HERE IT IS! THE ONE THING YOU ALL HAVE BEEN WANTING FROM ME! What? No, it's not three wishes. ;) IT'S THE SEQUEL TO NEIWICUTB! Read on, and I hope you enjoy this one! :D

Foxy the human woke up to early morning sunlight streaming in her face, a warm, gentle wind begging her to come outside. She blinked sleepily and yawned, stretching like a dog before propping herself up with her hands and looking around. She was in a large dome-shaped structure that had been her home for four years, curled up in a bean bag chair that looked as though it was made for a car, instead of a human. She looked to her right, and smiled gently.

A sea foam-green 1960's Volkswagen Bus, highly decorated with peace signs, sunflowers, and other 'hippie'-related things was curled up at her side, sleeping quietly, their left front tire wrapped around her waist. She debated going back to sleep next to the van or getting up and going outside, but in a few seconds chose the first option, for the warm breeze became much colder. She hated it when the breezes tricked her into thinking that spring was here when January was just ending. She snuggled against the van's side, moving her long hair out of the way.

It reached past her hips, since she hadn't had a haircut since she had arrived. She closed her eyes, and thought back to that night. She only opened her eyes when she felt the van at her side begin to stir.

With a yawn, Fillmore opened his eyes, blinking sleepily.

"Mornin', Fillmore." Foxy gave him a smile, which he returned before ruffling her hair gently.

"Mornin', Elizabeth."

Foxy stood up, stretching again, then waited for Fillmore before following him outside. She shivered, but her hair kept her for the most part warm, paired with her overly large sweatshirt that looked like it had seen better days.

Fillmore pressed against her side, and she gave him a smile before hopping onto his roof, a skill that no longer surprised him. He knew that she could jump nearly onto Red's roof if she really tried, since he had seen her try. Her height, however, made many believe that she couldn't jump very high at all. She was only 5'3(and a half), barely coming up to Fillmore's windshields.

It was only her hair that still amazed him, and not only because it was extremely long. It was extremely soft as well, and he couldn't resist petting it whenever he got the chance. At this moment, her hair was draped down Fillmore's roof and right side, looking like a moving curtain. They arrived at Flo's, Foxy greeting some of the travelers that she had become friends with.

They returned her greetings as she jumped down from Fillmore's roof.

"Morning, Foxy!"

"Howdy, Foxy!"

"Hiya, Foxy!"


Foxy stiffened when she heard the last shout pierce the morning air. She knew that shout too well. She darted out of the way just seconds before an orange, chrome, and black mass hurled itself where she had been. "Hi, Harry!" She exclaimed, jumping onto her best friend's roof and hugging it tightly.

Harry, now almost as half tall as his father, laughed and looked up at the fiery mass of red and yellow hair on his roof. "What do you want to do today, Harry? Go into the forest? Go to Wheel Well? Go to Willy's Butte?" Foxy asked with a grin.

"How about we do all three?"

"All right!" Foxy did a back flip off his roof, landing on her feet.

"Good dismount, Foxy." Doc called as he entered Flo's in time to see her stunt.

"Thanks, Doc." She gave him a wry grin, remembering the last time that she had done a back flip and ended up hitting her head on the ground, hard enough to knock herself out for a few days. Her and Harry departed Flo's, Foxy holding onto Harry's hood as she felt the wind blow her hair back. They sped along the road to Tailfin Pass, Harry apparently making Wheel Well their first stop.

The duo often liked to go up and look at the town from the cliff, Foxy occasionally telling Harry a story about her old home.

Once they had reached the cliff at Wheel Well, they stopped a safe distance from the edge.

"Hey, Harry?" Foxy asked quietly after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah?" Harry's green eyes, so much like Foxy's own, moved to look down at her sitting snuggled up to his right fender.

"Are you good at keepin' secrets?"

Harry was silent for a few minutes, lost in thought, staring absentmindedly down at the town. He knew that Foxy was looking up at him, and he knew that she was waiting patiently. "It all depends on what the secret is, Foxy." He replied finally, and Foxy smiled slightly.

That was the answer she had hoped for. "I feel like I don't fit in here." Foxy said quietly, and Harry looked down at her in slight worry.

"Because you're not a car?"

