Rachel walked out of the school with pep in her step. It was the last day of school and she was the happiest she could be. It was the longest that she's never been slushied. The past two weeks have been pure heaven for her. She never knew why the jocks and the cheerios just all of a sudden decided to stop throwing slushies at her. She just guessed it was because of the cocky freshmen the jocks decide to start putting them in their place. But Rachel couldn't care less. She just was glad the slushy spotlight was finally off of her. This summer was dedicated to what made her happy. What kept her sane.

Just as she turned the last corner to get to her car, the sharp, cold slushy hit her face. She immediately tried to open her eyes, but instantly regretted it. All she saw was green. She could feel it all over her face, through her shirt, and felt some start to splatter of her new shiny navy blue Mary Janes. Her senses were immediately directed toward the laughter she heard on the other side of her closed eye lids. She's been in this situation more than she can count, but it's something about this time that makes her want to hide.

She brought her hands to cup her eyes and scrape the green apple taste off of her lids. She slowly opened her eyes and saw someone she never expected to do this to her. One of the only people she thought she could trust. Tina Cohen-Chang.

Rachel and Tina have been literally attached by the hip since the beginning of the year. Rachel wasn't one to make that many friends, with the diva-like controlling attitude scared people away. But when Tina came in the beginning of this year, she knew they would be good friends. She insisted her to join glee club, and spend almost every weekend with each other.

Tina had this smug smirk on her face like she did something to impress the cool kids. Rachel instantly looked behind Tina and saw Mike, Sam, and Puck laughing behind her. Rachel has never been this hurt. Tears welled up in her eyes as she thought about all the good times her and Tina had. She looked down at her dark blue mini skirt with white knee high socks, completely covered in green slushy.

She sound of the footsteps in front of her walking away caught her attention. "Good work new girl. See you at the party tonight. You owe me a dance." Puck said through his smirk. Tina blushed then turned her attention to the green girl in front of her.

"Look. You've been a great friend this year. But let's face it. If I want to make it the rest of high school here, I'm gonna have to stop hanging out with you. I'm sorry Rachel. It's not you, honest! Well actually it kinda is but, you know what I mean." she knew Tina's words were supposed to make her feel horrible. She was her one and only friend here and she just left Rachel. But honestly, she couldn't be happier. She could now focus on having the summer of her life. Dedicated to her dream of being a Broadway star, and not have the hassle of keeping a friendship alive. But she knew all that was a lie.

She lips started to tremble as she realized the slushy made its way in her underwear. She stood there all alone in an empty hallway feeling the substance make its way through her pants. It seemed okay, so she started to cry. After a few whimpers, she decided the faster she gets it the liquid off of her the better. Good thing she had her slushy kit packed in her backpack, so she went to the bathroom behind her and started to enter it when she heard a conversation right to the left of her.

"Sanny, she needs our help and you know it." She heard. She look in the direction the heard the conversation and saw Brittney and Santana stand in front of the lockers. She noticed Brittney have a puppy dog look In her eyes. And just by looking in her eyes, she could tell that whatever it was that Brittany was begging her, she would probably get her way. She smiled softly to herself at the thought of having that look directed towards her.

Rachel knew it was no lie that she was gay. Ever since she was in second grade, she found herself wanting to look up girl's skirts instead of trying to look down boy's pants. It was something she accepted at an early age and never thought it was a big deal. With two gay dads, she had good role models to look up to.

"Britt, you know I can't stand her. Just the other day I found myself dry heaving just by looking at a picture of her." Santana said by grabbing Brittany's waist and pulling her close. "Plus how do you know she even needs help?" Santana asked with a furrowed brow.

"Are you kidding me? We just saw her get humiliated by her only friend. How would that make you feel?" Rachel knew this conversation was about her. She never really talked to Santana or Brittany. Actually, she doesn't think she actually has ever carried a conversation with either of them. They were probably the only Cheerios in the school that didn't give her dirty looks or insults on a daily basis. Some days, if she's lucky, she'll get a compliment of two from Brittany. So them having a conversation about her just made her feel a little embarrassed, but also a nice surprise.

