The BAU team was just finishing the last of their consults. Surprisingly it was early, so they decided to go have a couple of drinks.

"Hey, is anyone up for dinner and a few drinks?" Morgan asks the rest of the team.

"Sure, I don't have anything planned for tomorrow. I could stay out late and get so drunk that I won't remember anything in the morning." jokes Emily.

"You can count me in as well. Will and Henry are in New Orleans visiting his family for the weekend." JJ replies.

"As long as dinner is at an Italian restaurant, I'll go. Had a light lunch, so I can go for a big hearty meal." Rossi said, surprising the rest of the team.

"Well since Rossi has agreed to go we'll definitely go to an Italian restaurant and a bar afterwards. What about you pretty boy? You up for dinner and drinks?" Morgan asked.

"Sorry, I have plans at 7:00. And if I don't leave now I'm going to be late, but thanks for the offer." responded Reid.

"Come on Reid, a Doctor Who marathon can wait. DVR the show." joked Morgan.

"Ha Ha Morgan. My plans are not with Doctor Who, but I should be done by 11. Why don't you text me if you're still at that the bar at 11 and I'll meet up with you guys." Reid said.

"Yeah that sounds good." Morgan said while wondering what plans Reid could possibly have.

"What sounds good?" Garcia asked walking up behind Morgan.

"Hey, I was just going to come ask you if you wanted to go dinner and a few drinks with us. We're going to an Italian restaurant since Rossi agreed to go. Reid is going to meet up with us when he's done with is plans. JJ and Emily are in." Morgan asks Garcia.

"Oh, I am definitely up for a night out. I was already getting myself depressed by my lack of pans. You just made my weekend my chocolate Adonis." Garcia says with a huge smile on her face.

"I'll go ask Hotch if he wants to come." Emily tells the team walking a towards Hotch's office.

"Well I'm heading out before we are given any more work. Text me your finalized plans," Reid yells while heading to the elevator.

"Do you think he's really telling the truth about having plans? Or he's just saying that so that we don't feel sorry for him that he was actually going to spend the night alone?" Morgan asks the rest of the team.

"Why do you think he doesn't have plans they way said he does?" Garcia questions Morgan.

"Well, at first he said he was not going to be able to make it, then he should be done with his plans by 11. It's a little suspicious." Morgan responds.

"I'm sure if boy genius said he has plans, then he has plans. You know he doesn't lie to us." said Garcia slightly annoyed.

Garcia knows that Reid really is on a date with his boyfriend Brian. No one other than Garcia knows about him and how madly in love they are with each other. And Garcia is the only one who knows that Brian is going to ask Reid to marry him tonight.

Brian Morris was a detective for the DCPD. She first met him six months ago when she dropped by Reid's apartment to drop off a file.


Garcia goes to Reid's apartment on a Friday after work to give him a file or a consult Hotch wants him to conduct on Monday. Reid has been on vacation for the past two weeks. This is his last weekend before he has to return on Monday, so he needs to be prepared. It was a last minute decision, but none of the other profiler's had the same qualifications as Reid.

Garcia called in advance to make sure he would be home to drop off the file for review. When she arrived at his apartment she was pleasantly surprised.

When Reid's door was opened what she encountered was what she would compare to a vanilla Adonis. While Morgan was her chocolate Adonis, Brian was the white version of that.

"Hi, you must be Penelope Garcia. Spencer has told me so much about you. Please come in." he tells Garcia as he opens the door all the way.

"Um hi. Thanks. Who are you?" Garcia asks cautiously.

He smiles at her and introduces himself "I'm Brian Morris. I'm Spencer's boyfriend. He stepped out to go to the store for a quick second. He's about to start cooking and he forgot a few things. He said make yourself at home and that I should entertain you until he gets back. He said you are probably going to have many, many questions. And by the look on your face I suspect you do."

"I didn't know Spencer was seeing someone. For that matter I didn't know Spencer was gay. Why didn't he say anything to us."

"Well technically Spencer is not gay. Spencer is blind to gender. He is attracted to who he is attracted to, both sexually and intellectually. It does not matter if it's male or female. He's more pan sexual. When he falls for someone, he only has eyes for that person." he told Garcia.

"How long have you been seeing each other? It can't be that long otherwise we would have noticed a change in him." Garcia asked Brian.

"We've been dating for eighteen months and living together for the past six months." Brian responded still smiling at her.

He knew she was the one on the team to really be scared of. While there were three alpha males in the group, she was the mother hen of the group. Brian himself was an alpha male, but he never made Spencer feel inferior.

"Eighteen months. You two have been together for eighteen months and he never said anything. Does he not trust us? Does he think we would think any less of him? We're his family." she said angrily.

At that moment Spencer was walking into the apartment and heard what she was saying.

"It's not a matter of trust Penelope. It's a matter of privacy and preservation. Brian can you give us a few minutes." Spencer asks.

"Sure. I'll be in the bedroom. Let me know when it's safe to come out." he gets up and gives Spencer a kiss and heads to their bedroom.

"Garcia, I have not told anyone about Brian because I like my privacy. I don't divulge any parts of my life willingly. If asked I answer honestly, but I don't flaunt what I do on my own time. I don't even flaunt what I do at work. I'm there to do a job. And while I consider you all my friends and family there are times that you can be all be a little overbearing. I'm not ashamed of my relationship with Brian, but not ready for the teasing." Spencer said very calmly.

"What make you think we'll tease you." Garcia asks incredulously.

