Bioshock Infinite Fanfiction

Disclaimer I only own the OCs. Everyone/everything else I have no ownership of.

Price of Freedom

Chapter Seven: Origins

Elizabeth opened her locker, surprised to see a note in there.

Meet me in the park for lunch?


Elizabeth smiled a little, thinking about how nice and chivalrous he was.

Maybe I should give him a second chance, she thought before closing her locker and heading to class.

As Elizabeth got to the doorway of the classroom, someone placed their hand on the door frame, blocking her path.

"Sup, babe," Davis said.

And now he knows where my classes are. Kinda creepy, Elizabeth thought as she raised an eyebrow, "Hi?"

"How about you walk those beautiful legs of yours over to my place lat- Ah!" he said before Elizabeth slapped him.

"Aw come on, toots," Davis said as he rubbed his face,"Don't be like that."

Elizabeth tried walking around him which resulted in him getting a firm grip on her wrist.

"Let. Me. Go," Elizabeth said before kicking him between the legs and delivering a left hook to his face.

As Davis doubled over in pain, Elizabeth quickly made her way to her seat and rested her face on her hands. The feeling of a hand on her shoulder broke her train of thought.

"You ok?" asked Jonathan who was sitting behind her.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Elizabeth said in an upset tone of voice.

"Well, I'm here for you if you need anything," Johnathan said with a sympathetic look on his face.

"Thank you," Elizabeth replied as she looked back with a slight smile.

"You got anything going on this weekend?" he asked.

Elizabeth looked up and thought for a moment, "No. I'm free why?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to go get coffee or something Saturday. Just as friends, I mean. I understand you already have someone," Jonathan asked.

"I suppose that'd be fine," Elizabeth replied.

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Rowin sat on the picnic blanket he had set out underneath a tree and waited a bit nervously for Elizabeth. Looking back at the smaller basket he had behind him he checked on his gift for Elizabeth.

I hope she likes it, he thought.

At that point Elizabeth showed up.

"Hey," Rowin said as he stood up.

"Hey," Elizabeth replied.

"I'm sorry I hid the truth from you," Rowin said with a look of sincere guilt.

"You did what you had too," Elizabeth said.

"That doesn't make it right," he replied as he looked down in shame.

Elizabeth placed her hand on his chin and lifted his head to look at her.

"It does by me," she said before kissing him on the cheek.

"Well," Rowin said with a smile after a moment, "If it was going to be that easy I wouldn't have gotten you a present."

"Wait, what?" Elizabeth said with a surprised look on her face.

"Nope. You forgave me too easily so you don't get a present now," Rowin joked.

Elizabeth playfully backhanded his chest, "Jerk."

"Well fine," Rowin said acting like he was offended, "Close your eyes."

Elizabeth did so and kept them closed until something started licking her face.

"Awwww," Elizabeth said with surprise and glee in her voice when she saw the chocolate lab puppy.

"I'm glad you like him," Rowin said.

"You didn't have to do that," Elizabeth said when she took the puppy.

"I know, but I did it anyway," Rowin said with a grin, "So what are you going to name him?"

"Mr. Bubbles," Elizabeth replied.

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"So how'd I do?" Davis asked behind the college.

"Too much," Jonathan replied.

"What do you mean too much? That was perfect," Davis said.

"To the untrained, yes. But if you creep her out to the point where you get a court order against you, then you become useless to us. Not something you want to be," Jonathan threatened.

Davis just squeaked with a scared look on his face.

"No matter. We have an opportunity to move forward with our plans. Meet at this location Saturday and follow the instructions," Jonathan said as he handed Davis a slip of paper.

After Jonathan left, Davis began reading the paper.

This all better be worth it, he thought.

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With their delicious meal finished, Rowin lay sprawled out on the blanket while Elizabeth gently pet the now sleeping puppy in her lap.

"So how long have you been doing…what it is you do now?" Elizabeth asked.

"The vigilante work or the violent stuff as a whole?" he replied as he sat up.

"All of it."

"I've been a vigilante for five years," Rowin said as he looked down for a moment before looking back up at Elizabeth, "Been fighting for ten."

Elizabeth had a look of shock on her face, "How old are you?"

"They told me I was nineteen when I started," he replied, "That was eleven years ago."

"Who's they? What did they do to make you so young?" Elizabeth asked. She had seen strange things in her tears but this was something else.

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"Subject heavily sedated. We're ready to begin the procedures," a man in a lab coat said.

"Begin," a business type said in a glass room filled with military officials.

A cart was rolled over with several medical tools, syringes, and electronic components.

"What about EMPs?" a military officer asked the businessman as the scientists cut into Rowin's head behind his ear, "Wouldn't they easily render his new abilities useless?"

"His own body will act as a shielding against any attack that would seek to exploit the electronics," the businessman replied as the scientists placed microphones inside Rowin's inner ear and started implanting high-powered cameras into his eyes, "And the devices we're implanting in him are made of biological material which will prevent them from being detected."

"What if the devices were to run out of power in battle?" the officer asked as chemical analysis devices were implanted in the nose and a tiny computer was planted in the skull and hooked up to the devices that had already been implanted in him.

"We're going to infuse every cell of his with a chemical solution that'll cause them to store excess energy without altering physical capabilities," the business answered as Rowin's body was lowered into a chemical solution, "It'll also allow for a more efficient energy producing process and quiet his joints."

"He's kinda scrawny," another officer spoke up,"Why not choose someone-"

"More suited for combat?" the businessman interrupted, "That would work if we just wanted a brute. But this subject's test scores were considerably higher than that of the others. His intelligence will allow for a more effective use for what we're giving him."

"I see," the officer replied, satisfied.

"Besides," the businessman said as he gestured to the tank where electrical impulses began coursing through Rowin's body,"We have the ability to enhance his physical capabilities."

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"One of the other effects was cell regeneration," Rowin said to an increasingly surprised Elizabeth, "I age slower, heal faster, and don't get sick."

"But it's not enough to prevent injuries is it?" Elizabeth asked thinking back to how Rowin nearly died protecting her.

"No. I can recover quickly, but the injuries still affect me as much as they would anyone else," Rowin replied.

"Which means you could die protecting me," Elizabeth said sadly as she looked down.

"Hey, I knew what I volunteered for. This was my choice. Don't feel bad about it," Rowin said.

"I know, but still…" Elizabeth said, "So who sent you to protect me? Where are you really from?"

"I am from Paramount City…about one hundred and two years in the future. As far as who sent me back here, I don't know. Some weird twins."

Elizabeth giggled at that last comment.


"I know what twins you're talking about."

"You do?" Rowin said surprised.

"Yeah," Elizabeth answered reassuringly, "They're part of the reason I'm free today."

"How so?"

Elizabeth proceeded to tell Rowin about the events of Colombia.

"Does Booker know?"

"He gets flashbacks from time to time but I don't think he does."

"Oh," Rowin replied,"Why didn't you two just grab parachutes and jump?"

Xavier B: Thank you.

Xavier Wolfe: I had no idea I had a brother. Lol. It's kinda hard to collaborate when you don't have an account though.

I apologize for the delay but writer's block has been a pain in the two-pac. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please review.