
I don't own Slugterra.

There was peace and quiet in the Shane hideout. All of its occupants and slugs were asleep and there was no late night game competition. Well, except for one. Trixie tossed and turned but she could not sleep.

It was a matter that bothered her every night. The ghost of her past always came to haunt her. Its intangible form taunted her and left tendrils of terror down her spine. Eli had asked her what was wrong earlier that day and she of all people should have known better than to lie to him. Her heart felt heavy.

She got up, changed her clothes and stealthily crept into the living room. Her slugs were next to Eli's and she gently nudged Bloomer to wake up. Her Tormato slug complained in its slug language but got up nevertheless. Bloomer seemed to have a connection with Trixie because she knew when she was needed. Pronto, as usual, was sleep-walking to the refrigerator to get a snack. She had slept with her slinging attire so that she wouldn't take longer than necessary to get ready for her night out.

Trixie started her mecha and it did not make as much noise as before. Kord had probably put in the expensive new stealth upgrades. She smiled at her slug. Bloomer pointed at Burpy and chirped worriedly. "I know, I know. We should go with Eli but he is asleep now, isn't he?"

Bloomer looked downwards dejectedly. Trixie shrugged.

It was nightfall and everything was peaceful. After about thirty minutes, she slowed her purple mecha and got off. She had finally reached her destination. The Eaglenest Cavern was spacious and it was probably named because of its expanse roofing. It was where most of the affluent people of Slugterra lived.

"We are home." Bloomer chirped cheerfully.

There was lush green vegetation and to be more specific, giant mushrooms. A stream flowed nearby and she went with her slug to replenish her strength.

They say time makes the heart grow fonder, but that didn't apply in Trixie's case. As soon as she left the Shane hideout, there was a hole that grew bigger with the more distance she put between her and Eli. She knelt at the stream's bank and splashed water on her face hoping that the water will wash away the pain and sorrow that she was feeling. Bloomer looked at Trixie in a worried sort of way. She stopped when she felt that it was not a viable solution.

Water continued to drip off her face and wen she tasted it, it was saline. She was crying. Bloomer hopped onto her lap. Trixie wiped her face and she returned to her former composure. She was strong on the outside and she was potrayed as one of the greatest young slingers to be reckoned with but inside, she was a withering flower.

Large beautiful buildings towered over her. Trixie sighed and that momentarily relieved the pain. Bloomer chirped excitedy on her shoulder. She scanned her surroundings and noticed that so much had changed while she had been absent.. Trixie briskly walked to the entrance of one of the white buildings. It was the only one with the light on. She knew the door would always stay open for her because she always visited at night since she did not intend to endanger those she loved.

Trixie slid into the house and her eyes adjusted to the bright light. She quietly headed straight for the bedroom. The sight that welcomed her was a death sentence to her soul.

"Mother?!" She ran to the frail woman's bedside and hugged her. The fire in her green eyes had been quenched by her illness.

She is worse than before! Her mother had dark circles around her eyes. She smiled weakly at her daughter and mumbled, "Trixie! I am so glad you came. I am so proud of you and what you are doing for Slugterra." Her mother smiled weakly at her and her heart melted.

The healer who was taking care of her entered. She was quite short and she had long, blonde hair and blue eyes. She also looked as if she was twenty.

"Nina, this is my daughter Trixie and Trix, this is Nina who has been taking good care of me."

Trixie smiled warmly, "Nice to meet you Nina."

Nina smiled too and shook her hand. Trixie was surprised when the hair on her neck stood on end. Something isn't right about this girl.She shrugged the feeling off.

Her mother coughed weakly and said, "Nina, please excuse us."

The healer smiled at Trixie and then exited.

"Trixie.. you came at the right time." her mother weakly said.

"Mom, you said you were better. If I had known, I would have visited you sooner!" Trixie's eyes were clouded with tears and she quickly held her mother's hands between hers.

Her mother coughed again, "I wanted you to do what you had to do. How is the Shane kid?"

Trixie immediately turned pink and Bloomer laughed in a cute sluggish way. "He is.. uhmm okay."

Her mother smiled knowingly.

"I am sorry to say this but I need to give you something before I go. Now, listen carefully.."

"No, you are not leaving me!" Trixie stubbornly objected.

Her mother gave Trixie one of her famous Do-it-now-or-else looks. Trixie resignatedly slumped her shoulders.

"Open the wardrobe and remove anything at the bottom. There is a panel and if you look closely enough, there is a small opening. Place your thumb at the opening. It only recognises your fingerprint."

Trixie did as she was told and Bloomer hopped about evidently curious about the turn of events. The top panel slid smoothly and she retrieved a box made of xyand, the rarest and most expensive metal in all of Slugterra. She carried to her mother's bedside.

There was a holographic screen at the top with numbers.

"The code is your birthday." She frantically typed it and the box opened. "Happy birthday, Trixie."

She was surprised that she had forgotten her own birthday. The blaster was purple too like her mecha. It was smaller in size than her own. "Thank you mum."

"Sweetheart, when you use it, always remember me. Oh and it is a missile-guided blaster."

"Wow mum. Thanks!" She screeched excitedly and hugged her mother. "I love you mum."

She flinched and Trixie immediately let go off her. "Oh, sorry mum."

"I also have a secret I have been keeping from you. I love you Trixie and I knew this day would come. Nomatter how much I had wanted to hide this from you. It's about your father." Her mother shook her head. "I never hoped to ever say this."

Trixie frowned. Her mother never mentioned her father unless it was serious and this was the first time. When Trixie had asked her, she had refused to talk to her for a whole week.

Her mother shook her head slowly. Her pupils were now dilated. "Your father is a great man."

"What! He is alive?!" Trixie could not believe it.

Her mother coughed weakly and her frail form vibrated with the effect. She continued, "His name is.." Then she closed her eyes and breathed her last.

"Mom, don't leave me. Please!" Tears streamed onto her mother's chest. Her soul was empty and for once she felt like she wanted to die too. Trixie cried for about an hour. Bloomer was always by her side. Her slug chirped.

It was time to go and she was sad she would not be there at her funeral to say one final goodbye. The night was almost over. She knew if she did not return to the Shane hideout, people will know. She kissed her mother goodbye and stealthily got onto her mecha. She had the xyand case and inside it was her mother's necklace and all the documents that were related to her inheritance. Her mother had been one of the wealthiest people in Slugterra. She could use the money to help with the Shane Gang's expenses. That was her new family now. As for her father, that had to be dealt with later.

A few moments after Trixie had left, Nina turned and walked into the house. She checked Trixie's mother who was also called Beatrice. Nina shook her head.

That girl must be going through a lot. I liked her.

Trying to suppress the guilt and shame of what she was about to do, she steeled her nerves and walked to her room. She unlocked her room and picked up a large tablet.

"Doctor Blakk, the mother is dead and she's on her way."


Then she cut her phone.


I thought of it today when I was listening to My Immortal by Evanescence.

I hope you liked it.

Nicoleblakk over and out!