Chapter One – The Real Demon Revealed
Pit and Kuro, bereaved by their parents after birth, are sent to an orphanage, then adopted by an abusive mother. Their new father wants to help them, but she won't let him. After seven months of being physically abused by their mother, they finally decide to give them away, but the only way they can leave, is if they are sent to the Surface World.
"K-Kuro, n-no, stop, they'll hear us." I whisper past my panting as I bounce with each thrust.
"Oh, but if I stop now, I won't get to… hear you scream when I hit your… sweet spot." Kuro huffs as he sits over me, thrusting.
"But Kuro! I don't want them to hurt you again!" I whimper.
"Then be quiet, because I'm not stopping." He grunts as he slams into my prostate.
I throw my head back, but hold in a scream. We both are only age six, but we both are very mature. Kuro leans down and bites my neck. I whine, a lot louder than I wanted to. Kuro moans, as I know he loves the sound of my voice in this state.
Neither of us hears the door open. The room is illuminated in the orange light of the light bulbs in the hall. The lights turn on. Kuro looks up, his eyes wide and his face completely pale. His mouth is hanging open.
"Get off him before I hurt you again, Demon." Our foster mother, Cynthia, growls at Kuro.
She walks into the room. Kuro quickly pulls out of me and backs up towards the edge of the bed. I watch her walk over to the bed in terror. Kuro backs up slightly, then falls off the bed. I yelp and go to jump up and help him, but Cynthia glares at me.
"You better stay there!" She threatens.
I whimper and lay back down. I'm completely naked, and my cock is sticking straight up. Cynthia glares at me, then huffs.
"Put some fucking clothes on." She growls.
Maybe if you would mind your own business, you wouldn't have to see your children naked.
I slowly slip off the bed and put my underwear and shorts back on. I hear a loud smacking noise, but nothing afterwards. Kuro is never loud, and he always keeps quiet, especially when he's being punished. I hear another smack, and figure he had tried to get away.
"Do we need to separate you two again?" I hear her yell. "It seems like it! If you don't stop fucking your brother, I am going to give you back to the orphanage! And only you!" She screams as she gets up.
As she's leaving the room, she turns and sees me cowering next to the bed. She snorts, then grabs the doorknob.
"You need to stay away from him too. You have separate beds for a reason. If I catch you two doing anything like that again, he's gone. For good, never coming back, unlike last time." She growls, then closes the door.
She had given Kuro back to the orphanage, but our foster father went and got him back. They fought for hours, while Kuro and I went and hid in our room and made out. I climb up onto the bed and over to the other side.
Kuro is lying on the floor, holding the back of his head. Tears silently roll down his cheeks. I slip off the bed and up next to him. I force myself under his arm and sit up. He looks over at me as I put my hands on his back.
"She didn't hurt you, did she?" Kuro asks, his voice quiet.
"No, she didn't. She hit you in the back of the head, huh?" I ask as I push his hand off his head and replace it with mine.
"Yeah, but I'm fine. It's just like every other time. I'll be fine in a minute or two." Kuro smiles at me.
"Well, come on, I'll help you back up onto the bed." I carefully take his arm off my back and gently lift him up.
I help him back up onto the bed. I successfully get him up, then climb up onto the bed myself. Kuro lays down, holding his head. I cuddle up to him, looking up at him sympathetically. He reaches down and rubs my side comfortingly. This always happens, only because we love each other.
Our foster mother, Cynthia, and our foster father, Sebastian, had adopted us from the orphanage, not knowing about our love for each other. We were given up by our real parents after birth, and have had only ourselves since then. We spent six years in the orphanage, hoping our real parents would come back and get us.
Despite each other, the only other thing we had was our one friend, who didn't shun us because of our way of clinging to each other. Over the years, we learned that our clinginess to each other wasn't because we only had one another; it was because we loved each other.
Our friend, Tyriel, had stuck with us through everything there. He was much older than us, but would protect us like he was our own brother. He felt bad for our parents abandoning him. He had run away from his parents because they ignored him, and he thought he needed a change. The runaway control, as he called them, had found him and brought him here.