"Well what do you think we should do? I mean we cant just go up to her and say 'hello we want to help you! What do you say?" Santana said with the best sarcastic voice she could muster. The pout on Brittany's made her instantly regret saying that. Rachel's face instantly reddened at the thought some of the hottest girls in school wanting to talk to her.

"Oh baby, no-no I'm so sorry. Look, if it really makes you feel better, well talk to her about it." Brittany's face instantly lighted up. She jumped into Santana's arms and giggled loudly while she spinned her around.

"Woah! What's this love fest about? Quinn Fabray walked up to them snatching Brittany from Santana's grasp. She wrapped her arms around Brittany's middle and stuck her face in the crook of Brittany's neck as Brittany giggled at the contact. She pulled her face out of her neck to give Santana a peck of the lips.

Rachel knew that all three girls were in a relationship for at least seven months. It wasn't anything out of the blue to her because Polyamorous relationships were actually really normal to her. Her aunt was in one in her college days. She would always say "the relationship taught me that loving more than one person was showed me that there's always enough love to go around." Part of her envied her relationship with those girls because she's never really been wanted by anyone other than her dads. Just dreaming of being wanted by those three girls made her insides burn with desire.

"We're gonna help Rachel. She just got slushied by Tina." Brittany pouted before she continued. "She was her only friend and it made me really sad that she doesn't have any friends now. Plus she's really hot" she shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Uhm really babe?! Were literally standing right in front of you." Santana glared in Brittany's direction hiding her face behind Quinn's shoulder because she knew what she was saying was partly true. No matter how many long monologues the girl goes on in glee club, she always finds herself getting slightly turned on from the petite's girl voice.

"Look ducky" Brittany slightly blushed at Quinn's nickname for her. "We know you like helping people, but how do you know she'll let up help her? Let alone actually let us talk to her? Plus, I'm with Santana on this. I'm kinda hurt you just called another girl hot in front your already hot girlfriends." Quinn also had a little hind of blush to her cheeks thinking about the brunette she's been crushing on since freshman year.

"Ohhhh don't act like you guys weren't thinking it! Santana, I see the way you look at her when she sang and glee yesterday. And Quinn don't get me started on you! I catch you staring at her in pretty much every class we have together. Let's all just face it and say it the way it is. Rachel means more to us more than friends. And in some way, shape, or form, we all want her. So what do you say?" Brittany held hopeful eyes towards her two lover's .The Latina and Quinn looked at each other to see if these feeling were okay with each other. They knew for a few weeks not something has been a little of with their relationship. They could only hope Rachel could fill it.

Rachel has heard far too much and didn't want to know Quinn and Santana's answers would be. She could only hope the girls agreed to talk to her. But she felt like she was invading their conversation. All she wanted was to be wanted. To hear these girls talk about her this way only made the desire she had inside of her bigger.

She decided to just head home and wash there. Still frozen in her spot from where only minutes ago she was slushied, she made the smallest steps in the opposite directions of the three Cheerios. She knew with the heel on her shoes would made the loudest noise, so she decided to slowly slip them off and sprint towards the door.

Once Quinn was about to answer Brittany about her request. She heard a door that open to the student parking lot open behind her. As she turned around she saw a green covered Rachel running for her car. They all ran to the door but when they got there, they saw her car backing out of the parking space. Santana's eyes instantly locked with Rachel's behind her steering wheel. For the first time in a while, Rachel felt like that one look would one day change her life forever.

"Do you think she heard us?" Quinn asked with a curious tone in her voice. "There's only one way to find out." Brittany said as she grabbed the keys out of Quinn's hands and started walking to her car. The girls didn't know what was gonna happen when they got to Rachel's house, but each of them had different reasons why they wanted it to work out.