Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the long awaited part two.

So Now We'll Let the Rain Fall

By: Jaylonni Love

Part Two

TenTen sighed, twirling the kunai around her index finger as she waited under her favourite tree. The tree where she and Neji had finally confessed their feelings to one another. The tree where they shared their first kiss. The tree she had been standing by the day she had met his new fiancée that he was forced into marrying. The tree where her heart broke into a billion unmendable pieces.

"Dammit why am I thinking about this again," she snarled, her hand clenching around the kunai; the blade cutting through the delicate skin of her hand. She hissed in pain, releasing the weapon and allowing it to fall into the soft grass beside her. "Dammit all to hell."

"Youthful Blossom! You have hurt yourself," the very loud voice of her other teammate yelled from next to her causing her to wince. "Please, allow me to see your hand! I will clean it for you."

Lee didn't wait for her to say okay. He simply took her hand gently and began cleaning it with the bandages he usually wore around his arms after unraveling them.

"You must be careful TenTen! If you hurt your hands, you can no longer wield your weapons," he told her as he gently cleaned the blood from her palm, eyes focused on his work. "And without your weapons you will lose a piece of your personality."

"Sorry," the Weapons Mistress sighed. "I got distracted and caught the wrong end of the kunai in my hand when I stopped twirling it around. I was thinking… about something."

Lee glanced up. He knew exactly what it was she was thinking about. She was thinking about Neji again. It had been over a two and a half months since their relationship ended. And a little over six weeks since they met his new fiancée. The two had been informed the night before that she would be returning so Neji would be unavailable to train with them until after the wedding which was only a few days away now. However, they were allowed to come and visit him at the Hyūga Compound whenever they pleased before that time. Lee had happily gone to give his eternal rival some company. TenTen however, opted to stay away. Being next to him when they weren't training would only serve to further break her heart. She couldn't deal with that pain any more than she already had.

"TenTen, would you like to talk about it," Lee asked as he released her hand. "I am sure if you talk about it, it will help some."

TenTen let a light smile grace her features, "Thanks Lee, but I think I'll be fine. Besides, it's time for me to get going. Hinata wanted to see me. Apparently so did Hanabi for some strange reason. I'm not sure why, but I told them I would come to the compound. N…" she stopped; her voice caught in her throat, unable to say his name for a moment. "Neji shouldn't be there and if he is, I believe he will be busy with his fiancée so I won't run across him." She glanced up at the bowl cut wearing male, "Don't give me that look Lee. It's for the best that we avoid each other unless it comes down to a mission. There are too many lingering feelings."

"I understand, Youthful Blossom," Lee said dejectedly.

The last thing the bowl cut wearing nin wanted was for his two best friends that had only recently found love in one another to go through this. But the inevitable happened and there was absolutely nothing anyone could do about it. Not him. Not Gai-sensei. Not TenTen. And certainly not Neji who was forced into this against his will.

"Hey," TenTen said nudging him with her elbow slightly. "Don't look so down Lee. Everything will be okay eventually. Just because Neji and I aren't together and we just need some space from one another right now doesn't mean that we aren't still friends. You guys will always be my boys. No matter what my relationship status is with either one of you. We started out together as Genin and look at us now. All grown up and still close as ever. We only hit a little hiccup in the road. It'll smooth out again eventually."

Lee nodded, wiping the tears that had begun to fall down his cheeks with the backs of his hands. He knew that she didn't really believe everything she was saying. Her relationship with Neji would be strained forever. Especially in the beginning but eventually, somewhere down the road, it might get easier again. But for now he would play along and humour her; if only for her heart's sake. "Right. Now, shouldn't you be getting to the Compound to meet with Hinata-chan and Hanabi-chan? I am sure that they are waiting for you, right?"

"Right," TenTen said as she pushed herself up from her seat on the ground. "I'll see you later Lee."

"Yes, bright and early tomorrow morning as we must depart to the Hidden Sand Village at day break," Lee boasted as the bun haired kunoichi began to walk away.

She laughed lightly, throwing a lazy wave over her shoulder. "I remember. I'll meet you and Gai-sensei by the gate at dawn tomorrow. Until then Lee. Have a nice day."

