Author's Note:

And that's it. Sorry it took so long to come out but I thought I'd finish it off for you tonight (dumb move on my part but I felt bad).

I hope you liked it, please leave a review (even if this story's been up for a long time, I love reading them and I still get the emails so please let me know what you thought), I appreciate the support. Love you guys, see you in the next ones.

Michael slowed down as he rode into the train station, he could hear the rumble in the distance and knew that there wasn't a whole lot of time. However the station was starting to resemble his own town the more he looked around. Of course the Rough Riders had passed through the station, someone would have warned him long ago if they'd been alive. "Son of a bitch." He muttered dismally to himself, he took just a moment to pause in silence for the dead before he hurried to the storehouses. Building a railroad meant dynamite and dynamite meant he could derail that fucking train.

Sam pushed his way through the train with as much effort and skill as he'd ever had to use. His mind raced in line with his heart, every instinct told him to run but determination and stubbornness wouldn't let him budge. But after everything he knew the Rough Riders to be, every gritty and vicious detail, his survivalist mind wanted nothing more than to get off that train. Sam thought Dean an idiot for doing what he was; while they weren't known for their heroism the Winchesters attempted to lend a helping hand when it was worth it. Jumping in headstrong and fighting with the Rough Riders wasn't worth it. Sam wanted them dead as much as anyone, but he would have far preferred a thought out plan to rushing through train car after train car and killing whatever moved.

He pressed his back against a wall, just narrowly avoiding a rain of bullets that could have been the last of him. Sam took a slow breath; he waited until it stopped before peering around the corner. It was too soon; he pulled back again as more gunfire splintered wood nearby. "Fuck…" he breathed angrily, frustrated with the entire situation. Stupid Dean and his stupid crush. Then again, Sam wouldn't have been able to sleep at night if he'd known he let those captives die, knowing he might've been able to do something.

'Enough bitching,' Sam frowned at himself and furrowed his brow as he readied his gun; they had to reload at some point. He waited again, this time he listened and when he was certain they were out of bullets and not just testing him, he stepped out.

For the men fumbling frantically with their weapons Sam Winchester was still a terrifying sight. He towered over them; his shadow spanned the entire room and if they could have seen his smile past the silhouette of his frame they wouldn't have been feeling so confident. Sam took them out easily, one shot for each man who opposed him, rapid fire and with impressive aim. Of course there were many more where that came from and Sam would have been lying if he'd stated that every skirmish had been so easy.

Sam cleared out another train car and added it to the long list he'd already accomplished. The train was long and he had no idea how many men were on board. He was breathing heavily and his body felt like it was ready to collapse, where the hell was Dean? Maybe leaving his brother to uncouple the cars alone wasn't such a great idea, but regardless he was pretty far away already and it'd take him some time to get back there.

He was several cars away from the front of the train but that was alright, Jet had gone that way when they started. Sam expected to see the renegade but not as soon as he did. The next train car door opened and Sam immediately snapped his gun toward the only standing individual, he breathed a sigh of relief with he realized it was their old friend. "Jet, you're pretty far back already, what's going on?"

"Alastair's not at the front." Jet looked at him and Sam had to really take in the sight of the other cowboy nearly soaked in blood, he had no idea who's was who's but it was definitely enough to have bled a man to death.

"You okay?" Sam couldn't not ask.

He smiled a little, "Yeah, I'll live." Jet was tired; most of the Riders must have been near the engine. "But I think Alastair jumped on the roof, headed to the caboose."

Sam pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, "Goddamn it… Alright, we're too close to the station to be able to stop in time so just come back with me."

"Already planned on it, let's go." Jet pushed past Sam and took the lead, a position Sam was sure he was used to.

Dean and Castiel worked to get the last cars uncoupled from the rest of the train; it wasn't as easy as Cas had imagined it'd be. But, again, stories were always different than the reality. Dean had this screwed up expression like it should have been simpler than it turned out to be, Cas was glad he wasn't the only one who assumed it be a cinch. "Maybe if we-"

"No, no, I'm pretty sure it's supposed to go like this." Dean swatted him away and for a second Castiel huffed and held his breath, annoyance filtered into his system.