No one wants him because of his age, but once he turns eighteen, he'll be out of there and on his own, just like he wanted. Though he was so much older, we thought exactly the same way. When Cynthia came in and was given a choice of who she wanted to adopt, she was going to adopt Tyriel, but Sebastian though they should adopt us.
The lady who sits at the front desk, Useless, as Kuro called her, had said that we were inseparable. So, they ended up taking both of us as if we were pets in a pet shelter. Though Useless tried to separate us after a month of settling, Kuro wouldn't even let her near me. She decided that we would be more comfortable together, and we were allowed to stay together.
She had told us that most twins didn't want to be separated, and that it was normal considering what we had been through. She never knew that it was a much higher level. We don't even know what has made us so attracted to each other. Maybe it's because of what we have been through together, or just because of how close we are.
Kuro only started trying to 'mark' me when we got here and were put in school. I think the only reason he's trying to mark me is because so many girls fawn over me at school. He doesn't realize how many girls love him too, but he only pays attention to the ones that love me, and that's because he scares them off trying to protect me.
I've asked him about it, but he just says it's because he loves me. I know he loves me, so I know that's part of the reason, but not all of it. We still have school tomorrow, but I'm hoping we don't have to go. Kuro has to go to school with bruises and cuts all the time. Every time they ask what's wrong, he lies and says he tripped.
If they knew that in all reality, we get beat by our foster mother for breathing, then we'd be taken away from them immediately and they'd be sentenced for child abuse. Kuro and I are in the same class, and sit at the same table. Kuro usually ignores the teacher and watches me, while I either draw on my papers or just ignore the teacher like Kuro does. I always ignore everyone when they read, and not just because I can't read, it's because everyone gets stuck on the word the. I can't stand listening to them read. I'm terrible at math too.
"Pit, will you pull the blanket up?" I hear Kuro ask.
I look at him, being snapped out of my thoughts. I quickly scramble up and grab the blanket. I pull it up, tucking it under Kuro's side. I cuddle up to his side, then pull the blanket up over my shoulder. Kuro stares down at me as I study his bare chest.
I feel his hand on my waist. I know he doesn't like it when I sleep with clothes on. I reach down and slowly push my shorts and underwear down. I take them off, then drop them on the ground. I press myself much closer to him, making him smile as he feels my naked body press to his.
"Good night Kuro." I whisper as I put my hand on his chest.
"Good night Pit. I love you." He leans his head against mine.
"I love you too Kuro." I kiss his cheek, making him smile.
I lay my head back down on his shoulder. I feel his hand on my waist, knowing he'll protect me from everything and anything. After a couple minutes, I slowly fall asleep.
-The Next Morning-
-Kuro's P.O.V.-
I hear the alarm clock start beeping annoyingly. I feel Pit cringe and cover his ears. He whines as I sit up and tear the cord out of the wall. It stops beeping, and I let out sigh of relief. I look over to Pit. He's sitting up in bed, holding his head.
"Kuro, I don't want to go to school." I hear him sigh.
I move closer to him and put one hand on his shoulder.
"I don't want to go to school either, but at least we're getting away from Cynthia." I rub his shoulder softly, trying to comfort him.
"Do we have to? Why can't we just go back to the orphanage and hope someone good comes and gets us?" Pit looks up at me, tears in his eyes.
I know how much he hates it here, and how much he hates the people at school. I pull him up into my lap. He wraps his arms around my stomach as he buries his face into my chest. I feel his wet tears and his trembling body.
"Do you really want to go back to the orphanage?" I ask as I softly stroke his back.
"At least we'll be away from here!" He points out.
"Yes, that's true. We had more there than we have here." I agree quietly.
"Can we go back? I don't want to be here anymore." He whimpers.
"Well, maybe it will get better. Maybe it's just some sort of phase. It'll be over soon. This is our home now Pit. We can't leave, we'll get in trouble." I hug him tight, then let go.