After traveling for what seemed like twenty minutes, TenTen finally arrived at the Hyūga Compound. She briefly spoke with one of the guards she was familiar with before she was allowed to enter with directions to where Hinata and Hanabi were waiting.

She quickly traveled through the halls of the Compound, acknowledging all of the Hyūga that passed that she had come to know over the years. It wasn't until she passed by Neji's room then the room of that she assumed his fiancée would be occupying that she heard voices. Pausing for a brief moment, she gently placed her ear to the door so as to hear what was being said.

"Everything is going according to plan," the all too familiar soft voice of Neji's supposed fiancée drifted to her ear through the thin screen. "Those stupid Hyūga haven't even caught on to what we have planned for them. Once the wedding to that idiot takes place and I give you the cue, you're to move in and take the heiresses. I'll follow shortly after without a trace. We'll meet on the border then head south towards the Hidden Rain Village. The Byakugan will finally be ours at last."

A slight gasp escaped TenTen's grasp as her hand clapped over her mouth before she turned and quickly walked away; determined to get to the two Hyūga heiresses as quickly as possible and reveal what she had just discovered. So it was a trick all along. The Hidden Cloud didn't want to create an alliance. They were after the Hyūga Clan's kekkei genkai. And she wasn't about to stand by and watch as something so precious was stolen.

Not only was this a village matter, it was also very personal. Because of these people, her happiness was snatched from under her. And now, she was willing to do anything to take it back and stop this plan even if it cost her, her life.

Meanwhile, having heard noise outside her room, Ayako peeked her head out the door to investigate. When she saw no one, she shrugged before going back inside. She figured that it had only been her imagination. However, she couldn't be any further from the truth.

Half out of breath and more than a little pissed off about what she just learned, TenTen stopped in front of the two sisters; her mouth set in a grimace. She didn't know how to word this but she had to tell the two somehow that they and their entire clan would be in great danger if this wedding between Neji and the girl from the Hidden Cloud were to be seen through.

"Hinata I…" TenTen started before the usually gentle heiress cut her off sharply.

"Hanabi-chan and I already know, TenTen-san," Hinata said; her dainty hands clutched into fists at her sides, long nails cutting through the delicate skin of her palm. "We overheard her yesterday talking to someone about her plan to steal the Byakugan. That's why we called you here. We need your help, TenTen-san. Otherwise we can't stop this wedding."

The look of determination that crossed TenTen's face was like none she had ever worn before as she spoke, "I'm in. There's no way I would let Neji walk into this trap like this. I'll stop her, no matter what it takes. She won't succeed."

"Thank you, TenTen-san," Hanabi said bowing her head slightly. "You're the only one that we could honestly trust to help us with this. If we had gone to Father, he would have thought that we were lying just to get Neji out of this wedding. And we certainly cannot go to anyone else within the family. So you were our only option."

"He believes that Neji is doing this for the good of the clan," Hinata explained. "As well as for the good of the village. He couldn't be more wrong about this."

"I completely agree," TenTen murmured. "Don't worry, I'll help you, and we'll stop this from happening. And open your father's eyes in the process. Just leave it to me. I have the perfect idea."

Neji sighed, letting his forehead rest in the palm of his hand. He was miserable to say the least. The wedding to that girl was only a few days away now. And he was falling even further into depression with each passing hour. All the thinking in the world hadn't cooked up a plan to get him out of this mess that his uncle has mercilessly thrown him into.

I need to leave, Neji thought to himself as he stood from the seat he had occupied. Smoothing out the white robes he was donned in, he turned and began to make his way out of his bedroom. Perhaps I can convince Lady Tsunade to change her mind and send me out on a long mission; a mission long enough so that I skip the entire wedding. That way I have a little more time to think of a plan.

Solemnly, he walked down the hall until he heard the voice of his cousins and another female. He stopped for a moment to listen, only to realize that it was TenTen.

"TenTen," he murmured as he tried to peer out of the thin paper door that led to the gardens. "What is she doing here?"

He stood there a few moments longer, listening to their conversation. He knew that it was wrong, but something that they had said caught his attention. So this whole wedding was just a trap in order for them to get their hands on the Byakugan? This did not sit well with him.