But it was too funny, he realized. Dean was so domesticated in that moment that Cas hardly recognized him. It was like they were trying to fix a broken wagon or something. He would have mentioned how cute it was but the situation didn't exactly call for it, they were sort of in the middle of a rescue mission.

Cas opened his mouth to correct something he saw Dean doing when a bullet blasted into the frame right next to his head. Cas flinched and flailed backward, he was lucky that a railing was right next to him or he might've floundered right off the train and underneath it. They both looked up to see above them was Alastair; he stood with a grin from his perch on top of the train and gun aimed down at their heads. He'd avoided a run-in with Sam, clearly, because Cas didn't honestly believe he would have survived it.

"Howdy, boys."

Castiel didn't think there was a way he could ever describe Dean's face in the moments that followed, he looked calm but his eyes-his eyes were burning right through the monster before them. "Alastair," Dean spat it like a poison, his lips curled upward in disgust as if to say they were appalled they had to form the name at all.

"Been far too long, Dean." Alastair chuckled in the same way that made Castiel's skin crawl. "How're things?"

"Still above ground so that's somethin' I guess." The reply lacked anything Cas could have read into, Dean was holding himself very carefully and chose his words similarly. It was exciting to see; Cas had only imagined Dean in action but to really be there, to see it with his own eyes made all the difference. The legend in real life.

"I guess it's too much to ask for something more personal, huh?" The villain mused in false dismay; he of course received no answer from either of them. Cas counted the seconds in his head that they remained that way, it was a standoff and they weren't on even ground. He felt his Adam's apple quiver as he swallowed; he could see Dean's body so still (and of course he would have appreciated it a little better if the situation had allowed it). Castiel couldn't believe how acute his eyes were in that moment; he'd noticed Alastair's hand, how it flexed and the slight shift of his finger. He could see the villain was about to fire.

About to shoot Dean Winchester.

"Oh hell no." Castiel exclaimed as he grabbed the cowboy's arm and before he could think properly. He dragged them both into the train car for cover just in time for the gunfire to miss them. It happened so slowly but so damn fast that Cas hadn't had a moment to really consider it, the bullet ricocheted off the coupling link and made them both jump. Dean stared at him with wide eyes, the death threat written in his irises had vanished and instead replaced with what Castiel hoped was some form of respect.

"You saved me." Dean sounded sincerely and honestly shocked, it was a good tone in his voice. There was less of that rough and legendary criminal he'd fantasized about and more of a regular guy, someone he could hold onto. Someone he could bicker with as they tried to fix a wagon. Cas wanted to kiss him then, to cup his face and pull their lips together again but he couldn't. Survival had made its way to his list of things he needed to accomplish that day, he hadn't had anything to live for half an hour ago but now he did. And that reason was staring him right in the face with such admirable surprise.

"You're welcome, now let's get rid of that son of a bitch." Cas didn't want to waste any time, he had a renegade to fuck when it was all over.

Dean nodded and pointed to the other end of the car, "Get further into the train car, I'll handle him."

Cas nodded, he would have argued but he thought it best to listen. He was fairly certain that Dean only wanted to keep him out of trouble but that was fine by him, there were other things he could handle. He stepped away, not too far but far enough to be safe from the bullets. Dean and Alastair let loose at one another and Castiel thought it'd go on forever, Dean was quick but the older criminal was more experienced, he'd been doing things like that all his life after all.

"I miss you, you know!" Alastair called with a sickened laugh, Cas could only imagine what it meant in the long run, what that sound meant to Dean. If the cowboy's snarl was anything to go by Cas would have guessed Dean's time with Alastair in the past had not been pleasant. He shuddered to think of it any further.

"You can shove it, asshole!" Dean shouted back as he leaned around to take his turn in firing. There were tactics to that kind of gun fight but Cas would be damned if he knew any of it, as far as he was concerned they each leaned around from their hiding places when the other had to reload, each time cutting it just a bit closer in the hopes of catching their opponent off guard. Or at least that's how Castiel understood it. Why else would they not find a better way to do it?

"You know I'd love to shove a few things in a few places, Dean-o."

Dean scoffed, his entire body was tense and Cas could see the definition in his neck, "I'm going to gut you the second I get the chance, dead or alive I don't care."