Foxy shook her head, then hesitated. "It's... nothin'." She said finally, looking down at her knees, which were pulled up to her chest.

"It's definitely something, Foxy. What's bothering you?" Harry asked in concern. He nuzzled her gently, his engine purring quietly. "You know that you can tell me anything, right? After all, I am your best friend." He gave her a small smile, but the look of concern didn't leave his eyes.

Foxy nodded, then sighed. "I... just feel like... I really don't belong here. Not 'cause I'm a human, but 'cause of somethin' else..." Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to think, and Harry let her do it. They sat there for a few minutes, looking out at the horizon, neither one saying anything, but content to just sit beside one another.

Harry noticed that Foxy was shivering slightly, so he pulled out a blanket he kept in his trunk for her. He wrapped it around her, and she gave him a faint smile before resuming her thinking.

"I guess it's just that comparin' my old life to my new one, everythin's so different. I guess I prefer livin' here to there, but sometimes I feel like I don't fit in, like when everyone else is talkin' about goin' to the races, and the drive-in, I'm just kind of off to the side. Like in the pits, I don't do anythin', even though I feel like I should. And at the drive in. I'd like to play some movies sometimes too, I know everyone else would like them, but I wouldn't be able to figure out how to use the projector 'cause it's made for cars." She replied eventually, and Harry nodded. Foxy smiled faintly, then leaned into Harry's fender. "Thanks, Harry. I don't think I could've trusted anybody else like that."

"Sure thing, Foxy." Harry replied, then nudged her to her feet.

"Now where are we off to, best friend?" She asked with a smile.

"I was thinking we go to the Butte and play in the snow." He suggested, and Foxy's eyes lit up.

"Hey, yeah! I haven't done that in a long time." She and Harry made their way back, Foxy walking along side him.

Harry was lost in his own thoughts, which were mainly of Foxy. 'She really got an accent living here this long. How didn't I notice it before? She sounds like she belongs here.'

He was pulled out of his thoughts by Foxy moving closer to his side for warmth.


"Maybe just a little." Foxy replied through a shudder.

They went back to the café, and Foxy sat down next to Fillmore.

"I still don't get how you guys can all gather 'round here in this cold." She grumbled, pulling her sweatshirt over her knees and pulling her arms into her sweatshirt.

Fillmore chuckled and nudged her with a tire, sending her leaning towards Sarge. She rocked back towards Fillmore, swaying from side to side. She gave him a playful grin, and he nudged her slightly harder, sending her closer to touching Sarge with her hair. She swayed back towards Fillmore, and just barely missed setting her head on his side.

Once she stopped swaying again, she looked up at him. "Havin' fun?" She said quietly, and Fillmore chuckled before nuzzling her gently. She purred contentedly and set her hand on his side.

Since she had arrived, she had gotten more comfortable around the others, but from time to time he still saw a flicker of fear in her eyes, especially when she watched Lightning race. She attended every race, and had become a popular sight in the Rust-Eze tent, laughing and joking with the rusty cars.

She occasionally was the center of attention for the numerous racing fans who were able to get a VIP pass, but they saw no threat in her, so they treated her as one of their own. She wore her tail and ears to every race, cheering Lightning on to victory. And now it seemed like the others knew that the two were an item, sending Foxy into a teasing, playful denial every time one of them mentioned it.

As Foxy thought over their four year-relationship in her mind, she smiled and leaned against Fillmore's side. She dimly heard someone chuckling, and pulled out of her thoughts to see Sheriff giving her an amused glance.

"What's so funny?" She asked in confusion, only succeeding in making him laugh slightly louder. "Will someone just tell me what's so funny?" She pleaded, after frantically looking around at the others who had also begun laughing at her.

Fillmore ruffled her hair, only deepening her confusion.

"I give up!" She exclaimed, pulling her hood up and flopping to the ground, curling up in her sweatshirt and looking like a large armadillo.

"C'mon out, Foxy. You'll get it stuck even more."

"Get what stuck?" She looked up at Sheriff with slight fear.

"There's somethin' in your hair." Fillmore told her, and she stiffened abruptly.

"What is it?" She asked quietly.

