Sorry to keep you waiting, you lovely people! As you all know, there are times when I find no inspiration whatsoever. But I wrote this yesterday after I had a lovely evening, which gave me the inspiration to keep this story going. Hopefully now updates will be more frequent. :D Also thanks to Do'B who made me realize that people actually read my stories. Thank you so much, this chapter is dedicated to you! :D

*excuse my mistakes I tried to get this to you all as soon as possible.

Chapter 8: Make You Feel

I cleaned the apartment about three times before I became satisfied with how it looked. I could feel how nervous I was; although I knew that there was nothing to be afraid of. For god's sake, the man had spent last night in my bed! He had seen every part of the apartment already.

But I was still unable to keep my nerves at bay. My hands trembled as I called the place to order take out, but once I was on the phone I didn't know what type of Chinese food Dimitri liked. I ordered all my favorites and hoped that he shared a little of my taste.

I hit the shower after I got done with everything but in the shower all I could think about was Dimitri again. So my shower turned into a "fantasizing about Dimitri" session and I forgot about the time.

All too soon there was a knock on my door and I hurried to get off all the soap and shampoo off me.

The knocking was soft, not too soft but nothing too harsh; I knew that it wasn't Dimitri, I thought about changing before opening the door but I didn't want to keep the delivery guy waiting, so I wore one of my most conservative bath robes and I grabbed my wallet from my jeans.

"I'm coming" I yelled so the person outside the door wouldn't think there was no one here and then leave, leaving me without food and to starve for days.

I almost ran to the door but I realized that my feet were wet and I was afraid of falling on the floor like a dumbass, so I walked at a normal pace.

When I opened the door, a guy with brown hair was wearing an annoyed expression.

"I'm sorry. I was in the shower." He nodded and extended his hands to give me the food but it was too much for me to carry.

"Can you help me put them inside?" He just nodded his head and went inside with me, the door closing behind him.

He put the food on the dining table and I gave him the money, giving him a good tip because he had to wait and help me bring the food inside. As I walked him to the door though, the water that had dripped from before made me lose my balance and slipped. Landing myself on top of him. Well on the back of him. But that wasn't the worse thing, the worse thing was that my robe went flying open from the movement.

There was a knock on the door and then someone opened it.

It was Dimitri. And the look on his faced shifted from surprised to angry in a matter of seconds. He grabbed the delivery guy up from the collar and dragged him out of the room. His hands tight around the poor guy's collar.

I was shocked that no words came out of my mouth and I momentarily forgot that my robe was open, exposing my naked body to Dimitri.

He looked towards me, his face still contorted with anger, but as he caught sight of my body he seemed to have forgotten was going on. Desired filled his features. His mouth opened slightly, his eyes darkened, and his breathing was harder. Looking at him in such a way made my body feel hot all over.

Dimitri walked towards me; I could feel the heat radiating the both of us. Or maybe that was all in my mind.

I thought this was it, the moment; Dimitri and I making love, having sex whatever you want to call it.

But when he kneeled down next to me, he pulled my robe together and closed it, tying it softly.

I knew that he was still excited, his pants showed the evidence but he was holding back. I saw the determination behind his eyes.

"Rose" He kissed my forehead.

He helped me stand up to my feet.

"I need to change, I will be back soon." I quickly scrambled to my room. Embarrassed and still yearning for Dimitri.

Inside my room, I looked at the red cocktail dress that I had laid out. I was trying to impress Dimitri. I wanted to show him my body at its finest with my favorite dress and the color that helped my complexion look more exotic. But what was the point now?

I quickly searched my closet, trying to find something more suited for a date at home and settled on a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt that said "Bad Motherfucker" because it was my favorite shirt from one of my favorite movies, Pulp Fiction.

Make-up was not something I had time for so I decided to just apply some mascara and a touch of lip gloss that would be gone by the time that I was done eating the Pad Thai.

I breathed in and out, trying to regain the control over my body before I headed outside. It worked until I saw Dimitri again.

He had taken off his coat and was wearing a pair of faded dark jeans and a white T-shirt. He stood next to the couch, leaning against it.

He looked peaceful. The tired lines that made him looked older than he was, were softened and actually fit in with his youthful looks, giving him a look of carefree.