Castiel furrowed his brow as the exchange continued, as pissed as Dean was and as skilled as both men were, the fight was going nowhere. He could see the girls in the other train car, no one moved to help or do anything that might get them shot. He didn't blame them of course; they'd seen a moment where it was possible to survive the entire ordeal. He would have been among them in a past situation. But he didn't want to be, not anymore. He was done with that useless bartender label, done with being a helpless man who had no skills other than pouring drinks in rapid succession. No, he decided after the fight dragged on too long for his liking, it was time to put himself into the action.

As Cas moved away he heard the gunfire between Dean and Alastair, the words spat between them sounded far too personal to be anything less than dangerous. He hurried to the opposite end of the boxcar where Sam had left the door open and, from what he could see, quite the trail of bodies. He leaned out and looked to the ladder that led to the roof. Cas could feel his limbs tingle and his heart leapt into his throat, the amount of pressure on top of the train wouldn't be anything to sneeze at and he had a real possibility of just being shot the moment he attempted it. However Dean was in trouble, they were all in trouble; the train was headed for a derailment not too far up the line. He had to try it.

The metal was cold on his hands as he grasped it and pulled himself up one step at a time. Cas peeked up over the edge to see Alastair pulled away from the other side, hidden from Dean's returned fire. It was surreal to see witness the battle between them; he could almost hear the re-telling in his mind as each move played out. A battle of legends, Dean Winchester, strong, wickedly handsome, and clever against Alastair, the vicious, cut-throat villain. Dean's name had never been synonymous with 'hero' in the actual stories but Castiel could imagine it that way. Dean Winchester, the man who saved his life.

'Get out of the stories, Castiel, this is real.' He reminded himself sternly, just in time to hold eye contact with Alastair.

'He sees me.'

Fear gripped Cas' soul like a cold vice as the other man grinned, a terribly awesome thing in its own right. Alastair moved like lightning, his gun flew up the second it was reloaded – but Castiel's was up first. His finger pulled back immediately and the recoil jolted him more than he'd expected. But more than that, a hot sting in his shoulder held his attention stronger than a surprise shudder.

He'd been shot.

The realization hit him after he'd cried out and fell back, the ladder slipped from his fingers and all sense of equilibrium was lost to him. Cas couldn't feel anything other than the ache in his body as all support slipped away from him. He heard Dean scream his name, it sounded so clear in his head despite the world rushing to a halt around him.


Loud. Dean was so loud and scared.

It was probably a well-founded fear thought; Cas could hear the sound of the train on the track, that horrible grinding noise getting closer to him. He was about to be crushed, fall under the train and be smeared across the tracks.

That was it…

He didn't even get to see if he'd shot the bastard.

Resigned to his fate, Cas was shocked when he felt the familiarity of another body against his back, forceful but kind arms wrapped around his middle and caught him midair. Castiel gasped as the air left his lungs, his eyes barely able to focus on the face of the man who'd saved him. A familiar face brought tears to his eyes, despite never having felt relief seeing the man ever before in his life. "Jet?" He breathed the name as if saying it too strongly would shatter a dream and send him under the train as planned.

Before Jet could answer him a shadow passed over them both, Cas' eyes quickly followed in case of danger just in time to see Sam land on the same train car as Alastair. "What's happening?" He felt panic start to settle into his mind but it was numb, it just sat and watched him beyond a wall of shock.

"Take a look down." Jet's answer wasn't really an answer but Cas listened all the same. He looked down at the tracks; at first he saw nothing but soon a wash of red chunks and gore passed. It was disturbing and he would have lied if he'd said it was a relief to see. But at the same time it kind of was, he didn't understand his own mentality at that moment. It could have been him. That chunky mess could have been his body but it wasn't, a bad man took his place and that was all thanks to the Winchesters.

Well, Jet too of course but Cas wasn't exactly infatuated with that one.

"Cas!" Dean's voice pierced through his clouded head but he couldn't quite focus, "Cas, look at me, are you okay?"

Castiel tried to shake his head straight and look at Dean properly, "I see you," he muttered through tears that found their way to his eyes. But he felt great, more alive than ever and full of awe. He was in pain, he was terrified, his hands had gotten dirtier than they'd ever been and he felt like a whole different person. One good enough to slap Dean Winchester in the face for leaving him in the morning. "My shoulder hurts a bit but I'm alright."