"It looks like a spi-spine, from a cactus." Sheriff replied quickly, and Foxy remained frozen in place. She heard the slight hesitation, and instantly knew that there was a spider, not just near her, but in her HAIR.

She shot up from the ground, clawing at her hair and squealing, "Get it out, get it out, get it out!" She whipped her hair from side to side rapidly, making her dog tags chatter wildly. She began pulling and ruffling her hair as fast as possible, trying to rid herself of the arachnid. She began hopping around Flo's, shaking her head back and forth as fast as she could.

Fillmore chased after her, until he was able to grab onto her hair gently in a tire. He pulled the spider out, then set it on the ground and shooed it in the opposite direction.

Foxy cowered the entire time, watching the spider scurry away, her eyes wide with fear as she bit her lip. When the spider abruptly changed direction and decided to go back in Foxy's direction, she squealed, then bolted across the pavement to Red, getting a running leap to try to jump onto his roof. He winced slightly as he felt her fingers scrabble at the water tank attached to his side, then slide down as she fought for some sort of edge to hold onto. She made it onto his roof, and curled up into a ball, shaking as she watched the spider creep closer. Eventually, she squealed again, jumped from Red's roof, then sat down on the roof of Flo's, shaking and looking down at the medium-sized spider.

"Not this again." Sarge sighed. He rolled over to the spider, then rolled over it with a tire.

When he pulled his tire away from it, the legs were still twitching and moving around.

"Eww." Ramone muttered, looking away.

Sarge snarled quietly at the spider, then attempted to run it over again, with the same results.

Foxy whimpered and pulled her hood up in a hurry, looking away.

Sarge scraped the spider from the pavement with his tire, then tossed it into the dirt behind Flo's.

When he returned, he called up to Foxy. "It's gone. You can come down now."

Foxy lowered her hood slowly, and the others under the opposite roof could see that she looked pale. Her green eyes were wide with fright, and they seemed to bore into Sarge's own. He sighed and rolled his eyes, then pulled over to almost directly underneath her.

"Are you coming down, or what?"

She nodded, then pushed herself off the roof, landing on Sarge's hood. She looked around nervously before stepping down gently. "Thanks, Sarge." She nearly whispered, and he nodded his hood once.

"Only way to get you down." He replied, then backed into his parking spot.

She looked around once more, then sat down by Fillmore with a shudder. "Ugh, the way its legs were moving." She whispered with a grimace and snuggled closer to Fillmore's side.

He put a tire around her, attempting to comfort her.

She had been sent back to her world only once since she had arrived, and she had used that chance to gather up as many clothes as possible, including a couple more sweatshirts that had belonged to her father, pajama pants, more gloves and scarves, some baggy t-shirts that had belonged to her father, and numerous pairs of jeans.

She had packed them all into a bag, then waited until she had seen a shooting star to utter the words, "I wish I could see Fillmore, and Max, and Lightning, and the others again." She had been enveloped in a blue haze as before, then her vision had quickly gone black as she fainted.

When she had awoke, she found herself in a familiar-looking dome covered with Jimi Hendrix posters, Cream posters, and one or two Pink Floyd posters. She remembered the feeling of Fillmore lying at her side, how good it had felt to be back in her home. She had curled up and fell asleep right then and there.

She resurfaced out of her memories gradually with a quiet sigh. That night, she curled up at Fillmore's side after quickly throwing on some pajama pants. Fillmore had given her a smile after seeing her pajamas, which were blue flannel, covered with hearts, flowers, the word 'peace', peace signs, and smiley faces. "My favorite pair." She said with a grin.

Fillmore laid a tire over her, gently pulling her closer.

She purred softly, hugging his tire as she smiled. "Night, Fillmore." She said quietly.

He returned the good night, and soon the two were fast asleep.

Foxy jerked awake at about two in the morning, shaking and her most recent nightmare running through her mind.

There was a spider, nearly fifty feet tall chasing after her. Out of nowhere, it was flattened by a gigantic tire. When the tire seemed to drift away into a haze of smoke, all that was left was the squashed spider, jerking and twitching horribly.

