Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters. They belong to DC Comics.
After a rough week, I decided to publish this. Hope you like it! I slipped on my porch steps, broke my iPod (which had ALL my stories on it but thankfully I'd saved them just days before), fell off Galaxy while we were jumping during riding lessons, and have a TON of homework due. I'm not hurt too bad, but I'll be sore for two weeks or so, really hurt my back. I haven't started the Smallville comics yet, but I want to soon. Just started watching Supernatural last week and am hooked on it! I may write a fanfic for that sometime. Hope everyone is doing well and not sick of school already. Please review!
Clark wakes up, his arm around Lois. She stirs and murmurs something in her sleep. He bends down and kisses he cheek.
Ring. Ring.
Clark grabs his phone, runs out of the room, and picks up.
"Hello," Clark says.
"Hey Clark, meet me as soon as possible, it's urgent," Tess' voice whispered over the phone.
"Alright, I'll meet you at Watchtower in 20 minutes," Clark hangs up then makes his way back to bed. He shakes off his slippers and snuggles back into the sheets, nuzzling his face into Lois' sweet smelling hair.
He tried to sleep but his eyes shot open. He'd taken the day off to spend time with Lois and his friends after all they'd been through the past few weeks. Apokolips had happened one month from today and the city was still talking about Superman, formerly known as The Blur.
Clark sighed. He couldn't possibly save everyone in danger. News had been going around that Superman hadn't been doing as many saves the past few days. That wasn't entirely false. Clark had spent less time saving people and more time with the woman he loved, Lois.
He turned on his side and reached for the drawer on his nightstand. Clark took out the little brown box that held their rings.
He laughed to himself. Except mine's not make out of gold K anymore. The day of his and Lois' wedding, Oliver, overtaken by the sign of the omega, had almost cost Clark the loss of his powers.
Lois rolled onto her back and inched her eye open.
"Good morning honey," Clark whispered to her.
"Morning Smallville," Lois replied, smiling a sleepy smile.
Clark loved it when Lois called him Smallville, it was like her name for him and no one else could use it.
"Tess needs help with something so I'll make breakfast when I get back," Clark told her, kissing her warm cheek.
"No, let me make it," Lois replied as she kissed him back.
Clark gave her a queasy look- Lois couldn't cook it all.
"I don't know…" Clark said, snuggling close to Lois.
She grunts. "What do you mean you don't know?! My cooking is perfectly fine."
"Maybe I'll just grab some doughnuts that way you can sleep in."
"Oh alright you win, but just this once," Lois replied while biting her lip.
Her smirk was more than Clark could take. He cradled her in his arms and kissed her.
Ten minutes later Clark was at Watchtower, hair combed back, teeth brushed, and a smile a mile wide stuck on his face.
"What are you so happy about?" Tess asked as she walked down the stairs. She wore a tight black skirt and V-neck blouse, making her figure even more pleasing.
Clark, snap out of it. Lois would kill me if she knew what I was thinking.
"Does it start with an 'L'?"
Clark nodded and blushed as he recalled their romantic morning in the sheets.
"What was so urgent that you called me down here at eight a.m. on a weekend?" Clark asked, shoving the memories of Lois to the back of his mind.
"To talk to you. Something is stirring, something dark; I can feel it in my bones," Tess said, stopping in front of Clark.
"I think Darkseid's gone for now, I'm sure it's just your nerves. It happens to me all the time. I feel like someone is following me, but there's no one there when I turn around."
"No it's something different, let me show you," Tess stated. She leaned in and kissed Clark on the lips. Clark's eyes widened in surprise. She pulled him closer and wrapped her arms around his neck. Overcome by emotions, Clark kissed her back, opening his mouth wide to let her take control.
Tess suddenly drew away.
Clark gasped for breath but none would come.
"See, I showed you," Tess said as Clark fell to the ground, stunned.
"Tess…" Clark whispered, stretching his hand out toward where she stood.
Opening theme song: Somebody saaave me!...
Hopefully I'll have the second chapter up soon. Sorry if you think the chapters are so short, I like writing shorter chapters better. How'd you like it? Please leave a comment!