Turning on his heel, Neji walked away, trying to think of something he could do to help them. He could go to his Uncle. However he highly doubted that he would even listen to reason. He and the elders would probably see it as an attempt to get out of his impending wedding. He would have to find something else to do about this.

What can I possibly do to help this situation along? Neji wondered to himself as he entered his room again. There had to be some way he could help them. Perhaps he could go to the Lady Hokage herself and request her assistance. Of course the girls would have probably already thought of that. So there had to be something else that he himself can do to aid in their mission.

"Lady Tsunade, I apologize for being so brash and arriving unannounced in your office, but I have a request to make," TenTen said as formally as possible.

"What is it TenTen," Tsunade asked, irking a brow at the bun haired kunoichi. What could she have possibly wanted at this point in time? She should have been getting ready to go on her mission, not standing there talking to her. "Is there something wrong?"

"Well," she fidgeted, her nerves leaving her. There was something about Tsunade that scared the wits out of her. But she needed to be brave and do this for the sake of the village, and her happiness. "It's about my mission tomorrow. I wanted to ask that it be postponed or if another kunoichi could be sent in my stead. There… is a matter at hand within the village in which I am needed."

Tsunade's brow rose higher as she stared at the kunoichi dead in the eye, "And what is this matter that needs to be taken care of?"

TenTen sighed; she knew that she would be asked. And she was somewhat prepared to tell the story though she doubted that the Hokage would believe a word she said. "You do know that Neji is to be married in the next two days, right?"

"If this is about you trying to crash that wedding because you still love him is it," Tsunade asked, making the kunoichi shake her head.

"In a way, yes," TenTen explained, "But in another way, no. Hinata and Hanabi invited me over to the Hyūga compound earlier today. On my way to meet them, I overheard Neji's fiancée. They plan to use the wedding as a ploy to steal the Byakugan from them. I am not the only one who knows of their plans. Hinata and Hanabi know as well and they have asked me for my help. Please Lady Tsunade, I beg you to allow me to stay here and help them, not only for the good of the Hyūga Clan, but the good of the village as well."

"Fine," Tsunade said as she nodded to the bun haired kunoichi. If what she was saying was true, then not only the fate of the Hyūga clan was on the line, but the entire village was as well. "I'll find another team to go your team's place. But, you have to make sure that their plans do not fall through. The last thing that we need is a tragedy of this level to befall the village and one of our strongest clans. So do what you must to protect Hanabi and Hinata."

A large smile crossed TenTen's features at the words that left her leader's mouth. She was giving her the chance to make things right. "Thank you so much, Lady Tsunade. I appreciate you giving me this chance. I promise, I won't let you down."

"You'd better not," Tsunade said as she shooed her out. "I'll also do what I can to help you. If they somehow manage to get away from you all, they won't make it out of the village."

TenTen bowed gratefully, happy that she was allowed the chance to do this, "Thank you so much Lady Tsunade, I really appreciate this."

Tsunade nodded, shooing her once again. TenTen nodded at her silent request before quickly leaving the Hokage tower. She now had the chance to save not only the Hyūga Clan, but also her heart.

"But TenTen-chan, you cannot pull out of this mission at the last minute," Lee begged. "And I thought that you said that you were ready to give Neji up. What has changed your mind?"

"Things came up that changed the circumstances. I can't let him go through with this," she told Lee. "I can't just stand by and watch this. I have to do something. I need to do something. Neji and his entire clan are in danger if I don't put a stop to this now."

"TenTen-chan…" Lee murmured as he stared at his only female teammate. "If you must do this then I will support you as well!"

TenTen let a gentle smile pull at the edges of her lips at her friend's declaration, "Thank you Lee. We'll need all the support that we can get for this. This is going to be one of the biggest missions of our careers; and the most personal of them all as well."

Lee nodded, agreeing to what TenTen had said. She was right, in several ways. They were the last hope for the Hyūga clan. And they had to do everything that they could to help them; especially since it was so personal for two of the main players in the game.

Two days of meticulous planning and it was all leading up to this very moment. Carefully slipping several kunai into her right thigh hilt, she allowed her Chinese styled dress fall back into place, removing the weapons from view; a scroll hidden in the left thigh hilt. Her hair, released from her usual hairstyle, was pulled into a single, elegant bun centered at the top of her head, accented with several poisonous needles. Glancing into the mirror, TenTen nodded to herself before leaving the room; grabbing her slippers along the way.