"Come on, we need to get dressed before they come in." Just as I let Pit go and he stands up off the bed, the door opens.
I quickly sit up in front of Pit, my wings wide open and my head lowered. Our foster father, Sebastian, comes in. He closes the door quietly. I growl at him, as I hear Pit whimper as he presses himself to me.
"There's no need to protect him from me. I won't hurt either of you." The tall, handsome angel says.
I don't move. I stop growling, but I can tell he knows that I will still protect Pit. I feel Pit move out from behind me. He sits on his knees and puts his hands up on the bed. I look down and see him staring at our father. He comes over and sits down on the bed.
"Your mother doesn't understand you two." The black haired angel says.
"Oh really? I had no idea!" I snap. "I thought she understood us perfectly!"
"Please, don't take your anger out on me. I know you have anger issues, and I have been trying to get you help, but every time I find someone who'd be willing to help, Cynthia always calls and cancels the appointment. And I know you both have abandonment issues, depression, anxiety, paranoia, I understand that you both are really confused and hurt, but don't take it out on me. I'm trying to help you." Sebastian tells us quietly.
"How can you help? Cynthia is the only one who has supposedly 'helped' with anything, and the only thing she's done is help Kuro get hurt!" I hear Pit growl.
We both are extremely protective of each other, so I know he'll protect me how I protect him.
"I know how much she hurts Kuro, and it's because she's scared of him. She's scared of Kuro because of what he looks like. He's the only angel in Skyworld that has red eyes and black wings, and that is associated with fallen angels, which are evil." Sebastian says calmly.
"She's scared of me? How pathetic." I spit.
"What he really means, is that we are more scared of her than she is of us. If she was really so scared of brother Kuro, then she wouldn't hurt him. Kuro isn't evil, he's just protective." Pit climbs all the way up onto the bed, leaning over completely because he's still naked.
We both are, but the blanket is covering my crotch. I don't even think he knows we are naked. I sit down all the way and wrap one of my wings around Pit. The blue eyed angel cuddles closer to me and puts his hand on my stomach. I put one arm around his shoulders and nuzzle him.
"Do you want help? I will help you. I will get you two to a new home, with new, good parents. Just trust me, and I'll save you from her stupidity." He stands up and walks to the door. "Get dressed, and I'll be back in five minutes. If you want to go to a new home, then I'll bring you." He leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
I look down at Pit. He's staring up at me hopefully.
"I'm guessing you want to go to a new home? It will be better for you." I ask quietly.
"Yes, Kuro! We can finally get out of here! We can go to a good home! We could have a happy family!" Pit sits up completely and jumps on me.
I can tell he's excited, but I'm a little suspicious. He wraps his arms around my neck and hugs me tightly. I hug back, kissing the top of his head. Pit looks up, his eyes bright in excitement. I lean closer, and we press our lips together.
After a sweet kiss, he lets go and gets off. We slip off the bed, grab our clothes, and get dressed. After getting dressed, we climb back up onto the bed. We had dressed in our normal clothes. Pit comes closer and forces himself into my lap. I smile down at him, wrapping my arms around his waist.
He closes his eyes and puts his hands on mine. I lower my head to his shoulder. We press our cheeks together, happy that we are finally getting out of here. I wonder who he's found to take us. Are they really nice? I hope they don't separate me and Pit. Maybe they will accept the fact that I love Pit, and he loves me.
Pit opens his wings completely as he stretches. I stare down at his beautiful, pure white wings. Though we all have wings, as we are all angels, to me, Pit's wings are more beautiful than anyone else's in all of Angel Land.
I gently bend my soft, black wings around him, folding them over his shoulders. He looks up at me, tears edging his eyes.
"What's wrong, my dear brother?" I ask as I reach up and caress his cheek.
"Nothing Kuro. I'm just so happy; we're finally getting out of here. You won't be hurt anymore, we won't have to suffer." Pit whispers.
"Yes, but what if we are sent to equally abusive parents?" I mention.