Dean scoffed softly and nodded, "We'll fix you up when we have time, right now the train's headed for a bit of a bumpy ride. Think you can manage?"

Castiel nodded, "I've managed this far, haven't I?" He did his best not to wince at the ache in his shoulder, the bullet had gone through and it was actually very shallow. Cas wasn't worried about having to have it amputated, as long as it didn't get infected. He wasn't entirely confident about it but he would have just as happily not considered it.

Sam had already gotten the girls on top of the boxcar and Castiel crawled up after them, the wind was insane at that speed and he had trouble breathing. Sam placed a hand on his shoulder to steady him, "You alright?" he called over the obnoxiously loud sounds of their transportation.

"I'm fine," He smiled over at the younger Winchester before he glanced back at the girls, they looked worried but otherwise alright. "Thank you, Sam. You, all of you, saved our lives."

"From what the ladies tell me you did a good portion of that yourself." Sam tipped his hat to Cas and a swell of inflation came over him. Pride, he felt proud of himself, to be himself.

The train car jolted a little as it started to slow down, Cas looked anxiously to ladder and smiled in relief when he saw Dean on his way up. "Get going." Dean motioned for them to jump.

Cas caught Jo's arm before she went and shook his head, "It's moving too fast, we'll get scrambled!"

"For the love of crap." Jet groaned and looked ahead, "The train station's like a minute away so make up your mind, barkeep!"

"It'll be fine," Dean whispered in his ear and Cas felt like he could have melted into a puddle right then and there. "Just do it, I promise you'll be okay."

Castiel looked over his shoulder at Dean, his heart raced in his chest and his eyes burned from the wrath of the wind; he wanted nothing more than to believe Dean Winchester. "I trust you." He whispered just before Dean's lips touched his, it was quick but so sweet. Cas didn't think he'd forget it, and if he died in the seconds that followed his leap from the train then he'd die happy.

The metal left his feet and he tucked into himself, tuck and roll someone had told him a long time ago, whenever you fall off of something moving you curl in on yourself and roll with the movement. And so he did, the sensation was ugly and he felt sick to his stomach as his shoulder crunched into the dirt below him. It hurt, his entire world flipped on itself in that moment and he had no idea which way was up. Cas wound up sprawled on his back, hand clutched to his shoulder in an attempt to ease the throbbing pain there, and his eyes fixated on the sky above, not that he recognized what he was looking at for a while.

Castiel sat upright and turned toward the train just in time to see it crash, derailed and crumpled in on itself the whole thing erupted. There was more than enough firepower onboard for an explosion the size of the train station and he was not left wanting. He saw it first, heard it second, and knew that the shockwave wouldn't be far off. Cas lifted his hands to brace himself against it but was sent flailing along the ground anyway, right into another body and tangled up with them for good measure.

"Fuck…" he cursed with a hiss as soon as he was still, his hand clenched harder on his arm.

"Kinda hot when you cuss like that." It was Dean Winchester's voice.

Cas looked up with a red tint in his cheeks, that voice always made his groin tingle, "Is that so?" He remarked in a hope to keep his cool about him, Cas did have a bit of a reputation he would like to hold to at least, he hadn't seemed silly in front of Dean before and he had no intention to appear that way after everything they'd gone through.

"Yeah, soaked in blood, messed up hair from the scuffles, and a dirty mouth to top it off? I think I'm going to have to stick around a bit, see what I can do about that." Dean chuckled as he lifted a hand to brush through Cas' hair.

It felt good, safe and secure in a strong cowboy's arms as he received adoring caresses. Cas could have just rested his head and stayed there but his pride rose up in him like heatstroke. "Now you want to stay, huh?" His tone was angry and cold as he pulled away from what he wanted, he wanted Dean to touch him, anywhere, everywhere but he had self respect. Dean Winchester didn't think he was good enough to wait for in the morning, at least a goodbye or a 'I'll see you later, I'm off to market' or some bullshit would have been nice.

"What's with the attitude?"

Cas' face burned with anger and embarrassment for himself and for Dean. "I know I might not be much to you, Dean Winchester. I know I'm just another random person you sleep with on your amazing journey across the West but I'm a fucking person and you should show me some respect. I didn't think I was entitled to wake up with you there or even an explanation because that's what you outlaws do; you show up, impress, flirt and fuck someone and vanish into the night. But don't you dare think for even a second that I'd just roll over and let you do it again."