The plan was simple. She would wait until the priest gave the "speak now or forever hold your peace" line. That was when the cloud nin were likely to attack and when Hanabi was to give the signal. She, being a weapons master with a hundred percent accuracy for hitting her targets, would take out the nin that attacked the heiresses with the poisonous needles in her hair, killing them instantly. This would cause a panic, thus drawing out the remaining cloud ninja that were in on the plan. Hinata, Hanabi, Ino, Shikamaru, Kiba, Shino, Choji, Lee, Sakura, and Naruto would handle them while TenTen went after the supposed bride.

"Everything must be carried out as planned," TenTen murmured to herself when a knock at the door was heard making her turn around.

The door slowly slid opened, revealing the youngest Hyūga daughter. She nodded towards TenTen before speaking, "TenTen, it's time to go. We have to make sure that everything is in order."

"Right," TenTen said smoothing the winkles of her dress before she followed Hanabi out of the room.

Neji had been walking down the hall, his mind on the upcoming wedding. It was only an hour or so away now, and he still hadn't thought of a way that he could assist his cousins and ex-girlfriend in their mission to stop the wedding. For days he sat and thought coming up with nothing every time and it was very frustrating for the Hyūga prodigy.

I'll just have to adapt to their plan I suppose, Neji thought to himself with a heavy sigh. I couldn't come up with a single plan of my own to aid them.

"Hopefully whatever they have planned works," he murmured as he continued down the hall, not paying attention to his surroundings… until he felt another body collide with his own. Blinking, he glanced at the person he had run into. What he saw shocked him so much he was only able to murmur one coherent word, "TenTen…?"

TenTen, who was dusting herself off, glanced up at him when she heard him call her name. They hadn't seen each other in months, which made this even more awkward for her; especially since she had believed that he was going to be married and would move on to eventually have a happy life with his new fiancée and not her, "Neji… hi."

"TenTen-san, we must hurry," Hanabi, who had been walking ahead of TenTen, said, making her presence known.

"Right, um, Hanabi-chan, can you give Neji and I a second," TenTen asked looking over at the young Hyūga. "I want to speak with him for a few minutes about something; I'll meet you and the others soon, this won't take too long."

"Right," Hanabi said nodding before she turned and left the two alone.

TenTen waited until she was sure Hanabi was out of earshot before she turned to Neji again, "Neji… I'm not supposed to be telling you this but… this entire wedding is a scam to get their hands on the Byakugan. Your cousins found out first and asked me to help them. When I was on my way here, I overheard the conversation as well."

"I already know," Neji said reaching out to touch her shoulder. "I overheard your conversation with Hinata-sama and Hanabi-sama. If there is anything that I can do to help…"

TenTen nodded her head, "Once we attack, we may need you to jump into the battle as well. We aren't sure how many ninja of her own Ayako brought with her to carry out this plan. That's why we asked Ino, Shino, Shikamaru, Kiba, Choji, Lee, Sakura, and Naruto to help us as well. We're going to stop their plans and keep your family from being hurt. We're here…"

She was cut off by Neji grabbing her and pulling her into a bone crushing hug. Slowly her arms wrapped around his waist as she let her head rest over his heart, "Thank you TenTen."

She nodded before she pulled away, "I have to go. We don't have much time left and we've got to make sure that everything is in order. I'll see you soon, okay?"

Neji nodded as he watched her disappear down the hall before he walked into his room to wait until it was time for him to go to the altar. He would have to be patient and wait for the signal from Hanabi before he could spring into action and help stop the wedding trap.

Somehow, we'll make this work, Neji thought to himself as he took a seat on the floor, closing his eyes to slip into a comfortable meditation while he waited.

"So everyone understands the plan, right," TenTen asked, glancing around the room at the faces gathered, "Because if you don't, you need to speak now. We only have one chance and if we mess up that chance, it can have dire consequences."

Naruto, being the person he was, raised his hand making TenTen glance over at him, "Um… what was I supposed to be doing again?"

"Naruto," everyone, minus TenTen, Hinata, and Hanabi, sighed with a roll of their eyes.

