Sorry the update took so long - didn't see the edit in my email! Thanks to Chris for the help! :)) Hope to update the other story soon, too! :)


As the elevator closed, Ana thought about how perfect the weekend went until the last few moments. A handsome guy flies her across the country to see her and treats her like a Princess.

At least she got to know a lot about Gail – she was really nice and friendly. Someone worth to know.

But now, she had to think where would she go because Christian had provided a hotel was no longer an option – she should pay for the room by herself.

The ending of her and Christian's short lived romance was worse than the first one in New York.

Maybe she again had overreacted and was wrong, but that's the way she was – impulsive and sometimes a bit crazy with her stupid thoughts and ideas of situations and men.

But, as the lift opened and Ana was about to walk out, she realized it was not the ending yet.

"Anastasia, I am very sorry." Christian said as he took her by her arm and made her stop walking away from him.

"Look, Christian, I don't want to be angry at you – thank you for the flight, hotel reservation, private driver, but the last few hours have made me rethink everything and it probably was a bad idea coming here." Ana said as she tried to get out of his hold, but didn't succeed.

"Ana, please, I can explain. I really wanted to see you, but I just couldn't get out of that meeting." Christian said sincerely.

"You could have notified me." Ana argued back.

"Ana, I am so, so sorry. Please, stay here. Gail prepared us dinner and I had prepared everything for a perfect weekend." Christian pleaded as he tightened his grip on Ana's arm.

"Such a perfect start." Ana said sarcastically.

"Please. I have waited so long to see you again and I don't want you to go." Christian said sadly.

Ana looked into Christian's eyes and something just told her to stay.

She didn't know what to do. Should she stay? Maybe he got caught up and work and could not leave. Would she regret it? She knew she wanted to stay and get to know what Christian had planned for them.

"Okay. I will stay." Ana said looking up into Christian's eyes.

Christian smiled and let out a long breath like he was holding it in.

"Thank you Anastasia for giving me another chance." He said smiling down at her.

As they rode up in the elevator to his apartment, Ana tried her best not to say a word or show any facial expression.

But it was pretty impossible when Christian kept staring at her and smirked as he looked at her cleavage. Her cheeks blushed and she gave Christian a smile that he returned by lowering his head and kissing her.

"I missed you, Anastasia." He murmured as he softly kissed Ana's lips.

"I missed you too." Ana said, cupping his cheek with her free hand. "Especially these last hours."

"I am sorry about that, I will explain later. Now, let's get some stuff and I will show you a wonderful place." He pulled away as the lift opened and Christian led Ana into his apartment.

"Mr. Grey, oh, and Miss Steele, I'm glad you came back." Gail said as she approached them. "Everything is ready, are you already leaving?"

"Yes, Gail, if you could prepare us a quick salad or something before we leave..." Christian said, giving the woman a smile before he took Ana's hand and led her further in.

"We won't be here for long, I have something more special in my mind for us." Christian said, smiling as he thought what would happen tonight on his boat.

He couldn't get this woman out of his head.

All he had thought about the past two weeks was her.

As he was in business meetings. Or as he ate his meals. As he showered and went to sleep.

He thought about her all the time.

There was something in her. Something special.

He even liked the way she wanted to leave. Her independence was unbelievable for someone like him. It turned him on.

"Ana, please, make yourself comfortable and feel like you are home, I need to change." Christian said when he had led her to the kitchen. "Gail, please serve Ana a glass of wine and also some food."
He went to his room, quickly undressed himself and took a quick shower before he changed into more comfortable clothes – jeans, tee shirt and a free style jacket.

He made sure he had condoms because he planned to spend this night having lots of sex.

After grabbing his stuff, Christian checked himself in the mirror – he had to look good for a woman so picky.

His hair was still wet but that didn't matter, he couldn't let Ana wait any more.

So, he quickly got back to the kitchen where he saw Ana laughing about something with Gail as she sipped the wine.

"So, Gail, what have you made us?" He asked as he approached the two women and sat down with Ana.

"Caesar salad, Mr. Grey. Hope you like it." Gail said before she left the two alone.

"Your housekeeper makes tasty food." Ana said, taking a forkful of the salad.

"I know. But don't eat too much, Gail prepared us a real dinner." said Christian.

"Oh, did she? I didn't see her leave the apartment." Ana asked confused.

"Well, that's because she made the food earlier and one of my bodyguards took it to the place where we are going and another chef is already serving our dinner." Christian explained, making Ana even happier for the fact that she decided to stay.

What has Christian planned? Was all Ana could think about on their drive.

This time, Christian was driving the car, but as he said, there had to be a car following them in case something happens.

They had already been driving for thirty minutes – they listened to music and talked about their favourite artists and bands.

"Oh, they are good." Christian agreed with Ana on U2 . "I think I really like these old bands that are still alive, you know? They have experienced so much and they still make good music."

"Yes, they are actually one of my favourites when it comes to music."
Ana said turning to face Christian.

"Shouldn't a party girl like some other kind of music?" Christian asked, smirking.

"Don't call me a party girl!" Ana laughed. "Yes, I attend events, but deep in my heart I am the girl who stays home Friday evenings and cooks Italian pasta and watches movies or series till I fall asleep."

"Didn't know that." Christian giving her a small smile.

"Oh, you didn't? I'm telling you, I only attend events I am invited to, I prefer my own little parties with my friends." said Ana.

"Tell me about your friends. What are they like?" Christian asked her.

"You are not interested in my friends, are you?" Ana asked, smiling at Christian who looked extremely handsome as he drove the car, there just was something about it. It turned her on.

"Well, I am interested in your life. And we still need to drive for ten more minutes, so better tell me some interesting stories." He said smirking at her.

Ana laughed at his words, and went on with a story how Kate, Jose and her lived together.

They shared some laughs and then Christian turned on a road that took them to a beautiful view of the water.

"Where are we?" She asked as the car stopped and they got out.

"The Grace." Christian said, took Ana's hand and led her to his boat.

"Wait, wait, my shoes!" Ana yelled as she tried to follow Christian but as she had learned in her life, her shoes were more important to her.

"Yes, they are sexy." He said as he stopped and looked at Anastasia once again.

He was already on the boat, rather his huge yacht while Anastasia was still on the wooden path, looking at him and not being able to take the huge step between the path and his boat.

"I can't, I just can't." She said looking at the distance from the path to the boat.

"Take the step and don't look down." Christian said, leaning over her and giving her his hand.

She took it and tried to step on the boat, but all she did was just burst into laughing.

"It's just that it is on water, and what if I suddenly slip and lose my balance?" She asked giggling at herself.

"Oh, Anastasia..." Christian sighed as he easily stepped back on the path to his boat.

"I'm sorry, I will try once again." She said trying to convince him.

"Has anybody ever told you how complicated you are?"
Christian asked and took Ana in his arms, easily getting them both on the boat, and he even managed to kiss her on their way there.

And at that moment, they both were perfectly sure that their evening and night would be perfect.