So new story. Please review and tell me what you think. Enjoy!

Johnny paced on the roof of the hotel nearly slipping every once and a while. The recent rain had made the shingles wet making this very dangerous for Johnny but what he had to say was more important. He had thought long and hard on how to present what he was going to say. "Where is Mavis? She should be here by now it's almost sundown" he said to himself still pacing. Almost as if on cue, Mavis small bat figure appeared popping out of the smokestack.

"Hey!" She said enthusiastically." So what was it you wanted to tell me?" She asked transforming back to human form and landing gracefully on the roof.

Johnny however was quite startled by her sudden appearance making him slip and land on his butt."oh hey Mavis" he replied cheerfully as he found his footing and rubbed his butt sore fully.

Mavis just giggled."so what was it you wanted to tell me" she repeated.

"Well I thought we could first watch the sunset."

"Um, ok?" Mavis replied suspiciously.

They sat together on the roof watching the sun recede into the horizon. The wet drops of rain that surrounded them and the entire hotel were set ablaze by the sunlight making it look like millions upon millions of diamonds. Her eyes widened as she gazed upon the beautifully mesmerizing scenery. Mavis wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of time sitting up here with Johnny watching the sunset but she knew that time stops for no one, even vampires. Eventually the sun had fully set behind the horizon making moonlight replace the sunlight. Mavis turned her head and kissed Johnny's cheek."thank you," she replied gratefully.

Johnny just blushed.

"So about what I was saying before, what was it you wanted to ask me?" She continued.

Mavis could see a sweat starting to come on Johnny. He was obviously anxious about something but Mavis didn't understand why it was so hard for him to talk to her about it. He rose from his seat and took a deep breath."ok so I know we've known each other for only like two years and we've seen a lot but I want to get this over with before we go any further."

By now Johnny had grabbed Mavis's attention and she listened intently."ok go on".

Johnny took another deep breath and got down one one knee. Mavis covered her mouth and gasped as she already knew where this was going. From his back pocket he removed a small black velvet box and held it in front of him."Mavis Dracula, will you marry me?" He opened the box revealing a ring that made Mavis gasp again. It was silver in color with three small white diamonds on both sides of the beautiful center. In the middle sat a slightly larger blue diamond. The moonlight found its way onto every crevice of the ring making it seem as if it was glowing. It shined through every detailed cut and Side of each diamond. Mavis was absolutely speechless.

Johnny noticed and decided to speak."so I had it made out of another metal that resembled silver but isn't so it won't hurt or anything."

She still didn't speak so he continued.

"And I thought the blue diamond matched your eyes and the silver matched the night better."

After regaining her thoughts, Mavis spoke weakly," holy rabies, it's beautiful. Where did you find a blue diamond. Their like super rare and expensive."

Johnny just shrugged," I guess when you travel as much as I do, you get to know people."

Mavis continued to maintain a constant silent gaze upon the ring.

"And I thought it matched you as well, Beautiful and rare."

Mavis could feel tears start to form in the corners of her eyes. She could not remember a time when she was ever happier."yes!" She exclaimed jumping into his arms and then sharing a small kiss.

Johnny's smile stretched to his ears,"Really?"

"Mavis rolled her eyes,"of course, what... were you expecting a different answer?"

Johnny chuckled slightly,"never a doubt". He removed the ring from the box and placed it on her left ring finger. They shared another moment together before Johnny spoke again," we'll I guess it's time to tell everyone."

Mavis's eyes widened with surprise,"you didn't tell anyone?"


Mavis shook her head,"everyone is going to flip, especially my aunts they will go absolutely crazy."

Johnny smiled at the thought.

"my dads going to have a heart attack".

Johnny ginned,"lets hope not cause I want him to be able to walk you down the isle." They both laughed before Johnny's face became serious,"there's one more thing but I don't want you to tell anyone about it until we're ready." Mavis nodded her head,"ok? What is it?"

Johnny continued," well I've gotten to know your family so well but you've never even met mine."

"I know," Mavis remarked sadly,"I really do want to".

Johnny smiled," how do you feel about going to the US?"