A/N: Hi all! I'm so so sorry for it being this long that I haven't updated! I got distracted by life but I'm back! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

It had been 2 weeks since Amanda and Kevin came aboard the Enterprise and everything was going well. The officers and bridge crew got along great with the two of them. The two of them shared a room just down the hall from the officers and Captain's quarters. Sophie had officially moved in with Jim in his quarters and that is where they were currently.

Jim, at the moment was had his glasses on looking over some notes on his PADD while Sophie got ready for bed. Sophie finally finished getting ready and walked out of their bathroom in a pair of tiny boy shorts and an old t-shirt of Jim's on, her hair was flowing over her shoulders as she climbed into bed next to Jim.

"Jim," Sophie said running a hand over his bare chest. "It's late, almost 1 so stop working and let's go to bed."

"If you keep looking at me like that we won't be sleeping for a while." Jim said setting his PADD down on the bedside table.

"What makes you think I wanted to sleep?" Sophie said leaning in close to him.

Jim smiled slipping his hand to the back of her neck pulling her closer to him before he captured her lips with his. His hands went to her waist as she straddled his lap running her hands through his hair. Deepening the kiss Sophie leaned in closer to him pushing up against his chest while he slipped his hands under her shirt pushing it up and over her head. Sophie let out small moan as she continued to kiss now pressing their bare chests together.

Sophie suddenly let out a squeal as she realized Jim had flipped them and she was now staring up at him from where he was half way on top of her. She felt herself blush upon seeing Jim take his eyes and scan her face, her chest, her breasts and then back up to her face.

"See something you like?" she said softly smirking.

"Oh yes." Jim replied kissing her neck and sucking on it while one of his hands moved to her breasts.

Letting out a small sigh Sophie arched her back into Jim's hand as he continued his assault on her neck and upper chest. Sophie sighed loudly before letting her hands wander over his back, continuing down to his butt giving it a tight squeeze. In return Jim let out a groan before moving his mouth over one of her breasts, sucking on it between his teeth. Jim moved his mouth back up to capture Sophie's mouth again in a heated kiss as the two of them moved together in sync before they heard the door chime, letting them know someone was outside it.

"Ignore them." Jim muttered against her lips. "It's probably Bones."

"Jim," Sophie said half moaning, "What if it's not Bones, what if it's an emer…"

"Sh-h," Jim said silencing her with a kiss again. "You and I haven't had anytime to ourselves in two weeks. Tonight you are mine."

Before she could answer though the door chimed again, and again before the banging started on the door. The two of them suddenly stopped their movements looking at each other confused.

"Jim we should probably see who it is." Sophie said looking up at him. Jim let out a very frustrated groan before giving her a long hard kiss.

"We will be continuing this later babe, that's promise." Jim said against her lips before getting up and pulling his gym shorts and a shirt before tossing Sophie her shirt.

Following Jim's example she got out of bed as well, pulled her shirt on and a pair of short shorts and walked over to the door with Jim. Jim looked back to make sure she was decent before opening the door.

"Bones I swe…" Jim started to say before seeing it was Kevin leaning heavily on the doorway, blood everywhere.

"Kevin!" Sophie said rushing before Kevin completely fell to the ground. "Get Leo!"

Jim didn't waste anytime running out of the room and down to Bone's room. Sophie carefully slide Kevin down the wall so that he was now seated on the floor with his back to the wall. To her it looked like he was badly beaten, had several deep knife cuts and bruise not looking good at all.

"Kevin? Everything is going to be fine. Leo is coming." Sophie said softly trying soothe him. "Everything's going to be fine."

"No." Kevin whispered his eyes lighting up, "Mandy."


"Mandy…they took her." Kevin said through the sharp pains. "She's gone. They came in…to our room. I tri—tried to stop them but…"

"Who?" Sophie demanded. "Who took her?"


"What?" Sophie hissed. "He…he was here?"

Kevin nodded his head weakly confirming her words.

"Fuck." Sophie said staring at him wide-eyed and fearful.

"Find her." Kevin whispered.

Sophie nodded her head and looked back to find Bones and Jim rushing down the hallway, a medical kit in hand.

"We will." She said with conviction.

Sophie got out of Bones way going back into their quarters and hurrying to their bedside table and opening the draw to reveal 2 phasers before jogging back to the doorway where Jim was kneeling next to Kevin as Bones worked as they whispered quietly. Sticking the phaser down and in front of Jim, he looked up at her confused.

"Soph?" Jim said taking the phaser and standing up to face her.

"He took Mandy. Kodo's was here and he took her." Sophie said angrily watching Jim's face turn from confusion to rage in mere seconds.

"What?" Jim choked out turning his head to Kevin. "Kevin?"

"Find her JT. Please find her." Kevin said in short breaths nodding his head.

