Thanks to everyone who provided the wonderful reviews I have read. They are very encouraging.

Hotch was livid when he walked into Captain Holmsby's office. "Captain Holmsby, I specifically asked you to call off any press releases or conferences concerning this case. Can you tell me why it was just broadcast on the news that DC has a serial killer targeting gay men and that there is a survivor."

"Agent Hotchner, are you accusing me of leaking information that may hinder this investigation. I would be careful of those accusations, because I'm sure that would be frowned upon by your superiors." Captain Holmsby smugly said.

"I don't take kindly to threats Captain. No one aside from my team, Detectives Smith, Cummings, LaMontagne, Morris, Wolsky and you Captain knew there was a survivor. I find it coincidental that the DCPD has been able to keep these attacks under wraps all this time and suddenly they've been reported to the media. Either you told them or you have a leak, which would not look good for your department. The life of the only survivor may be in danger due to this leak. We don't know the emotional state these unsubs. They may devolve or go into hiding. In either case, it is not safe for the public. I suggest you get word out to your department that no one is to speak to the media. Any information that will be announced to the public will be done by me or a representative of the FBI. Do I make myself clear Captain?" Hotch ordered the Captain trying his best to maintain his stoic and professional demeanor.

A look of anger passed through Captain Holmsby, but he quickly recovered and put on a slight smile before he responded to Hotch. "Of course, Agent Hotchner. I will send out a memo immediately and inform my officers that no information concerning this case is to be discussed with anyone outside of the department. If they receive any leads they are to immediately provide you and your team that information. I will look into who may have leaked this information and you have my word the individual will be reprimanded and punished accordingly. As this is still my precinct, I insist on being informed of all progress concerning the case."

"I'm a man of my word Captain Holmsby. We have interviewed the victims partners. We were able to gather additional information from the time they spent together prior to the attacks. Some information was useful, some did not change. We'll follow up on additional leads. When we're ready to present the profile I'll notify you so that you can gather your officers. Now if you will excuse Detective Morris and I, we have work to do." Hotch turned exiting the office followed by Morris.

"So what are we going to do?" Brian asked Hotch.

"Since you've had this case from the beginning, we're going to start the geographical profile and try narrow down the unsubs comfort zone. Reid usually works on the geographical profile, so it's up to us to get that started while the others are out on their assignments. We're going to need a map of DC." Hotch told Brian.


Morgan and Prentiss arrived at the hospital at the same time Reid's protective detail arrives. Outside the hospital are several news vans. The reporters are trying to enter the hospital, but hospital police is holding them back.

The first officer extends his hand. "Agent Prentiss, Agent Morgan, I'm Officer Scott and this is my partner Officer Avery. Pleasure to meet you."

"Same here. Thank you for getting here so quickly. We're going to speak to the doctor and security to inform them of the situation. You can go straight to Spencer Reid's room. His room is 213." Prentiss instructs the officers. Flashing their badges to get past security, reporters are yelling to them for information.

Morgan asks one of the hospital police officers to guide them in the direction of the security office so they can speak to head of security. An officer by the name of Maldonado responds. "Security is on the main floor, green line, but if you're looking for Lieutenant Jones, he's actually on the second floor speaking to your agent's doctor about the reporters. We anticipated you would be coming after the press started to show up, so you can head straight up. We have everything under control here."

"Thanks, much appreciated." Morgan said.

Once they reach the second floor, Morgan and Prentiss spot Lieutenant Jones and Doctor Jackson speaking to each other. They flashed their badges, while Officers Scott and Avery head straight to room 213.

"Lieutenant Jones, I'm SSA Morgan and this is SSA Prentiss. I am sure you are aware that one of our agents is currently a patient here. Whatever information we discuss is to remain confidential. Is there anywhere we can go to discuss the matter."

"Sure, let's head to my office. It's on the third floor. We can take the stairs." Dr. Jackson says already heading for the stairs.

"I'm sorry about your agent. Rest assured, my officers and myself will do everything in our power to keep the reporters away." the Lieutenant said to Prentiss and Morgan as they headed to the doctor's office.

"Thanks." was the only response Prentiss gave.