Foxy found that she couldn't move, and was forced to watch as the spider's jerking and twitching became even more pronounced before it suddenly rose up from the ground and began crawling towards her, its back four legs squashed. She tried to struggle against whatever had cemented her to the ground, but all that she could do was scream as the spider continued crawling closer, and closer, and closer to her. It stopped when it was right above and a little to the front of her.

As though an invisible hand tilted her head back, she was forced to look upon the monster of a spider, giant fangs and all. As she remained forcibly frozen to the spot, the spider came closer to her form, its fangs clicking eerily.

At last, it sank its fangs into her neck and it seemed like she could finally move, but she was already being lifted up by the large, hairy spider's fangs.

That was the point when she had snapped awake to find herself breathing shallowly and shaking. She looked around, still in a slight panic from her nightmare. Once she saw that she was safely in Fillmore's dome, she sighed with relief, then curled up and went back to sleep. She woke up around eight o'clock the next time, the memory of the nightmare still floating in the back of her mind.

Fillmore picked up on her mood right away, and nudged her gently, asking her what was wrong.

She shook her head with a slight smile. "It's nothin', Fillmore. Just thinkin' if I want to wear my pajama pants or not."

Fillmore ruffled her hair, and she looked down.

"I think I'm gonna."

Fillmore chuckled, then Foxy stood up, yawning and stretching. Her tail puffed up as she yawned, then smoothed down again. She walked outside, following Fillmore over to Flo's. She sat down with another yawn, puffing her tail up again.

"Mornin', Foxy." Sheriff greeted her in amusement.

"Mornin', Sheriff." She returned the greeting, her tail up and the tip wagging sleepily.

"Morning, honey." Flo greeted her with a smile, which was returned as she set Foxy's coffee down.

"Mornin', Flo." Foxy took a drink from the coffee, then seemed to panic slightly before she swallowed the coffee hurriedly. Her tongue flopped out of her mouth abruptly and she began panting, looking like a real dog.

"What did you do?" Sheriff asked in surprise.

"I bunt my pthonge." She replied, her tongue still sticking out as she looked down at it worriedly.

Sheriff chuckled, shaking his hood in bewilderment.

Foxy took another sip of her coffee, with the same results.

Sheriff shook his hood with a sigh, then went back to his own coffee.

Luigi looked over at Foxy curiously, and she repeated her predicament. Luigi nudged Guido and began speaking rapidly in Italian. Guido, who had been looking at Foxy curiously, nodded his front in understanding. She didn't really understand Italian, but she knew how to say hello.

"Va tutto bene?" ('Is everything okay?') Guido called her way, and she was at a loss for words.

She cast about for something, anything to say in Italian, and abruptly blurted out, "No habla en Espanola!" ('No speak in Spanish!')

The others laughed, and Foxy looked around at them.

"What? What did I say?"

"Wrong language." Sally replied, and Foxy pouted.

"I said I don't speak... oh. I never learned Italian, I never needed it."

"If you've got any hope of talking to Guido, you'll need it."

"Yeah, I probably will." Foxy replied with a sigh.

"Guido and I, we could-a teach you?"

"That would be great, Luigi! Thanks!" She replied, her eyes shining brightly, like they usually did when she was happy.

"Guido, ti dispiacerebbe se abbiamo insegnato I'italiano? Poi si poteva parlare con voi di piu." ('Guido, would you mind if we taught her Italian? Then she could talk to you more.') Luigi spoke rapidly to Guido, Foxy not having the slightest clue what they were discussing.

"Luigi, non mi dispiace affatto." ('Luigi, I don't mind at all.') Guido replied just as rapidly.

"Guido says that he would-a not mind, Foxy."

"Thanks, Guido." She gave him a smile, and Luigi translated her thanks into Italian.

"Ha detto 'Grazie, Guido.'"

Guido gave her a smile in return, then went back to his drink. Luigi and Foxy soon did the same.

How'd you guys like it? I just wanted to say, i'm really happy you guys liked the first one enough to even WANT a second one. I can't thank all you guys enough for being completely awesome, and look for another update on Saturday. I'm not sure what time it will be on, because there's another important announcement I'd like to make. I'm going for an interview for a job tomorrow! If I can get this interview, then I can finally get my first job! Yay! Then I won't be a broke hobo anymore! xD Anyways, all you guys, keep bein' awesome, because you are! :D See you, Liz