Dean was speechless and Castiel had never felt more adrenaline than that moment, not even when he was murdering those bandits. "Cas-"

"If the next words out of your mouth aren't an apology I don't want to hear it." He spat an interruption as he leaned over Dean; he hadn't even realized when he'd gotten there but that didn't matter, it was a power position and it was his now.

"I'm sorry." Dean smartly responded.


"Cas, I didn't mean to hurt you and I don't have a good reason just a bunch of excuses if you wanted to hear them." Dean tried to explain and though Cas expected something dick-ish and haughty like Crowley would have given him, Dean wasn't like that. He looked genuinely concerned, maybe a little bit like a trapped animal but otherwise sincere.

"I don't want to hear them but I said I trusted you, didn't I? And you once told me you're a bad liar." Cas eased off of him and leaned back, a light exhale huffed out his nose. "I do have a question for you, though."

Dean lit up and nodded, "What is it?" He seemed excited that he didn't have to try and explain himself. It was fine by Cas, really. Nothing Dean could say would fix what he did and he was honestly sorry, why bother with the stupid details of it?

"Would you let me join you?"

Dean was dumbfounded and his mouth fell a little slack as he stared up at Castiel. "You mean like… Sam and I?"

"What else would I mean?" Cas chuckled and glanced over at the others who were okay, each slowly got up to brush themselves off and take in the fact that they were still alive. "I'm done here, my town is in shambles and even if it weren't I wouldn't care. I'm fed up with it, but mostly… Dean, I want to come with you." He looked back at the renegade with pleading eyes, "I want to be with you. I want-" Cas couldn't finish the sentence, Dean had grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him down again, their mouths met in that same hot kiss that had burned inside him the first time.

Their lips parted for one another and the kiss deepened into a passionate, messy affair. Cas gasped against Dean's mouth when rough hands found his hips and squeezed. He reached up and held onto his green-eyed cowboy, fingers laced into soft brown hair and pulled, just slightly. Cas pushed his pelvis down and rutted against Dean, grinding to find friction, a touch and a needed release.

"You're so fucking pretty." Dean gasped when they broke the kiss, his lips pulled up into a smile, "I'd love it if you came with us."

Castiel squealed. He tried not to but the sound just sort of came out as he dropped down with as much force as he could on Dean, arms wrapped around the cowboy in a tight hug. "Thank you!" He cried and he was certain he repeated it more than once but he didn't care or pay attention to what he was saying because Dean Winchester said yes.

"You guys wanna find a better time to do all that?" Jet chuckled as he walked over, Sam right behind him. "Middle of nowhere don't seem all that… sanitary."

"You'd do it in a barn and you know it." Dean retorted with a sarcastic sneer.

Jet grinned and popped a piece of wheat grass into his mouth, "Already have."

"So we've got a new posse member," Sam mused as he strolled around to the other side of them, "I don't suppose I'm going to be a third wheel?"

"Not at all," Jet interjected again, "Because I'm coming too."

Dean brightened up, "Seriously? You're gonna join us?" Cas didn't understand the connection but he assumed he'd missed it while kidnapped.

"Well I haven't seen you since we were kids and now that you show up out of the blue you think I'm just gonna let the two of you go? Hell no, man. Can't get away from me that easy."

Dean looked at Sam with the biggest smile Cas had ever seen, "We've got a little family in the making."

"Guess so." Sam reached down to pull Dean up, "C'mon, let's see if we can't find the Sheriff in that mess over there."

"Right." Dean agreed and pulled Cas up with him, it was such a strong and fluid motion that Castiel thought he'd drop right away just from the experience.

They were all set up to go find Michael when the sight of familiar horses rode up in the distance, there were three empty and one with a rider. "That's the Sheriff." Jet pointed with a smile, "Son of a gun made it."

"I think he's thinking the same about us." Jo muttered as she looked at the other rescued damsels, Cas included.

Michael arrived several minutes later and still after the empty-saddled horses, Chevy and Impala stopped next to Dean and Sam while Jet's ride ran wild a little longer. He made a fuss of course but eventually it returned to him.

