Far away in a dimension sealed from all others, there is a place where no mortal has ever set foot. The dead are tormented in a world of fire and brimstone, forced to endure punishments beyond our most horrific nightmares. On Earth, it is known as Hell. Yet to the various demons, monsters and other creatures born of sin, it is their refuge – a place where they were free to live out their twisted desires without persecution. There are vast lakes of molten lava that stretch out for miles, bubbling and hissing in a menacing fashion. The air reeks of sulfur, smoke and misery. In place of traditional music, the cries of the damned resound in a horrific melody. Beyond the lakes is a castle made of black, unyielding stone. It stands higher than any mountain, and is guarded by an arm of flame spirits. The only decorative quality are strings of strange, magical runes – all of which glow a blazing red.
Inside this castle, one would find various paintings and statues that display a number of disturbing images; women and men being raped, children eating the flesh of other children, and so on. There are many dungeons as well, each littered with various bones of of the dead, complete with the vile aroma of decaying flesh. From there, it isn't hard to imagine what the rest of it would look like. One could easily envision numerous, pitiable creatures hanging from the walls, lifelessly staring at the blood-splattered floor beneath them.
Past these cells is a small room in the back, which doesn't match the rest of the decor. It is simple, yet elegant bedroom, done in bold shades of gold, green and red. There are only a few sparse items in there; a bookshelf filled to the brim with dusty, ancient tomes; a metal staff, carefully hung along the back wall, and a large bed that matches the room. Upon that bed sits a very strange woman, hidden behind a red cloak.
"Azarath Mentrion Zinthos." she murmured softly, as a dark light began to surround her. The red-cloaked woman stayed like that for a time, as an ancient magic began to lift her into the air. Within the confines of her mind, she was given two separate, disjointed visions. In both of them, she instantly recognized someone – a girl with purple hair and a black diamond shape on the middle of her forehead. Why, it was none other than the Child of Prophecy herself – Raven!
The first vision held two people – a child version of the girl, and a mysterious teenager, whose eyes were hidden by a mask. Raven sat upon the ground, looking as though she had just fallen.
Raven gasped as someone leapt down from above. Fearful and confused, she backed away. Slowly, cautiously, the masked stranger walked toward her.
"Raven, it's me, Robin." he said in a gentle tone. "Remember?"
"I'm lost." she told him, with that wide-eyed innocence all children seem to have.
"I know," he knelt in front of her. "but I found you. You don't need to be afraid anymore." He smiled kindly, reaching out to her with a gloved hand. "I can help you, but you have to let me." After a moment of uncertainty, Raven reluctantly accepted.
The second vision was of an older, long-haired Raven. She seemed to be winning against Trigon, with a blast of white energy.
"You may have created me, but you were never my father!"
Robin stirred, as did three, unusual teens. Raven walked up to her father, white energy surrounding both of her hands. Trigon turned to face her, red eyes gleaming with hatred and fury. He readied a fighting stance.
"YOU INSIGNIFICANT WRETCH!" he roared, only to be blasted back a second time.
"Fathers are kind!" she yelled, firing at him again. "Fathers protect you!" Another blast. The demon king stumbled, uttering another cry of pain. "Fathers raise you!" The white energy wrapped around him like a giant python, pulsing with a rage all their own. Robin and his comrades stood behind her as continued with her long-awaited tirade. "I was protected by the monks of Azarath! I was raised by my friends!" Trigon dropped to his knees, bellowing in agony.
"They are my family! This is my home! And you're not welcome here!" As the girl spoke, white energy left the others and went back into her own body. She then levitated upwards, the diamond mark on her forehead glowing. A white, bird-shaped light engulfed Trigon, who roared out of anger, pain and frustration. The world was then bathed in a blinding flash of cleansing, restorative light. All too quickly, Earth was brought back to its former glory – making it seem as if the apocalypse never happened.
"Raven, that was..." The green-eyed girl trailed off, eyes wide.
"Unbelievable." The half-robot finished, awestruck.
"No, it wasn't!" Raven replied, happily embracing Robin. "Somebody believed!"
He, in turn, placed a hand upon the back of her neck. "Welcome back, Raven."
After several moments of frightened silence, the red-clad woman gasped. "Th-this is bad." She whispered to nobody. "Very bad, indeed." Trigon would be furious at the notion of his defeat – especially by his wayward daughter and a powerless, human boy.