Apparently over the weekend, a cafe in town was vandalized. Mr. O'Neill tried to get the class at least interested enough to vocalize something in response. Jodi was about to comment, when I spoke up, "As much as a cafe can bring people together, an internet cafe allows everyone in the same room to be apart."

"You're saying the..."

The whole room was surprised to hear Jennifer 'Burnout Girl' Burns interrupt, "Ben said it just as he meant it. The internet, while a global tool for knowledge, provides no real connection to those within physical earshot of us."

Mr. O'Neill's draff shifted to disconnection and a new idea he was entirely too excited to force upon us all, "Class, this discussion has inspired a new assignment. We're going to help re-open Cafe Lawndale!" The groans failed stifle his rant, which drafted us all. "Anyone who has a story read on opening night will get class credit." In particular, he looked at me, "Anyone who reads something on opening night will get a negotiated bonus."

Jane threw a queasy look at me. I have to admit, it was tempting.

As we went through familiar halls of Lawndale High, Mr. Li appeared to be escorting someone of slim fame through the crowd. The escortee seemed to be basking in being back, waving and apparently reintroducing himself, "Yeah, it's me. Tommy Sherman."

Upon having seen his personal God, Kevin needed a change of pants.

Ben, he's. In the hospital. Should be glad I'm not writing on toilet paper.

He's always got this thing with him. somebody might as well scrib... write in here. Hell, since reading this has only confirmed my feelings, it's only right that I do this.

Ben met Tommy alright. Right as the doufous was introducing himself to Brooke.

Quinn had managed to talk the poor girl out of going to that hack Dr. Shar. I think she said something about an ugly nose.

Brooke could only stand in fear as Tommy loomed over her, inching closer. Quinn tried to tell me what was said, but I can't remember. Ben interrupted the scene, got punched once, but gave Sherman a nasty headbutt to the chest. All I remember is finding the crowd, then Ben. Mr. DeMartino attended to Sherman, right as Li came into the fray.

All I could do was make sure Ben didn't hit anything as he slumped down against the lockers.

Quinn and Stacy made sure I didn't go kill Sherman, instead getting me into the ambulance with Ben.

Yesterday, Jodie brought my missed homework and a note from DeMartino. He had seen to it I was excused from classes.

"How is he?" Jodie asked.

Taking the pile, I tried to sound positiveive, "I think I saw some voluntary movement earlier."

"Jane," she said with a sigh. "No offense, but you look terrible."

"Gee, thanks."

She put a hand on my shoulder in sympathetic comfort. I did relax a bit. She continued her thought, "it's been two days. Go get cleaned up..." The smirk on her face reminded me of Ben's, "maybe rest in an actual bed."

Like Ben, Jodie had a knack for being right, "Helen, Mrs. Morgendorffer, she'll be by in a bit."

When Helen arrived, I just looked up from my homework and said, "I need a break."

The shower helped, but I still felt numb. I stared at my foggy reflection in the mirror. She looked like me, but there was something missing. Taking a moment to close my eyes, my thoughts focused on Ben.

It had been barely six weeks since we met. Lawndale was a different place now. Even Trent had been ambitious enough that the band practices twice a week. Ben told her, gah, him, that The Harpies sounded decent, and they practiced more than once a week.

Opening my eyes, the face I saw looked like me again. I knew from the knock on the door it was Quinn before she apoke, "There are other people living here, Jane!"

Ben's room felt so empty, up until Quinn pushed open the door carrying her sleeping bag. I shot her a tired look, "No sisters allowed."

"Hey, this is one band i want to see survive."

"Fine, just don't beg to share the bed."

She chose a spot nearer the closet, while I climbed into the bed. It was a nice gesture from her, "Quinn, thanks."

"You're welcome, Jane. Night."


I don't know how he can put such straight lines in this thing. Heh. "Practice, miss Lane."

We had been running together every other day after school. Usually gives us a few minutes of time alone. This one time, he put his fingertips on my thi-

Hmm, that's my memory. Not telling.