"You're alive." He gaped at them all, "Each one of you made it, I can't believe what I'm seeing here."

"It's one hell of a story, Sheriff." Cas smiled up at him, hand instinctively over his wound. He nearly laughed out loud at Michael's suddenly concerned expression, "The blood isn't all mine, I promise."

"Well… it seems there's quite a letter I'll have to write up on this one." Michael tipped his hat to them, "Would you mind helping me escort the ladies home?"

"Not at all, Sheriff." Sam moved to help some of the girls onto Chevy, it was the least they could do for them.

Cas was excited to get a chance to ride Dean's stallion, Impala was legendary, just as much as Dean himself and it was a dream come true for him. "I don't have a horse, is that a problem?" He asked with his head rested against Dean's back. Impala didn't like to have anyone on his back if Dean wasn't there with them, which sort of limited the number of tired people Dean could carry but it wasn't that bad. It just meant that the other horses had three girls each and the guys were walking.

"Nah, we'll get you one." Dean replied casually, Cas liked the sway of Dean's body as Impala walked, so easy and natural like that was how he was supposed to move.

"Won't be as good as this one."

"I'm gonna let Impala pick one for you."

Cas snorted softly, "Alright." He sighed and tried to force his eyes open, his hand rested over the now wrapped injury in a protective way, just in case he fell off or something.

"Tired?" Dean whispered to him and Cas thought he'd never get used to that voice.


Without a word Dean hopped off and ushered Cas to slide forward, of course he listened but had no idea why until Dean climbed back on behind him. "Rest, I'll keep you upright."

Castiel smiled and leaned back against his cowboy, the excitement of the day finally settled in. He could hear Dean's heartbeat after a few seconds of silence, it was steady and soothing. Cas let himself be lulled by it, he was safe, he was with Dean and he had survived, it was fine to close his eyes again.

Dean nudged Cas awake hours later, it was pitch black outside aside from the fires lit within the town. "We're here." He whispered into Castiel's ear and the bartender shuddered visibly from it. Dean wrapped his arms around Cas' middle and tucked him in closer, "You cold?"

"Not really," Cas glanced over his shoulder at Dean, despite how sleepy he looked there was still a significant amount of desire and lust waiting deep within that blue. "Let's go back to my place, I think there's something we need to do there."

Dean grinned and kissed along Castiel's neck slowly; it made his skin tingle and brought a pleasured shiver to his muscles. "What are we waiting for then?"

Cas didn't care that the saloon itself was a mess or that it had been ransacked, material things could be replaced in one way or another. He was just glad that as they made their desperate way to the back he could see there was still a bed in his room. Dean pulled Cas' shirt over his head, careful with his shoulder but still rough enough to get a satisfying squeak from the bartender.

The bed was cold and refreshing against his burning skin, Cas laid back and arched up for Dean, a sort of display for his infatuation. Dean of course took the bait immediately, he dropped over Castiel and though Cas expected a ravenous kiss what he actually got was much sweeter. It was soft and cradled, Dean had pulled him closer for an embrace, something that felt real.

"You do mean something to me, Cas." Dean whispered in a hush, his lips still close enough to graze over Cas' as he spoke. They looked at one another and their expressions and eyes said more than any of their words could fathom. Cas curled his bottom lip in a little as he fought off tears; he nodded shallowly and quick as his hand reached up to cup Dean's cheek.

"I love you too, Dean."

Dean's eyes sparked a moment and Cas didn't think he'd ever see something more beautiful in his life. They didn't say anything else after that, their mouths were drawn to the other's like a magnet and their hands couldn't leave their partner's body. It was slow, it was slower than Cas had ever had it before and he'd never been happier. Dean didn't stop exploring him; his fingers found every inch of Cas and exploited any weaknesses presented to him. They wriggled out of clothing until it was just skin on skin and Castiel couldn't have been any harder if he tried. Dean traced down his abdomen and playfully avoided the actual issue; he drifted his fingers past Cas' cock and grazed it. The motion earned him a stuttered gasped as Castiel bucked his hips up.

In turn Cas decided to be a bit bolder, he sucked on his fingers until he was happy with the amount of wetness and pressed them to Dean's ass. The cowboy shuddered but didn't pull away; instead he looked down at Castiel with more complexity than Cas had seen in him until that moment.

