Hey everybody! This is my first story so take it easy on me. I'm new here. And if you have any ideas for chapters or for scenes, let me know.


1. Hopeful Goodbye

Couple hours before graduation party, Alexis, Mindy and Jasmine are walking to Alexis' room to have some girl talk before the graduation party and just to share some laughs on the memories of the past 4 years. After an hour or so of sharing laughs

"Come on Alexis, there must be a guy that caught your attention during these 4 years?" Mindy curiously asked.

"Yeah Lex, maybe that's why you hang out with those guys all the time! So who is it? Is it Chazz? Or maybe Cyrus?" said Jasmine.

Alexis replied, while trying to hide the little blush in her face: "Come on girls you know that if I liked someone I would've told you, besides those guys are just my friends!"

"I still think you're hiding something Lex but alright we'll leave to get ready for the party" said Mindy as she and Jasmine were leaving Alexis' room.

As the door shut behind them Alexis was thinking "I can't tell them about my feelings for Jaden, they don't really like him and besides I might not see him again after today so I better keep it to myself."

Couple hours later

Outside the Obelisk Blue Dorm, Alexis was staring into the Obelisk lake wondering where Jaden was, why he didn't show up to the party, and whether she will ever see him again. Her thoughts were interrupted by the noise of footsteps behind her.

"Calm down Alexis, it's only me" said Jesse surprised by her reaction.

"Oh, it's you" exclaimed Alexis "sorry Jesse but you kind of surprised me there."

"You were thinking about Jaden weren't you?" Jesse confidently asked

"How did he know? Was it that obvious?" Alexis was wandering in her mind. Realizing that a slight blush was creeping into her face, she tried to think of a way to go around the question.

"uhh... well… you got me Jesse. How did you know?" Alexis said looking down as tears were starting to flow from her hazel eyes.

"I've always known you had feeling for him! You always look at him with different eyes, and well you are always willing to follow him no matter where he goes!" replied Jesse "and since he didn't show up to the party and you were outside all alone, well I could imagine you were thinking about him and where he is."

Alexis' face was really red now. "You're right Jesse, I've had feelings for him since the first time we dueled our first year. We dueled right here in this lake. Do you think we'll see him again?" asked Alexis

Jesse tried to keep calm as tears were fighting to come out as he knew he might not see his friend again. "Out of all of us, you are the person I think Jaden will look for" Jesse said trying to cheer her up "I'm sure you'll see him again! Don't worry"

"I just hope he comes back one day!" said Alexis letting tears drop from her cheeks.

On the other side of the island in the Slifer Red Dorm

Jaden was placing a card into an envelope when Yubel and Professor Banner appeared.

"That letter is for Alexis, isn't it?" asked Yubel, although she already knew the answer

"Yeah," said Jaden given a big sigh "but I'm not giving to her, I'll leave it here and hope she someone finds it and gives it to her. Everything is ready looks like it's time to leave."

"You should give it to her" said Banner "I think she would prefer it that way. Where you going? Aren't you supposed to be at a party?"

"Well professor you might be right, but I want to travel around the world and use my powers for good, and if I give it to Alexis and tell her my plan she might want to join me and I can't put her in danger not anymore! I'm not good at goodbyes so I decided it was better for me not go. Hopefully we'll see each other again! Take care professor" said Jaden while closing the door of the room he had now lived in for 4 years.

That night Jaden took a boat to Domino City where his trip was going to start.

Next day

Everybody was saying goodbye, all ready to start their new journey. Almost all the students had left for the summer. Syrus, Hassleberry and Alexis had stayed back to finish their packing before leaving Duel Academy.

"Did anyone of you see Jaden?" asked Syrus

"I think the Sarge left last night!" exclaimed Hassleberry

"Without even saying goodbye?" said Syrus with sad but angry tone

"You know how Jaden is! He was never good at saying goodbye" Alexis replied

"Well I'll go check his room just in case he is still there!" exclaimed Syrus while running toward the red dorm

"I think poor Syrus will suffer the most with Jaden's disappearance" said Hassleberry a bit worried

"I think you're right!" Alexis replied trying to hide the sadness inside her.

Alexis and Hassleberry were in the boat about to leave Duel Academy when they see Syrus running back.

"Guys wait for me!" screamed Syrus

"Hurry up private!" yelled back Hassleberry

Hassleberry had put all of Syrus' bags in the boat already so Syrus ran directly to the boat.

"Alexis… I… found this… in Jaden's room!" said Syrus panting while handing the envelope to Alexis.

"So did you find the Sarge?" asked Hassleberry

Syrus, still trying to recover his breath, said "No, he left already, but I did find an envelope in his desk with Alexis' name on it"

"What does it say Alexis?" asked Hassleberry trying to peek into the letter

"It's private Hassleberry! Jaden wrote that this was for me and only me!" said Alexis giving her back to the guys and walking to her room.

"Wow!" exclaimed Syrus "that a big change"

"Yeah after she read something in that letter, she changed!" said Hassleberry "Well Syrus I'll go to my room see you when we get to Domino City."

Both parted ways to their own rooms in the boat.

Alexis entered her room and sat in the bed. She was still reading the letter from Jaden. The letter said:

Dear Alexis,

Don't tell anybody about this.

Alexis, I really can't say enough for all that you've done for me this past 4 years. You have been my best friend since the start, but there is something I need to tell you. I love you Lex! I've loved you since our duel back in Obelisk Lake but I never had the courage to tell you! As you might know by now I left Duel Academy and I'm going to travel the world and use my powers to fight evil. I didn't tell you because I knew you were going to follow me and I can't put you in any more danger! If something happened to you because of me I would never forgive myself, so I decided to travel alone. Hopefully I'll see you and the gang again someday. Until that day I'll always remember you!

Always yours,

Jaden Yuki

Alexis sat there with tears dropping on the letter. "He loves me" Alexis thought while leaving her room leaving the letter in her bed.

Alex went to the front of the boat and stood there against the rail watching the ocean. "Come back soon Jaden! I need you…" whispered Alexis while leaving to go sleep in her room.

The next morning they all reached Domino City, after getting off the boat they all said good-bye and parted different ways. Each one had a plan for their future and were going to follow it.