I'm so sorry!

But hopefully I can make up for it by posting the last chapter... (:

I do not own Nancy Drew or The Hardy Boys.

Oblivion sucked Nancy down. She welcomed it, embracing the sweet painlessness.

"Hey!" A voice. She felt herself being sucked back upwards and fought to stay in the dark.

"I need some help, there's a girl over here!" The voice yelled sharply. Nancy groaned.

Hands touched her, lifting her. Pain. She screamed.

They lowered her down again. "Easy, shh, it's okay. You're gonna be okay, sweetheart. Can you open your eyes for me?"

Nancy could breathe easier now, and it wasn't as hot. The darkness moved to the back of her mind, and there it stayed. The redhead moaned almost petulantly. "Frank," Nancy whimpered. Where was he?

The darkness came again. She rushed into it, hiding in it, not coming out again for a long time.


She moaned again. Leave me alone. It feels good in here.

"Wake up."

I don't want to.

A hand stroked her hair. "Please wake up," Frank's breath was warm on her ear as he whispered.

The darkness left, but she didn't open her eyes, hoping it wasn't a dream despite the pain. "Frank?" Nancy croaked.

"Right here."

She slit her eyes open. Brightness made her cringe. Frank's form was fuzzy until she blinked. "Where am I?"

"Where do you think?" Frank raised an eyebrow with a small smile.

"I hate hospitals."

"Me too. But I'm glad you're here."

Nancy sighed contentedly as he continued to stroke her hair. "Where's Joe? Is he okay?"

Something passed over Frank's face at the mention of Joe, but it went away as quickly as it had come. "Joe's fine. Bess and George are in his room talking with him. Do you want them to come in here?"

"Bess and George, or all three?"

"Bess and George, although Joe just might drag himself in here regardless," Frank shook his head in exasperated fondness. Nancy smiled.

"Yeah. Sounds like Joe. Bess and George can come in here in just a minute. I want to do something first."


Nancy smiled slightly despite the throbbing pain coming from her burns. "This," she whispered.

But as she grabbed Frank with her bandaged hands and pulled herself towards him, the pain was too much. She felt the flames again, torturing her arms, hands, and back.

Quickly, she stifled her scream of pain into a strangled cry, falling back onto the pillows. Looking up, she saw Frank making a beeline for the call button.

"No, please," Nancy shook her head. "I'm okay."

"No, you're not."

"Yes I am."

Frank sighed. "Stubborn as ever. What am I going to do with you, Drew?" He added with a gentle, but reproachful smile.

"Well," Nancy pretended to consider. "I was kind of hoping…" But the words stuck in her throat. Maybe some other time. But not right now.

"Could you get Bess and George?" she changed the ending of her sentence. Frank didn't seem to notice.

As Frank walked out, Nancy sighed. Then she grinned a little bit. There was time yet. They'd defied the rules before when it came to their detective work. They'd forged their own paths and gone in ways forbidden.

Her eyes began to close sleepily. Maybe this is just another forbidden trail we'll conquer.

That was how they found her when they came in. All Frank could think of was how beautiful she looked, fast asleep, looking as if she was having the sweetest dreams ever thought of.

Tadaaa! Hope you liked it. Sorry for not resolving the whole Joe's leg thing, but that presents the possibility for one-shots! Hope y'all enjoyed this story. (:

(DRAMATICALLY) Until next time... ;)

BONUS: Titles Foxy121 has acquired during this fic

"Evil!" ~ NancyAustin

"Evil genius!" ~ NancyAustin

"SO NOT NICE!" ~ max2013

"Such. A. Good. Writer." ~ NancyAustin

"Really good writer" ~ CollieandShire

"good author" ~ mg (does anyone know who mg is? idk)

"gr8" ~ mg (maybe it stands for "Maps, Google". Any takers? Think Google has a fanfiction account?)

"The maniac laugh fits perfectly" ~ Kl (not exactly a title but I couldn't resist putting this in here because yes, yes it does...)

"Monster!" ~ Cynthia Darling

"Amazing writer" ~ The Gummy Bears Are Coming (gummy bears... Fear them!)

"so meeeeeeeeean!" ~ Guest (but I'm pretty sure this was one of my best friends...)

"Great writer!" ~ The Gummy Bears Are Coming

"Yet another evil author-so smug and evil" ~ max2013 (max, you might be my favorite reviewer... lol)

Ohmaword guys I only just now realized how many people complimented me... You are all the greatest ever and I live off of your reviews! I'll be back soon! :)