Okay so Percy will still be the son of Poseidon. Just wanted to clear that up. But he is also the elder brother of both Artemis and Apollo so you can guess who his mother is. Domains are: Natural disasters, Time, and Tides. If you would like a change to his domains then please leave a review about it. Okay on with the story...

Chapter 2

Bottom of the ocean in a cave...

3rd P.O.V

"Don't you think that we should help them, I mean we have been down here for a while and they are losing and you know that,"

said a deep yet soothing voice. The man whose back was o the speaker before turned to address the beast with calm.

"You are right Draco, even Oromis is now entering the battle," at this the man sighed and continued "and i am not prepared to lose another friend so yes we will go," The man replied while his thoughts were racing at a speed dragons could not possibly hope to reach. The man took a step out of the shadows of the cave he was previously in revealing his full body. At his staggering height of 6'5 he could make most people intimidated by this alone. Moving up from his barefoot feet and pitch black pants that were made of some sort of strange material that was not native to Alaglasia. He wore a navy blue shirt that was loose enough for him to move comfortably yet tight enough to show off his solid 8 pack that could have been made of marble. He had strong and muscular arms that were not in the muscular way that made them look grotesque. Upon his right arm he had a trident etched into his skin that made him look even more like a warrior. Also he had on his left arm an image of a wolf howling at the moon, he smiled as he remembered his man hating sister but that was the past. Messy and windblown raven hair went down upon his face, which before his own exile human women have called the face of the beautiful god. Swirling Sea green eyes with small specks of gold and silver looked as though they were a hurricane. The very same eyes that could make people become lost in them with one quick glance. The very same eyes that first captured his loves heart. The man quickly shook his head from these thoughts. She probably has moved on and found a new lover, besides she would never forgive me for vanishing for so long. The man went around his cave that was his home ever since the fall and gathered his custom made armor. Sea green vanguards and greaves with silver designs along them. A silver chestplate with a green trident right in the middle of the chest going vertically. To top it off a Silver helmet with a gold sun on its right side and on the left are silver and gold arrows crossed to make an X.

"Well Draco It's time for your armor so come out here," the man said into the cave while resting next to the man was armor that could fit the mighty Shruikan yet it was the same color as the moon not the color of darkness that Shruikan's scales match. The ground under the man shook slightly with each step the mighty creature took. With one last step the mighty creature was towering over the man with it's sea green scales shining from the small amount of light that was able to shine down to where they were. It's bright silver eyes shone in the small amount of light.

"Percy are you sure that you wish to return to the world of the sky?" the mighty sea dragon asked it's rider as his rider was putting on the silver armor onto the dragon.

"More than many things, we have been gone for far to long and I belive that we must catch up with some old friends as well as meet a new rider," The man, Percy, replied. With weapons and armor set Percy mounted his Dragon.

"Let us return to the sky old friend," Percy spoke before the dragon unfurled it's wings and shot from the depths of the ocean and into the sky where they would head to battle.

Line Break-

A bolt of fear shot through Eragon. No! he thought, feeling sick. Not now. Not after all we've gone through. He was stronger than he had been when he faced Durza in Tronjheim, but if anything, he was even more aware of just how dangerous a Shade could be. Only four warriors had ever survived killing a Shade: Lateri the elf, Irnstad the Rider, and himself included. He had no confidence that he could do the feat twice. Blodhgarm, where are you? Eragon shouted with his mind. We need your help!

And then everything around Eragon winked out of existence, and in its place e beheld:

"Glaedr, behind us!" Oromis shouted.

Glaedr twisted, but he was too slow. The red dragon crashed into his right shoulder, sending the gold dragon tumbling. Snarling, Glaedr wrapped his single remaining foreleg around the blood red hatchling, in hopes to crush the life from Thorn. As they tumbled from the sky the sound of swords striking shields resounded throughout the sky as Murtagh and Oromis exchange ferocious blows.

Glaedr grunted when he was brought to an abrupt stop from an unseen force. Then the four asended into the sky till the brken city blow was nothing but a mere smudge. Glaedr found it hard to breath and was in fear for his rider at this height.

Then Murtagh spoke, though this was not Murtagh's voice, it was richer and deeper than Morzan's-son. Glaedr felt the scale on his shoulders crawl as he recalled the voice of their ancient foe.

"So you survived, Oromis, Glaedr," said Galbatorix," Long have I thought that the elves might be hiding a dragon and a rider from my sight and from what I can currently see , I was correct."

Glaedr out of his fury that made his vision swim with red clamped his teeth down upon the young dragons leg and tried to crush the leg with all his might. The clash of blades was heard less than a second after this move was done. Thorn swatted at Glaedr with his other foreleg causing Glaedr to release his to avoid the hit. Thorn gave a roar as he prepared to crash into his foe, but before he could do this the world was suddenly losing all of it's light. This caused Glaedr to look towards the sun along with his rider and his foes. Black storm clouds covered the sun as lightning danced through the clouds, illuminating the battlefield. This went on for another minute, two sets of enemies at a standstill as they watched the sky become filled with lightning. Rain pelted the scales of the dragons causing a clinking noise to emit. Then a fearsome roar pierced the air which caused both riders and dragons to look at their advisary before realizing that neither could have made that roar. A flash of silver was seen dipping out of the clouds when the lightning struck again. A screech of pain was heard opposite of Glaedr and as he looked back at Thorn and Galbatorix only to have his eyes widen in shock.

Thorn was there falling to from the sky, his wings having large claw marks on each side and Galbatorix having an arrow stuck in his right shoulder. Where they both were placed in the sky was a dragon larger than Glaedr that had armor that shown in the flashes of plasma that lit the sky every few seconds. Upon the dragons back sat a man, tall in stature as well as a well built body from the looks from this far away. He was fitted in a mixture of Silver and Sea Green with designs across them both in the opposite color. He held a bow that was a mixture a gold and silver that shown in the darkness, as though it was its own light source. When he turned Glaedr caught a sight that he thought that he believed he would never see again. Glowing sea green eyes that swirled like a hurricane with the solid Gold and Silver flecks within them as if someone had decided to toss the colors into his eyes for intimidation.

Perseus? Glaedr thought in wonder. Before the man could reply there was a roar that, now after hearing the silver armored dragon was nothing but a chip coming from a hatchling. They turned to see Murtagh/Galbatorix's eyes alive with hate as he looked upon the other rider.

"You will rue the day you have come out of your hiding rider!" Murtagh/Galbatorix yelled as Thorn flew away in the direction of the dark city. Once they started leaving they dancing light in the sky stopped and the clouds began to dissipate away. The golden dragon hesitantly flew towards the larger dragon whose silver eyes bore into Glaedr and Oromis with a burning curiosity.

"Perseus is that you?" Oromis asked to the man who he believed to be the fellow rider who Oromis treated as a brother.

"I don't know, do you know someone else with these eyes my brother?" Perseus stated with humor obvious in his voice. His dragon snorted with laughter as Oromis had his mouth open in shock.

"Well you are the same sarcastic person that I remember," Oromis said with happiness in his voice that also shone through his eyes. Persues stopped laughing and looked around for a second before his eyes landed on Glaedr's. Perseus smirked and said

"Return to your own battle young one I will arrive soon and do not speak of my name to anyone till I get there," Then the world that Eragon was currently viewing through the eyes of another vanished with a flash.


So what did you guys think of Percy's reveal. I am not sure if I am that good of a writer so I hope that it was up to your standards. Any questions or suggestions leave a comment and I will see what I will do about it.

So until next time...