Dean wanted it. Cas smirked and turned the tables, this time with Dean on his back so he could continue to work him open. He didn't have to ask to know that Dean had definitely done it before, his ass opened so easily it sent a wave of excitement through Castiel. His cowboy was just as sweet as he was salty.

Dean writhed on the bed by the time he was ready, Cas loved to watch his muscles tense and release as he fought of the urge to grab himself and start jerking the release on his own. "Cas," he whined softly and bit his lower lip, "C'mon…"

Cas nodded and pulled away, he enjoyed the whimpered complaint that came from his fantasized rough-and-tumble cowboy, "Come here first, get it wet for me."

That was all Dean needed, he eagerly sat up and took Castiel's dick into his mouth. It was so warm and the pressure had Cas' eyes rolling back. It'd only been a day or so but it had still been far too long since he'd touched Dean or let Dean touch him. Cas rocked his hips forward; a quiet moan escaped him as he ran his fingers through Dean's hair over and over again. Dean grunted around his cock and made him shudder again, he was so close to the edge already but Dean was too, he could hear it.

"Lie down, cowboy," he instructed huskily, he could see his voice was doing it for Dean just as much as Dean's did it for him. It made him feel so much stronger just to recognize that fact. Dean cooperated, his legs spread open and he laid himself out for Cas, his dick heavy and swollen on his stomach.

Castiel first put on the condom he had in his dresser, they were kind of old but he didn't like not having them. He licked his lips and took in the sight of his fantasy before he crawled overtop of Dean. They shared another kiss and with the distraction Cas pressed his tip to Dean's entrance. "I love you." He whispered again as he pushed it inside, Dean cried out with a muffled curse, his shoulder blades pushed into the mattress.

"Cas! Fuck… ohhh god it's been so long…" he panted and wriggled for a little bit, Cas just rocked slowly, gently, until he was all the way inside. It took some effort but they did it, he was balls deep and it felt so fucking good. Dean's insides were hot, tight, and not as slick as they could have been but Cas didn't want to wait any longer.

"Fuck me." Dean insisted, little power-bottom bitch that he was.

Cas took it slower, he wanted to enjoy the feeling but Dean's anal canal clenched around him and he stuttered forward, "Shi- Dean!" He moaned and leaned over, he had to take a heavy breath before continuing lest he let it go early. "You want it, you'll get it." He growled and though his tone alone had the power to push Dean to the limit he started to slam that ass.

Dean was screaming his name in moments and had to start fondling himself, there was no way to stop it then. Cas wasn't surprised at how fast Dean came, he'd been hard and leaking when they started. He intended to hold out longer but that didn't happen either, he was still tired and had no ability to do so. The tension had built up in him back on the ground after the shockwave, it'd never left. The entire ride home, while he was conscious, was incredible. He'd felt Dean's body bounce against his all in foreshadowing for that moment.

"Cas… ooohhhh Cas…" Dean whimpered for him, so needy and taken apart. Cas' body shuddered when he reached the limit of his energy and just let go. He gasped and cried out before collapsing on top of Dean again, his legs were shaking and his arms trembled and he couldn't stop his eyes from closing.

Sex always knocked him right out, of course he hadn't been all that well rested before hand so it shouldn't have been a shock to Dean either. As Cas' eyes closed he heard Dean chuckle.

"I love you, Cas. I'll be here when you wake up."

"You're going with them, huh?" Michael squinted in the morning sunlight at Castiel as they stood near the town's entrance.

"I'm afraid so, yes. My time here is up for now." Cas looked over to where Dean, Sam, and Jet were perched on their respective rides, all waited on him patiently. "I hope to see you again, Michael."

- Oh mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law.-

"Well if you wind up with a reputation like theirs I hope not." Michael chuckled and shook his hand, "Good luck out there, Cas. I look forward to hearing the stories about you."

-Hangman is comin' down from the gallows and I don't have very long.-

"Trust me," Castiel hopped up onto Impala right behind Dean, they shared a smile and he turned to Michael, "They'll be good ones."

The jig is up, the news is out – they finally found me.

The renegade who had it made retrieved for a bounty,

Never more to go astray, this'll be the end today

Of the wanted man.