Jim took one look at Sophie before taking off down the hallway with Sophie right on his heels. They skit to a stop in front of Kevin and Amanda's quarters with Jim quickly using the Captain's override code before entering, phasers at the ready. Hurrying into the room they found the place to be completely trashed, things were broken with glass everywhere along with blood and Amanda was no-where to be found. Sophie stood in the middle of the room looking around in shock.

She couldn't believe it, Amanda was gone, Kevin in critical condition and she didn't know what to do. She felt a pair of arms warp around her tightly hugging her as she breathed Jim in. He pulled away to face her wiping the tears that were coming down her face, she hadn't even noticed them the tears.

"We'll find her. I promise you. Kodo's will pay for this." Jim said firmly. "He will pay."

Sophie nodded her head and as he kissed her forehead quickly before tugging her out of the room with him towards Bones and Kevin again. Sophie stopped at Kevin and Bones while Jim walked inside their quarters.

"Leo?" She said softly.

"He'll live, but I need to get him to Sickbay quickly." Bones said in a rush. "I called down they should be here any second."

"We'll find her Soph." Bones said quietly. "We have too."

Sophie was going to respond when they heard Jim's voice come over the intercom from his office in their quarters. She nodded quickly to Bones as she saw his team there ready to help him and walked inside to stand opposite of Jim while he talked.

"Attention crew, this is Kirk. I need all my bridge officers and head security to report to the bridge in the next 5 minutes. I don't care if you have your uniform on or your sleeping clothes, but you have 5 minutes. This is an emergency the ships on Red Alert. Kirk out."

"Put these on Soph." Jim said after he ended the transmission and tossed her a pair of her black yoga pants and bra. Sophie quickly changed not questioning him as he put on a better shirt leaving his gym shorts on.

"Ready Jim." Sophie said. Jim nodded and handed her phaser back to her, which she had laid down.

"You keep this on you from now on." Jim said in his Captain voice.

"Then you do too." Sophie replied just as firmly. Jim nodded and took her hand and head over to Bones and Kevin, as they got ready to move him.

"Bones take care of him and let me know when you know something." Jim said.

"I will. Go." Bones said not looking up as the two of them took off towards the bridge as quickly as they could.

Entering the bridge they found they were almost the last one's there. Looking around most of the crew had sweats on and t-shirts besides those who were still on duty and Spock.

"Lieutenant Uhura get Admiral Pike on screen." Jim ordered walked across the bridge with Sophie's hand in his dragging her along.

"Yes sir." Uhura said spinning around and hitting a few buttons. "I have him sir."

"Put it up." Jim said walking to the middle of the bridge still pulling Sophie with him, making sure he didn't lose her too. Taking a look around he locked eyes with his head of security. "Grax, place 6 of your men outside sickbay. I don't want anyone in or out of there without Doctor McCoy's permission. Understood?"

"Yes sir." Grax said pulling out his comm and making that order happen.

"Jim you better have a damn good reason why you called me in the middle of the night." Pike said looking tired as he came on screen and took a look around the bridge.

"She's gone." Jim said in a hollow voice catching everyone's attention on the bridge and Pike's.

"Who's gone?"

"Mandy. Mandy is gone. He took her!" Sophie exclaimed from next to Jim who took her in his arms pulling her close to him.

"Jim explain." Pike said sternly not messing around anymore.

"He was on my ship Chris. He was on my fucking ship and took her! Kevin's in critical condition and Amanda is gone!"

"Who? Who is he?!"

"Kodo's. Kodo's was here."

"What?" Pike said his eyes going wide. "Kodo's was there?"

Jim took a long deep breath running a hand through Sophie's hair before speaking more calmly. "Sophie and I were in our quarters talking, next thing we know someone's banging on our door. We answer it and it was Kevin, bleeding all over the doorway slumped against the wall. I run to get Bones while Sophie talks to Kevin."

"He told me that Mandy was taken by Kodo's. Kevin said he tried to fight him but…" Sophie said trailing off. Pike nodded getting the message loud and clear.

"Bones comes, takes care of Kevin while Sophie and I search the their room. It's trashed, blood everywhere the place is a mess. No sign of Mandy either." Jim said to Pike. "He was on my ship. Took Mandy from us and about killed Kevin. I want him dead."

"Shit Jim." Pike said running a hand over his face. "Alright here's what we're going to do, I'll call Command and inform them of this and send the Stargazer and Explorer your way. They seem to be the closest ships to you. You two focus on Kevin right now and I'll contact you within the hour of plan of action alright?"

Jim stared at the screen, clearly not liking this plan at all and Pike could sense it.

"We will get her back Jim, but take care of Kevin for the mom…"

"Captain, we have an incoming transmission." Uhura said turning around. "I don't know who it is. It's heavily encrypted."

"Go I'll let you know as soon as I can." Pike said before cutting his transmission.

"Put it through." Jim said standing up a little taller and putting Sophie behind him slightly.