After they entered the doctor's office Morgan got right to it. "Dr. Reid was attacked by the same people we believe has attacked and killed nine homosexual men in the past six months. Dr. Reid is the first survivor. Somehow the media got wind that there was a survivor, hence the spectacle outside. We don't know how the unsubs will respond to Reid surviving, but once they hear the news, they may try to finish the job. They may know Reid is a FBI agent. Out of all the victims, he was the only one whose identification and belongings were missing. We assigned two police officers to Reid's room and he'll be under 24 hour protection until we find the unsubs. We'll need a list of the staff who will be assigned to Reid at any time of the day. No one is to go into his room without proper identification. At this time we only anticipate law enforcement going into Dr. Reid's room and the police officer's will be made aware of that."

"We'll provide you with a list of non law enforcement personnel who'll be allowed into his room. For now the only non law enforcement person that is allowed to be in there with Reid is Melony Morris. I believe she's with him now." Prentiss continued to advise the lieutenant and doctor.

"We can give her a special visitor's pass so that the officers and hospital staff know she's allowed in his room. We've been in this situation before, so we know what to prepare for. If there is anything you need, let us know and we'll get it for you. I'll provide you with a list of all my officers and their shifts so you'll know who's on call." the Lieutenant informed the doctor and agents.

"Thank you. It's also important that the staff knows they cannot provide any information to the media. They are not to confirm there was a survivor or that he works for the FBI." Morgan said.

"Administration is already finalizing a memo to send out to the hospital staff. It should be distributed within the next half hour." Dr. Jackson informed the agents.

"Thank you. We really appreciate your cooperation on this matter. We'll provide each of you with a list of everyone on our team. Dr. Jackson, will it be possible that other than the police officers stationed outside of Reid's room someone from our team be able to stay in his room with him over night. It will only be a member of our team, his partner and possibly his partners sister." Morgan asked.

"That shouldn't be a problem. I can have a cot set up in the room. Is there anything else I can do for you?" the doctor asked.

"Can you tell us how Reid is doing?" Prentiss asked.

"I'm afraid there hasn't been any change. His vitals are good so far. We hope we see some improvement in the next couple of days with the anti-inflammatory and antibiotics. That should tell us how well his body is reacting to the meds and healing from the injuries he sustained. Unfortunately, it will not be an indicator as to whether there'll be any brain damage or permanent paralysis. We're monitoring his closely for the slightest improvement, but as of earlier this morning there's been no change." Dr. Jackson regretfully informed Morgan and Prentiss.

"Thank you for the update Dr. Jackson. If you encounter any problems or notice anyone suspicious hanging around the hospital, please notify us as soon as possible. Here's my card. We'll provide both of you with the remaining team members business cards this afternoon." Prentiss provided the men her business card.

Morgan also provided them with his card, shook hands with the gentlemen and exited the office.

"Let's go visit Reid before heading back to the station. We should introduce ourselves to Morris' sister and notify the officers no one is allowed into Reid's room other than specified law enforcement personnel and hospital staff." Morgan told Prentiss, who just nodded her agreement.

Once they reached Reid's room Morgan told Prentiss to go in while he speaks to the officers.

Prentiss briefly knocked on the door before entering. She heard a female reading softly to Reid. "Hello, I'm SSA Emily Prentiss. I'm a colleague of Reid's. You must be Melony, Brian's sister."

"Yes, I am. Pleasure to meet you Agent Prentiss. I was just reading to Spencer to keep his mind stimulated in case he can hear me. I'm really sorry this happened. Spencer is such a sweet man. He makes my brother so happy. I'll keep praying that he comes out this soon. Have you made any progress on catching who did this?" Mel asked.

"Not much. Now that the murders have been reported to the media, we can't predict what the unsubs next move will be." Prentiss told Mel.

"Media? How the hell did the media find out about this? Brian told me you guys weren't going to go public until it was absolutely necessary." the shock was evident in her tone.

"Someone leaked the information. I take it by your reaction you're not aware of the media circus outside." Prentiss said motioning her to the window.

She walked to the window and saw the news vans parked outside and a couple of others arriving. "No, I had no idea. I haven't left this room since I got here this morning. This is not good. What's going to happen now? Spencer is in no condition to be moved."

"We have two police officer's stationed outside the door. Only law enforcement and hospital staff will be allowed in. You'll be given a special visitors pass to come and go, but we're not really sure if it's safe for you to be here. We don't know if whoever did this will try to finish the job and your brother may not want to put you in danger." Prentiss informed her.

