings, okay," Silvermist added in a reconciliatory tone.

"Why should I accept your apologies?" Vidia demanded. "You didn't seem to care when that bird and dragonfly made me look like a damn fool."

"That's not hard to do," Silvermist very quietly whispered to Iridessa. The light talent tried to suppress her amusement.

"We know you have no reason to accept," Rosetta stated, "but we thought about it and realized it was a terrible mistake to perpetrate that awful prank on you."

Tinker Bell pleaded with the flyer. "Please. We don't want to lose you as a friend, Vidia. We do that sort of stuff to each other all the time."

"Yeah, we wanted to include you in our pranks, but realized too late that it made you very angry," Iridessa finally confessed.

Vidia's demeanor finally softened. "Okay, apology accepted."

"Thanks, Vidia," Tinker Bell exclaimed.

"Now how about a group hug," Vidia offered cheerfully. Actually, too cheerfully, but the other fairies were so relieved they failed to take notice.

"Yeah. Friends?" Fawn asked.

"Friends," Vidia replied with a smile. They should have looked closer or they would have seen a glint of deviousness in Vidia's eyes. Vidia wrapped her arms around her friends in a giant group hug. But then she wanted to hug them individually to show no hard feelings towards anyone. When the group flew off to enjoy their respite from filming each was wearing a little leaf on their backs that Vidia had quietly affixed to their clothing. The little leaves were hand written signs in fairy language and read "Pinch my bottom for five grains a pinch."

"That should be good for a few laughs," Vidia mused. "They'll think all will be settled and then I can really get them good because those fairies won't be expecting a thing."

Thank you for reading and please post your comments or send me PM's. The more feedback I get the more I'll post these bits of zany comedy.