TenTen merely shook her head before explaining again, "Naruto you're going to watch Hinata's back. She and Hanabi are the ones that they are after. If they get their hands on them, the Byakugan is theirs." She then turned to her own teammate, "Lee, you are to watch Hanabi's back. Does everyone understand that? Or do I need to go over everything all over again?"

"We've got it," the others chimed in unison.

"Then let's go, the ceremony starts in fifteen minutes," TenTen said getting to her feet again; everyone else following her lead. "Make sure you stay alert. Once Hanabi gives the signal, we jump into action."

"What was the signal again," Naruto asked, scratching his head.

This time, TenTen sighed, "When you hear her yell, that's the signal Naruto."

"Oh right," Naruto exclaimed as he happily ran to stand next to Hinata.

Together they exited the room they occupied and made their way to the hall the wedding was to be held in. Each took their seats, Naruto sitting next to Hinata and Lee next to Hanabi. Now, it was a game of patients. All they had to do was sit and wait for the perfect time to strike.

Neji glanced up when he heard a knock at his door. Turning, he caught sight of Tokuma, a member of the Hyūga clan standing there dressed in the appropriate robes one would wear to a wedding. He nodded to Neji, indicating that it was time to go, "It's time, Neji. The wedding starts in ten minutes."

Neji nodded his head, standing to his feet again, "Right, please lead the way."

The elder Hyūga nodded, turning to leave the room with Neji following right after him. The two walked in silence until they reached the doors to the room the ceremony was to be held in. Tokuma stopped, turning to look Neji in the eye.

"I know what's going on," Tokuma said calmly. "I overheard Hinata-sama and Hanabi-sama. I have already informed them that I will assist you all if you should need me. I'm sure your kunoichi has explained what their plan was to you, correct?"

"Yes she has," Neji answered with a nod.

"Good, then let's enter," Tokuma said as he turned back to the door and pushed it opened for them to enter.

He stepped to the side, allowing Neji to go first before following soon after. Slowly, Neji made his way down the aisle to the altar; taking his place on one side of the priest. Pale eyes cut to the side to see TenTen sitting in the front row. She nodded her head towards him, her way of indicating that the plan would be set into motion soon. He nodded back, his way of silently thanking her for everything that she was going to endure just to help him and his clan.

"Master Ayako," the masked nin said to the redhead as she sat in front of her vanity, twisting her hair atop her hair, "Everything is going according to plan. Once everyone is distracted by you and that boy exchanging your vows, we will quickly and quietly grab those Hyūga sisters and leave without so much as a slight trace left behind."

Ayako grinned, turning to look at the man that stood beside her, "Good. As soon as he begins speaking, you are to take those girls and get out of here. I will follow later while everyone is too distracted to notice."

"Yes ma'am, we will randevu at the border then hastily make our way back to the Hidden Cloud once we have extracted their eyes and left them for dead," the man said before he disappeared from the room.

Ayako nodded to herself, standing from her vanity to finish dressing herself. Quickly she slipped into the robes the family had supplied for her for the wedding just as the door to her room opened and one of the many servants of the family walked in.

"It is almost time, milady," the young woman said with a bow of her head. "If you will please follow me, I will lead you to where the ceremony is to take place."

Ayako smiled, bowing her head in return, "Thank you, let us make our way there then."

"Of course ma'am," the young woman said as she turned to walk out of the room, Ayako following close after her.

She couldn't wait to get her plan underway.

Eleven people waited impatiently for the ceremony to move along. Time was ticking away for them to make their move. Soon the signal would be given and everyone would spring into action. TenTen just hoped that they were able to put a stop to this for the sake of many lives.

"And if anyone has any objections," the go-between announced, snapping the kunoichi's attention back to the front where Neji and Ayako stood, "Speak now or forever hold your peace…"

A pregnant silence enveloped the room as the go-between opened his mouth to speak again before they heard a scream. TenTen, knowing that meant it was time to spring into action, jumped up, her hands moving to grab several of the kunai she had hidden away by her thigh and threw them at the oncoming nin that were headed her way.

She glanced around; looking to make sure that everyone had moved once the signal was given. In the far left corner, she could see Naruto fighting off the Cloud ninja that had tried to take Hinata and further back she could see Lee giving the female that had Hanabi in her grasp a run for her money.

Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji were in formation taking on another trio of cloud nin that had been in on the plan as well. Shino, Kiba, and Sakura were holding off a few more that had tried to escape out of the compound. She then glanced forward to see Neji in formation to perform the Gentle Fist technique against Ayako who did not look happy about what was going on. Her plan was falling apart in front of her very own eyes.

"How, how did you all know," she demanded as she stared Neji down. "There is no way you should have known what we were up to."

"You are not the best person to put together a plan," Neji answered her calmly; watching her for the instant she moved to strike. "You were overheard, that's how we found out. Perhaps next time you plan a scheme as elaborate as this, you should be careful who you speak with and where you do so. Here, in this compound, we are all highly trained ninja. It was only a matter of time before we figured out what you were up to."

"Damn you all," Ayako yelled as she ran forward, a hidden dagger now in her hand, trying to attack Neji.

The blow was blocked by metal clinking against metal. Neji, who had been pushed backward, looked up to see TenTen holding Ayako off with a kunai. The redhead sneered at the bun haired kunoichi, "You, you're the one behind all of this aren't you?"

"And if I was, what would you do about it," TenTen taunted, pushing the redhead back with all her might. "You've come in, taken the happiness that was rightfully mine, threatened to take something so precious as the Byakugan away from our village, and you believe I'd let you go without a fight. You obviously do not know what it means to be a member of the Village Hidden in the Leaves."

"You and all your little friends will die for standing in my way of accomplishing my goals," Ayako answered, using all of her body weight to try and gain leverage over TenTen to no avail.

TenTen didn't budge, instead, using her free hand; she reached up to her bun, grasping one of the poisonous needles before plunging it deep into the tissue of Ayako's neck. Her body instantly dropped to the floor, eyes wide with shock.

"What did you…" she choked out before TenTen cut her off.

"Like you were told before, you should really be careful about how you plan things and who you let overhear you," TenTen said as she nudged the dagger out of her hand with her foot. "You should have known you wouldn't get away with this."

"TenTen," she heard Lee call out to her, causing her to turn her head. "The enemy has been defeated. Hinata-chan and Hanabi-chan are safe as well."

TenTen smiled, "Good, it all worked out just like we planned."

She then turned to Neji, her smile still plastered on her face. His own smile creased his features slightly; his thoughts the same as her own. They had won. And now with the plan to steal the Byakugan thwarted; they could go back to the way that things were before.

Seven Months Later

TenTen stared at her reflection in the mirror. Gone were her usual clothing and weapons only to be replaced by the most elaborate kimono made of the finest silk with the Hyūga clan insignia sewn into each of the white bell sleeves. Light touches of blush graced the apples of her cheeks and a very thin coat of lip paint coloured her lips a beautiful ruby red. Her chocolate brown hair, undone from her usual buns, was pulled into an elaborate style of curls and pins resting at the top of her head.

The kunoichi was, to say the least, surprised to see this beautiful woman staring back at her in the glass of the mirror. She almost didn't recognize herself.

"You look amazing, TenTen-nee-san," Hinata said softly from behind the elder woman. "Neji-nii-san is a very lucky man to have you."

The brunette smiled, her head tilting to the side, "And to think seven months ago I wouldn't be standing here right now if we hadn't found out what was actually going on."

"I am glad that you did," Hinata said; her voice laced with gratefulness. "I did not like that Mashiba woman. She was not able to make Neji-nii-san happy like you do. He was always miserable the entire time she was around."

"I know," TenTen said softly. "But we don't have to worry about that anymore Hinata. Because we've alleviated the problem." She turned to pick up the comb shaped like a kunai that rested on the table. "Now, help me put this comb in?"

Hinata smiled, nodding her head as she shuffled to the other woman's side, gently taking the comb from her hands. Carefully, she pushed the comb into the mess of curls on her head before taking a step back, "There all done. It looks very pretty in your hair."

"Thank you very much Hinata," TenTen said with a smile, "For everything."

Hinata opened her mouth to say something before they were interrupted by a knock at the door. The indigo haired woman rushed over, opening it and peering out into the hall. TenTen saw her nod her head once before she pulled back and looked at her, "The ceremony is about to start. I have to go. Gai-sensei will likely come and get you when it's time, alright?"