"Then don't think like that. Not everyone is like Cynthia. I'm sure we will be sent to a great home." Pit holds my neck.
Our door opens again, and Sebastian comes back.
"Alright, come on, quick, before your mother wakes up." He waves as he talks quietly.
I give Pit a reassuring look. He gets off me and we both hop off the bed silently. We go over to him, keeping a safe distance from him. He leads us out of the room, then down the hall. We go into the living room, where Cynthia is asleep on the couch.
Sebastian silently opens the front door and goes out. We follow him. He closes the door just as quietly. He starts walking down the road towards the city, and me and Pit follow close behind. We didn't have anything, so we have no worries about leaving something important behind.
After a long time of walking, where we skirted town, went past the temple of the Goddess, and went down a trail behind the temple. I have no idea where we are going. Everyone knows there are no houses behind the temple. I'm getting rather suspicious about where he's bringing us.
We finally come to a stop. We are at the edge of a cliff, overlooking a huge hole in the clouds. Down the hole I can see mountains, snow and tons of trees. It's the Surface World, but why did he bring us here? He isn't making us go to the Surface, is he?
"Well, I'm sorry to do this, but someone on the Surface World wants you two. I have spoken with him, and he has agreed to take you in and raise you as his own children. I have informed him of your love for each other, and he says he doesn't mind. He lives in town, but that shouldn't be a problem for you two." Sebastian tells us.
"Wait, on the Surface World? We can't be there, we're angels! We belong here, in the sky!" I grab Pit's hand and back up a little.
Pit is just as scared of the Surface World as I am. Everyone knows what kind of brutal humans live down there. We are angels, not humans! We belong here, and nowhere else!
"I'm sorry, but you have to go. We couldn't find any one here who wanted you, and when we heard from this man, he seemed like he was the perfect person to take you two in. Just give it a chance. The Surface World isn't as bad as you two think it is. Not everyone is as horrible as you think." He reaches forward and takes Pit's hand.
Pit quickly pulls his hand away and hides behind me. I growl as I spread my wings and glare at him for touching Pit.
"Look, even the orphanage didn't want you back! You don't belong up here! Just go, you'll be away from all the people who shun you here, all the people who want you gone!" He reaches forward and pushes me away from Pit.
I fall over and tumble once towards the cliff, but I jump back up. I watch Pit freeze in terror as Sebastian stands over him. The tall angel bends down and hugs Pit, then grabs the flight feathers on the tip of his right wing. Pit gasps and struggles in his grip, but Sebastian tears them out.
I leap up and fling myself at him, slamming right into his side, knocking him over. Pit falls over with him, but I quickly catch him. Sebastian jumps back up. I growl at him, holding Pit away from him. He lunges forward and grabs Pit's arm. I jump back, but as I am, he also jumps forward, knocking me backwards. I fall to my ass, letting go of Pit.
I look up and watch him pick Pit up all the way. Pit tries to get out of his grip, but he's not strong enough.
"Kuro! Help me!" Pit cries.
I jump up again and reach for him, but Sebastian quickly runs towards the cliff. My heart skips a beat as I watch him lift Pit, then throw him off the edge. I feel my heart literally stop.
"Pit!" I scream in terror as I dash to the cliff and leap off without hesitation.
I see him falling, and not being able to fly because his flight feathers were torn out. Pit wasn't the best flyer in the first place, and neither of us is strong enough to fly back up to Sky World when I get him. I push my wings back, making myself plummet towards him.
I get to him and quickly scoop him out of the air. I throw my wings open, slowing our speed dramatically. Pit clutches to me, trembling in fear. I softly rub his back as we slowly drift down towards the snowy trees and mountains.
Chapter One. Umm. So, I will admit right now, this story is horrible. There is rape, bloodshed, murder, horror, angst, character death, character suicide, and much, much more. I am sorry, but that's just the way it's planned. This story is actually supposed to be a message for all the people who have a childhood similar to this. I have a relative childhood, and I know I'm not the only one. So, please take this to heart. Oh, and please review too.