Mabel arrived at the Mystery Shack and parked her bike next to the porch. She ran through the door and scanned the room for her notebook.

Suddenly, a feeling of dread overcame her. On the couch, Wendy casually sat reading something.

A notebook.

With "Operation Muffin" written on it.

"Hey Mabel," she said, "This notebook you're always writing in is pretty interesting.

Mabel sweat nervously. "Um, Wendy... Where are Grunkle Stan and Soos?"

"Out of town on 'business'... why?"

"No reason." Mabel parted her dry lips and licked them out of anxiety. "So... uh... how did you get the notebook?"

"Robbie and Dipper dropped it off. You were gone, so I got it for you." Wendy paused and flipped another page, smiling lazily. "It's a good read, if I do say so myself."

The younger teen was thoroughly embarrassed. "Well... do you.. y'know... think they are..."

"Mabel, everyone kinda figures that they're a pair in more ways than one," she laughed. "Don't be so modest."

Wendy ruffled Mabel's chocolate hair, catching a smile from the younger girl.

"No, I knew, I mean, we all knew. I guess I was a little too wrapped up in writing the notebook."

"Operation Muffin, hm?" the redhead giggled. "Sounds like serious shit."

Mabel's face got incredibly hot. She was guessing she was about as red as a tomato, or as red as Dipper when he pranced around in that shota-licious Lamby Lamb costume.

"I wanna help."

This shocked the younger girl. Wendy NEVER volunteered to help with anything. Did her project truly inspire this lazy teen to work?

"Why are you looking like that? I just asked to help..."

"But... why?" Mabel quipped.

Wendy smiled slightly. "Because your idea is cool. And I like cool things."

Mabel was overjoyed. She wrapped her arms around the redhead and squeezed her tightly.

Wendy was embarrassed. "I didn't mean THIS!"

Unfortunately, Mabel didn't hear. Just the sound of her lovingly suffocating Wendy was enough.

"So, where do we start?" Wendy asked, combing through her ginger locks with her fingers.

"It's simple," Mabel stated. "First, we need matching sweaters."

"How the hell are matching sweaters gonna help these two screw eachother?"

"Because sweaters are cute."

Mabel tossed a deep violet sweater over to Wendy. Sewn on the back was a black patch in the shape of a muffin.

Despite the ridiculousness of the knitted work, Wendy looked really... PRETTY in it. It fit her frame well, and complimented her light brown eyes.

"I never give you enough credit for these, Mabel.." she glanced down at the sweater, feeling more self-confident while wearing the odd piece.

"You like it?" Mabel was thoroughly joyous. Usually she had to force people to wear her fabulous creations. Like that time she tried to get Dipper and Robbie to wear them...

"Um, Mabel... what are these?" Dipper questioned.

It was a breezy spring day at the Mystery Shack. Dipper, Robbie, and Mabel were working the shop. Or rather, Dipper was working, and Robbie was practicing guitar close to Dipper.

It was that day when Mabel decided to celebrate the anniversary of the two's "friendship", the term used rather loosely. She had knitted them none other than her usual presents.

Matching sweaters.

"Come on, you guys, I worked hard on them!" she pleaded. "Put them on!"

Robbie unzipped his dark gray emo-esque hoodie and reluctantly slipped on the knit sweater, crossing his arms in his usual stance in the process. Dipper continues to stare at the bewildering attire before finally pulling the sweater over his messy brown head.

"Now, don't you guys look cute?"

"They're kinda itchy..." Robbie mumbled.

The sweaters were both dark blue and slightly oversized. On them, there was the other's name and a red heart underneath it. Robbie and Dipper simultaneously blushed.

Mabel got a brilliant idea. "Ok, get closer now."

"Get closer?" Robbie repeated. "What are you trying to.."

She seemingly whipped out of nowhere a purple camera. "Smile!" she snapped her picture. "That's going on the Christmas cards."

"Can we take these off now?"


In the end, Dipper secretly adored the sweater. Sometimes, he would even SLEEP with it on.

Mabel was pretty sure Robbie did the exact same thing. She commenced her "battle routine" again.

"Ok- second step- we find Dipper and Robbie,"

Wendy gulped. What had she been getting herself into?"

Hello.. long time no see! Um, I supposed i have been working on homework, looking online for more "kawaii" attire, and playing Off!, Dangan Ronpa, and a tiny bit of DMMD.

Well, anyways, there certainly isn't enough Muffsplosion in the archive, so for the few fans of it, I give you this.