TenTen nodded, "Alright."

"Good, I'll see you in a little bit, TenTen-nee-san," Hinata chimed before she exited the room, leaving TenTen alone with her thoughts.

The kunoichi sighed, sitting down on the vanity chair to stare at her reflection again. She couldn't believe the day had finally come. The almost twenty-one year old was about to become a married woman and to the man of her dreams. The man she had almost lost. The man that she fought so hard to get back; the man that loved her the same way that she loved him.

"Things turned out for the better," TenTen whispered as she brushed a stray ringlet of hair out of her face. "We get the happy ending we both wanted after all. We did it Neji. We won."

A small smile pulled at the corners of her lips as she stared dreamily at her reflection in the mirror when she heard a knock at the door. She turned, getting to her feet as she smoothed out the wrinkles from her kimono. Walking over to the door, she slid it opened fully as she peeked out at the person standing there. As Hinata had said before, Gai was standing there waiting for her.

"It's time to go, TenTen," Gai said flashing his biggest, brightest smile at her; hints of tears forming at the edges of his eyes.

TenTen swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat, nodding her head as she took his arm before she spoke, "Right."

Together the two made their way out of the holding area to where the ceremony was to be held; where her future awaited her.

Neji was nervous. So nervous that on more than one occasion he had stopped breathing briefly only to inhale sharply when his lungs began to burn with the need of oxygen. After months of rebuilding his relationship with the kunoichi from his Genin squad and consistent planning for the wedding that was to take place in a few moments, the day had finally come where he would begin the rest of his life with the woman he loved more than life itself. And she would be walking out of that door with their sensei at any moment.

As soon as the thought crossed his mind, the doors opened to reveal his bride-to-be and their sensei. His breath caught in his throat at the sight. It was the first time he had ever seen her dressed in an actual dress and her hair outside of her normal buns.

He heard a whistle, which caused him to turn and look at Naruto that sat in the front row. The blonde shrunk back; scared that Neji would probably leap forward and pummel him. Neji smirked when he saw the pinkette reach over and pinch him which made him jump and yelp. Good, he'd probably punch him after the ceremony ended too to show him how much he didn't appreciate that whistle. Although the look that he gave him was more than likely enough of an indication.

Being so wrapped up in his thoughts about killing Naruto he hadn't noticed how close they had gotten until he heard how close the footsteps were. Glancing up, he reached for TenTen's hand which she happily took before he helped her up on to the altar. Both turning so that they were facing one another, the go-between began.

"Dearly beloved," he started, "we have gathered here today to witness the union of Neji Hyūga and TenTen in holy matrimony. The binding that is held sacred to all between two that share a love for each other stronger than anything in this world. Neji, do you take TenTen to be your lawfully wedded wife, through richer or poorer? Through thick and thin? Through sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Neji said with a nod of his head, not bothering to take his eyes off of TenTen.

"And do you TenTen, take Neji to be your lawfully wedded husband, through richer or poorer? Through thick and thin? Through sickness and in health for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," TenTen answered.

"Please, bring forth the rings," the go-between said gesturing to the child standing not far from the altar.

He did, offering the two simple bands that rested there to the two Jonin. Neji was the first to pick the smaller of the two bands up.

"Two flames, one light. TenTen, I offer you this ring as a sign of life, and myself as your husband. Let us walk together always, and let us always walk towards the light," Neji said placing the ring on her finger, "To forever be in one another's embrace, to live happily until our final days are upon us."

TenTen, following Neji's example, picked up the remaining ring before she spoke, "I TenTen, take you Neji to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live."

"And after that there is no more to be said," the go-between said smiling, "By the power vested in me, I hereby pronounce thee husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

Neji leaned forward, pressing his lips against TenTen's as applause rang out around them. The two pulled apart after a few moments; eyes locking with one another. TenTen smiled, her fingers intertwined with his. No words needed to be said, they both knew what the other was thinking. They both looked forward to spending the rest of their lives together. After all the hell they went through, they finally were able to achieve the happily ever after that both longed for.

I've done it! I've finally done it! I've completed this bad boy. Hopefully you all enjoyed? Let me know in a review.