I cleared my throat and Dimitri's eyes became alert, his face hardening and I regretted making the noise and making him lose that carefree expression.

He stared at my face for a few seconds and then his eyes roamed my body, he looked away a few seconds later but then as if he had just realized something he looked back at my breast, or rather where the words "Bad Motherfucker" laid and he laughed out loud, his rich laugh filling the whole room.

"You're a Tarantino fan? Or a Samuel Jackson fan?" His smile was wide as kept staring at the shirt. I wasn't sure if it was really fascinated by the words or rather what was underneath...

"Both" I walked to the kitchen where I grabbed some plates.

"I didn't realize that you were going to be the one that ordered the food so I brought some also." He points to the bags on the table next to the ones that contained the Chinese food.

"It's Indian food, I wasn't sure of what you wanted..."Dimitri looks a little uncomfortable about that but I laugh, finding this funny. I don't think I necessarily had a reason for why I was laughing and I was just possibly crazy but seconds later I heard Dimitri laugh with me.

"Well we could always just save one of them for the morning? Or we could just have some of both... I ordered Chinese." I gave Dimitri a plate as I took everything out of the bags. Wanting to eat everything, I grabbed a little of what appealed to me.

I put on Pulp Fiction and we sat on my couch eating our food as we watched Tarantino's finest film.

Throughout the film, Dimitri would laugh loudly and it was pure joy to my ears. Dimitri's eyes were glued to the screen, and every once in a while I took a few seconds to admired his form.

His posture was lose; shoulders a little hunched, legs spread apart, and his back leaning loosely against the couch. I wanted to take a picture but I knew that he would think it was creepy so I tried to memorize this scene.

The scene where Vincent injects the heroine into his veins was my favorite, and I tried to lose myself in the scene, to feel it the way I had always felt it but I couldn't because all I could think about was the man that was next to me.

When the end credits rolled, I sighed because I had not really watched the film. Dimitri had had my full attention. But he hadn't once looked over at me.

"Do you want to watch another movie?" I asked him as I saw that it was only ten.

But he yawned and he appeared truly tired.

"Yea." But even his words sounded tired.

"Or maybe we should go to bed. I'm tired." I faked a yawn. "Today was a long day." It had been a long day and the whole situation with Mr. Ozera was fresh in my mind. This was the time to bring it up, but I couldn't because I knew what I was getting myself into with Dimitri, I couldn't just demand things out of him.

Dimitri smiled at me and got up, taking our plates with him. I turned off the TV. and made sure that the door was locked then we headed to my room.

When we entered my room, Dimitri put down his small luggage bag and took out pajamas pants. Only pants. And I was crossing my fingers that the pants would be the only thing he wore.

He did.

He turned his back to me and pulled off his shirt. Even the back of this man was hot! His broad shoulders were accompanied by a strong defined back. His skin was the same color as everything else, slightly tanned. But there were scars everywhere. The skin was smeared with a large scar across his back, going all the way down to his hips from his neck. There were small scars everywhere else, some almost invisible but others that look like someone had done a bad job at sewing them up. Dimitri had managed to put on his pajamas pants by now and I turned around, not wanting him to see that I was staring. I knew that he would have left if he had found me staring. So I tried to erase the image of all his scars but I couldn't... because I wanted to know..I wanted to know what had happened... I wanted him to tell me.

I walked into the bathroom to dress into a pair of yoga pants and a tank top, brushing my teeth before I went out.

"There's an extra toothbrush if you want to use it" I said to Dimitri as I walked out and found him sitting on the bed.

He smiled up at me; his eyes tired, he nodded his head and he walked to the bathroom.

When he came back he asked if he could turn off the lights, to which I agreed and we laid in bed.

But I couldn't sleep. Not with all the images that were flashing in my mind. Of someone hurting Dimitri...Of someone giving his perfect body those scars... Of Dimitri afraid of whoever had done that. Of that person breaking Dimitri down...

I knew that whatever had happened to his back was what made him like this. Cold. Mean. Detached.

When I heard that his breathing had even, I moved closer to him and hugged his chest, relishing in the intimacy of the moment, even if it was just one sided.