Spencer gives a look as if to say 'I can't believe you just said that'.

Spencer says "Really, so Morgan won't say Pretty boy is finally getting some. Who's the lucky lady who popped his cherry. Garcia, I have been teased and bullied most of my life before I started working at the BAU. I was excited to start working there and be treated as an adult. Yet, I'm not treated that way. I know you all love me, but I still get treated as if I am a kid who needs constant supervision and babying."

"Reid, we don't mean to treat you that way. You know we love you and would never purposely do or say anything to hurt you. I will admit that I always feel this need to protect you, but again it's because I love you." Garcia said.

"And I appreciate that, but everyone seems to forget that I am an adult. I have been taking care of myself since I was ten. I realize that I may be sensitive to certain subjects, but who on our team isn't. We all have our baggage from our past, but it seems like you all think I'm going to break if something reminds me of a dark time in my life. Brian already has to deal with me when I come home from an extremely difficult case. He is here to pick up the pieces. I don't need him to pick up the pieces when I get home upset from being teased at work. He is a good man who treats me with love and respect. So please Garcia don't question my reasons for not telling the team. If asked I will be honest, but only if asked. I like my life when I come home to a stress free environment." Reid tells Garcia with a lot of passion.

"Ok. I'm sorry. I'll be more mindful of your feelings." Garcia said sadly.

"See, now I've hurt your feelings. Forget I said anything. I'm so sorry Penelope. Please don't be sad." Reid begged.

"Oh honey, I'm not sad. I'm just disappointed. Disappointed in the fact that you feel the need to hide a part of your life that you should be allowed to share without any reservations what so ever." Garcia said.

"But I don't have to hide from you any more. I can share my feelings and my happiness with you. I went to buy extra groceries hoping you would stay for dinner. Will you stay?" asked Reid.

"I would love to stay. That way I can make sure he's treating you the way you should be treated. Don't give me that look. You know I would grill any one of the teams potential mates." Garcia was telling him with a smirk.

"I love you so much Ms. Penelope Garcia. You know that right." Reid hugged her with a smile.

"I know. Who doesn't love me. So what's for dinner?" she happily said.


Reid and Brian were sitting at a corner booth listening to the soft music and enjoying their conversation.

"So, how was your day?" Brian asked Reid.

"Thankfully uneventful enough that I was able to get off at five o'clock and have a wonderful dinner with the man I love and then go home to make passionate love to him before he has to head off to work. How was you day?" Reid asked back with a smirk on his face.

"Pretty much the same. I, however, made sure the apartment was clean so that we don't have to worry about straightening up when we get home. I paid particularly close attention to the bedroom, especially the bed where I anticipated being on the receiving end of that passionate love." He said with a smirk.

"Hmm. You seem pretty sure that I was going to be willing to put out for you tonight. Is there something to this confidence I should know about?" Reid asked.

"There's nothing to it. I just want to show you how much I love. So let's enjoy dinner and the music and then go home so that I can go to work afterwards barely able to walk." laughed Brian.

They ordered their meals and continued talking about work and cases they were working on, but tried to keep those discussions at a minimum because it would dampen the evening. Just as they were half way through their meal Brian's phone rang.

Brian answered. "Morris. Ok, yeah I'll be right there. Text me the location."

"Babe, I am so sorry, but I have to go in. There was another body just discovered. ME said he must have been dead for at least twelve hours." he continued to tell Reid.

"Love, there is not need to apologize. I, of all people completely understand how this works. You are just lucky to have such an understanding partner who will not withhold sex from you because you had to cut short our plans. Is this the same case of the homosexual men being brutally murdered throughout the city? Maybe you should have the BAU called in. We can help." Reid suggested.

"I tried that. I spoke to the captain and told him that DC has a serial killer, but he was adamant that we can handle it and we don't need outside help. We got into a pretty heated argument over the situation. I don't know how I'm going to get through to him." Brian said dejected.

"If you want, I can bring it up to my team see if they have any suggestions. Eight men is cause for concern. He can't keep treating it with his ego. He has to realize your department needs help. Not not that I'm saying you guys are not intelligent enough to solve it. I'm sure you will eventually, but it would be better to do it sooner rather than later before more lives are lost." he said hurriedly so not to offend Brian.

"Babe, I am not a narcissist. I know when we are out of our element. Something is setting this guy off. And if we can figure out what it is, then we can catch the guy. That's what you guys specialize in. Anyway, I have to go to the crime scene and then give a family bad news. What are you going to to do for the rest of the evening since criminals do not understand that ordinary people have lives?" Brian asked Reid.

"Well the team went out for dinner and drinks. I told them I might meet up with them for drinks since you had to be at work at eleven, so I'll call them to see where they are and meet them there. Do you want me to have the waitress pack the rest of your food so you can take it to work tomorrow? No sense in wasting perfectly delicious food." Reid asked Brian.

"Yeah, can you do that for me. I promise I'll make this night up to you. You go and have fun with your friends and I will see you tomorrow. I love you so much." he told Reid. Then he leans over and gives Reid a deep kiss so that he thinks of him the rest of the night.

"Is it wrong that I wish you get called away more often just so that I can get kissed like that more often." whispered Reid as Brian pulled away.

"Maybe a little, but not about the kissing part. I love you." replied Brian.

"I love you too. And be safe." Reid smiled goodbye.

Three tables down from where they were sitting three men were watching their interaction. They did not look pleased. As soon as Brian walked by they paid their bill and walked out of the restaurant.