This is it, the final part of this story! I really hope you guys enjoy it and thank you so much for reading it has been so great to know you guys enjoy reading this especially as Daniella is my own character! Enjoy…

"Here you go Dan, one bagel and coffee just like old times."

"How have I missed these bagels Nathan?"

Sliding along the seat Nathan sat down on the bench next to Daniella. Placing the bagels on the bench next to him. He wrapped his arm around Daniella's shoulders and pulled her towards him.

"You know you scared me Daniella. Flying around the country with some cops and then coming back on crutches. I am just really glad you are okay."

"Where is your sense of adventure? That and I got a family out of it. I'd say it went quiet well to me."

"Shut up Daniella my sense of adventure is just as extreme as yours."

With a wink he passed the bagel over and smiled.

"How about you just come with me on my next one."

"I'd say you've got yourself a date there miss."

"I am looking forward to it. Now come one you need to get a very slow walking person home."

"As you wish, don't really fancy your new cop father disapproving of your boyfriend already."

"He'll love you. Now let's go."

-Spencer knocked on the door to Ashley's apartment.

"Hey Ash, it's me open up."

The door flung open and Ashley gestured to Reid to come in. She was hoping around on one foot trying to pull a shoe on, her hand bang was clutched in her mouth. They were both running late to get to Rossi's and she knew she was going to make them even later. Reid reached forwards and took the bag out of her mouth laughing.

"We aren't going to be that late Ash."

"This is the first time we get to see her since we got back. I am just a little excited, is that weird?"

"No it is understandable, she was so close to us every day and then we nearly lost her. It's like a parental instinct."

"Parental instinct, I am not sure what you are suggesting there Reid. Can you see my burns that badly?"

"You can interpret that suggestion in whatever way you wish Miss Seaver. No, you look beautiful in fact even with the scars you look beautiful. The most beautiful person I have ever seen and for a guy with an eidetic memory that is saying a lot."

Ashley leaned forward and Reid met her half way as she kissed him. Reid's arms went to her waist and started to pull her in towards him.

"Spence, we really will be late."

Laughing at his disappointed face she grabbed his hand and pulled him forwards.

"Although I am not saying we can't continue that later."

"I am holding you to that."

-Daniella ran a hand through her hair and added a touch of lipstick to her look. This was the first time she would see everyone again. They were going to Rossi's for a big dinner with all the team, their spouses and children. So to say they least she was a little nervous. There was a knock at her door and JJ walked in, Henry at her feet.

"Hey Dan, we are going to head out in about 10 minutes is that ok?"

"I am good to go. Do I look ok though? I am just a little bit nervous about tonight."

"You look stunning sweetie and there is no need to be nervous. These people are your family and you and I both know that. Everyone is dying to see you again anyway."

"Ok I can do this, let's go."

Daniella reached out and took a delighted Henry's hand. He loved having his new sister; she was always around and told him the best bed time stories. Daniella stuck her tongue out at him and he playfully ran ahead.

"Dani, you get to meet Jack."

"I know little guy, I can't wait."

JJ leaned back against the counter and smiled.

"JJ you ready?"

"Sure let's head."

-Reid was pulled off by Henry as soon as they arrived, with a quick smile back at Ashley and a wave to JJ and Daniella.

Daniella put her crutches at the door before being pulled into a hug by Ashley.

"So you can walk small distances without the crutches now then?"

"Yep, fast moving physical theory. They say if I keep it up, I shouldn't need them in a few months."

JJ spoke up quickly.

"You beat Reid; he took nearly half a year to get off his."

They walked through to the dining room where everyone was sat and Rossi was plating up piles of pasta onto each plate. With the choruses of hellos Daniella sat down and began talking to Garcia. Will and JJ sat down and Ashley went next to Reid and began talking to Henry with a goofy grin on her face and Reid reached out and placed a hand on her knee.

Daniella smiled, she would never forget her parents. They were taken from her before she even realised what was happening. Her new family though were just as perfect and she knew they wouldn't be gone any time soon.