"Well my brother may not want me to be in danger, but I already said I would be here for him and Spencer and that's exactly what I plan on doing. I don't go back on my word. I'm a nurse. It won't be the first time I've sat in a room with someone under protective custody. I know what to look out for. I've learned a lot from Brian too. Besides if something happens while you guys are out, I can be here to update you as soon as possible. I really do like Spencer. He shouldn't be alone." Mel stubbornly said. She seems to take after her brother.

Just then Morgan walks into the room. "Hello, I'm SSA Derek Morgan. You're Morris' sister?"

"Yes, Melony Morris. Pleased to meet you." she shakes Morgan's hand.

"Has there been any change since you got here this morning?" Morgan asked.

"No, none at all. His vitals are good. I've just been reading to him. That's pretty much all I can do for him now. Time will tell how much progress he makes. Agent Prentiss just informed me this was leaked to the press."

Morgan was looking at Reid. He didn't seem to hear Mel speaking to him. "Huh? Yeah. Our Unit Chief is trying to find out who leaked the information to the press. Your brother and he stayed at the station to speak to his captain. Oh, I almost forgot, Lt. Jones dropped this off for you. It's a special visitor's pass. It will allow you entry to the room. Although, I'm not sure I'll recommend you to stay here watching over Reid. It may not be safe for you."

"I already told her Morgan and she made it very clear she's not going anywhere. But give it your best shot." Prentiss told Morgan with a smirk. She actually wanted to see how he would be able to handle Melony Morris.

"That won't be necessary Agent Morgan. I can handle myself perfectly well in any given situation. There are two police officers assigned outside the room. I'm a nurse. I can monitor Spencer and the slightest change, I can notify the staff. You are not the only one who cares for Spencer Agent Morgan and since you don't know what the attackers next move is, I don't see a reason to leave. Now, I'll give you some time to visit. I'm going to get some coffee. Have a good day Agent Morgan. It was a pleasure to meet you Agent Prentiss." Mel started towards the door.

"You can call me Emily. After all I'm sure we'll be getting better acquainted now that we know about Reid and Brian's relationship." she told Mel before she left the room.

Morgan seemed a bit flustered. "Doesn't she realize there could be danger. We don't need to have to keep an eye on her as well."

"Oh come off it Morgan. She knows perfectly well there could be danger. After all her brother is a detective and she works in a hospital. Stop trying to control everything in Reid's life." she was slightly annoyed.

'"I'm not trying to control everything in Reid's life. But let's face it, we don't know much about Morris and we definitely don't know anything about his sister. And we're trusting her to keep an eye on Reid." Morgan said incredulously.

"Look Morgan, Reid has been with Brian for almost two years. We've never seen any signs of abuse. He doesn't seem depressed or withdrawn. He is not meek or submissive around us. He hangs out with us. He shows no signs of being in an abusive relationship. I just don't understand why you're having a hard time accepting this. And you know what, I don't want to know. I don't want to have this conversation in Reid's room and upset him. He's in safe hands with Mel." her tone was final. She squeezed Reid's hand and told him. "We'll be back later Reid. And when you wake up you can tell Morgan what a complete dick he's being."

"I'm not being a dick. I'm just looking out for him." Morgan wanted to argue, but Prentiss put up her hand which indicated for him to drop it.

"Fine, but this isn't the end of this discussion. We'll see you later Reid." Morgan said before leaving the room.

As they got into their SUV, they didn't notice a nurse watching them.


"Sam, you better have a good reason for calling me and waking me up." Jake was irritated.

"Jake, the press is here at the hospital. That FBI agent survived. It's on the news. What are we going to do?" Sam was panicked.

"Shit. Get home now. I'll call your brother." Jake cursed.

"I can't leave work now. My shift doesn't end for another two hours and I'm already on probation with the head nurse because of my screw up last month." Sam informed his brother.

"Ok, fine. What can you find out about the agent? Has he talked?" Jake asked.

"I don't know. They just passed a memo prohibiting anyone to talk to the press. Any staff not assigned to the ICU will not be allowed on floor, so I don't know what condition he's in. The memo was not very clear. We were just ordered not to discuss any details of any patients, not even with each other unless we're directly assigned to the patient." Sam was whispering on the phone to ensure no one would hear his conversation.

"Figure something out Sam and get the condition of that agent. When you get home we'll figure out our next move." Jake ordered and hung up.

I'm looking for a Beta. If anyone is willing to help me out, please send me a PM.