A soft knock disturbed Doflamingo from his book, and he raised his head from the page, eyes scanning his room from behind tinted glasses. They rested onto the heavy wooden doors of his room for only a moment before disregarding the option. It had been too high a pitch to have come from there.

Another knock, this time a succession of soft raps, resounded in the quiet space. The wariness left him and his face was broken by a wide grin.

"So how'd he do?"

"Yingzi thinks that Little Law had done all too well, Doflamingo-sama. He is much stronger than Yingzi remembers him to be in North Blue."

The Royal Shichibukai tipped his chair back as the familiar sound of frosting glass announced his subordinate's devil fruit power.

"He's outgrown you, Yingzi," he purred to the man stepping out of his mirror.

"Yes, he worries about that." Wei Yingzi approached him with careful, measured steps. In his hands, he held a sealed letter. "But he is pleased to relate that Merchant Marius has entered Doflamingo-sama's fold. He sends his sincerest thanks for the information."

Doflamingo accepted the envelope and lazily scanned the wax seal. With a flick of his wrist, he tossed it into the fireplace beside him. As he watched the sheets burn away, he licked his lips and mused, "So, Law, did you enjoy my birthday present?"


(Kinjiru's) Heart Pirates Crew

Trafalgar Law
Position: Captain & Doctor

Position: Navigator

Position: Head Nurse

Position: Assistant Nurse
Name Meaning: Killer Whale

Position: Cook
Name Meaning: Golden Eagle

Kokkyoki Kitsune
Position: Cartographer
Name Meaning: Arctic Fox

Position: Mechanic
Name Meaning: Sea Lion

Kujira Zatou
Position: Engineer/Treasurer
Name Meaning: Humpback Whale

Position: Pilot
Name Meaning: Walrus

The Antagonists

Wei Yingzi
As portrayed in the fic, he is a diminutive man who is much older than his appearance betrays. (He's 34, if anyone's curious.) He refers to himself in the third person as his way of either talking down to people he belittles or making himself seem more inferior to the people he recognizes as above him.

He is also the user of the Mado Mado no Mi (Window Window Fruit). It allows him to see and travel through mirror-like surfaces.

Yingzi's Men
Guiltily I admit that I haven't thought much in the creation of these guys. By description though, there would be The Leader, The Machete User, The Club Wielder, The Disappearing Man, and the two big guys who always appear last.

He is a thief native to the summer island in which the story occurs. He has some notoriety to him.

Any question about the characters could be sent to me via PM. :)