They looked the exact same. The exact fucking same! Khan's blue eyes had become become green, Harry's nose had become more aristocratic and now both were sporting the lightning bolt scar. Their faces weren't the only thing to become the same. Jim noticed that Harry had filled out just a little bit more, while Khan had lose about an inch in height.

Jim took a step back when those cold green eyes focused on him. He saw that Bones had raised both eyebrows, not in shock, but with an unexpected look on his face. Spock hadn't moved a muscle. This didn't help Jim figure out he knew it was coming or not. But, Jim didn't have time to ask. No, he needed to focus on the situation at hand. Like, how, for some reason, Harry and Khan could merge into the same fucking person!

"How is this possible?!" Jim said, his eyes widened.

Khan smirked, "Oh, Captain. Anything is possible with the right kind of magic." He lifted his hand, a small white light appearing inside of it. Jim felt his heart drop into his stomach. "Oh, yes, that's right. You didn't know about this part."

"Y-you're a fucking wizard!" Jim shouted, dread filling his stomach as the white ball of light turned red.

"Indeed," he heard Khan say, before the light hit him and he knew no more."

)page break(

Jim came to slowly. He felt familiarity in his surroundings. The lights were dim, so he knew it wasn't medical. He could smell his own shampoo, he knew the green apple scent anywhere. He also recognized his own sheets beneath his skin. He was in his quarters on the Enterprise.

He knew, however, that he hadn't dreamt what had happened. He groaned, lifting his hand to his face. How could he have been so stupid to trust Harry? Jesus, the man was a natural born killer. He'd shown this twice. Granted the first time, he hadn't killed, but the second time he might as well have been flicking the lint off his clothing for all the remorse he had for taking Gary's life.

He felt something shift next to him, causing him to jerk, forcing his eyes open and to focus.

Harry sat next to him in his desk chair. Jim knew it was Harry because of the tattoo on his right arm. He didn't have Khan's nose any longer, or his bulk. He also didn't have cold eyes anymore. They were warmer, now that he was no longer merged with Khan.

"What the hell do you want?" Jim demanded, sitting up with a glare.

"To explain," Harry replied, holding his hands up in the universal sign of peace.

"I don't want to hear it," Jim said, crossing his arms. He refused to hear Harry's sob story.

"Oh, please," Harry scoffed, a smirk appearing, "you're dying to know what was said to them to make them side with me."

Jim glared harder, but only because he knew Harry knew he was right. Jim was dying to know. Jim desperately wanted to know how Harry got his two best friends to betray him. Jim had to know, because he had to get his friends away from the two pyschopaths. He needed to know because he love his friends too much. He had to know.

"Well, I'm not going to tell you," Harry said, he shifted over to the bed and sat next to Jim. He raised his hand and placed it over Jims. "I'm going to show you."

Jim gasped as he felt his mind being sucked into what he could only describe as a black vortex.

)page break(

The room was massive. It could only be a medical bay, though, judging by the white, prestine, beds. There were sheets that seperated each bed area, and of course, there was a young boy sleeping on one of the beds who was injured.

Jim stepped closer to the boy, recognizing him for Harry. There was a roundness to his face that showed innocence. He couldn't have been more that sixteen, and Jim could feel himself feeling sorry for him. There were cuts all over his face, his hands were bandadged and dark circles under his eyes that could only come from exhaustion.

"...certain it was a success?" Jim heard a voice behind him and he turned to see a group of people appear at the door way.

"Yes, Professor," a matrionly woman replied to the person who spoke. "I can sense none of what had been there before. That... anger is now gone. So is his darness. Whatever it was, it is gone." She stepped just a bit closer to the boy, though not much, before glancing to the oldest looking geezer Jim swore he'd ever seen.

"Excellent, Poppy," the old man said, looking intently at Harry. "It is good that it is gone from him. He needs to be pure to be able to defeat the Dark Lord."

A slimy man stepped foreward, his sallow face showing slight concern, though his frown hid it well. "But, Headmaster, I must wonder if what we did is ethical? We performed an ancient and... illegal ritual on the boy to remove a part of himself from himself. While he may not realize it is gone immediately, he will eventually and when he does... his wrath could come back tenfold."

The old man frowned slightly, but raised a hand, waving off what the black haired man had said, "Right now, that is a none issue, Severus. We must think only of defeating Voldemort. If his memories of the ritual come back before then, we will deal with it then. However, we will train him to be the defeater of the Dark Lord and then dispose of him when the time is right."

Jim felt himself frown at the mans words. "Dispose of him"? What the fuck did that mean?

A different woman stepped forward. She wasn't as old as first woman, but older than the black haired man by a good amount. "What did you do with the boys darkness, Albus?"

Albus shook his head. "It took form, as expected, in the near exact replica of Harry. I then banished it. Whatever it was, it had no place here on the side of the light."

The group of people nodded, before turning away and leaving the room, only the old woman Poppy stayed.

"The ritual they performed on me removed a supposed darkness," Jim heard Harry's voice. He looked around but he couldn't find anyone. "You're in my head, Jim, my memories. Relax. Enjoy the show."

Jim licked his lips. "What was wrong with the darkness?"

"It apparently made me a little bit evil," Harry sounded amused.

"When he said 'banished', what did he mean?" Jim asked.

"A banishment charm does exactly what it sounds: banishes. It sends it away. More like, it dissapears. The only problem is we don't know where it dissappears to. It could go anywhere." Harry's voice laughed. "So, when Albus banished the darkness, it actually sent it to somewhere in India. Coincidentally where they were looking for perfect subjects to make into augments."

Jim's mind was reeling. "You... don't have any memory of this ritual?"

There was a pregnant pause, before Harry replied, "No, I don't."

"So... you and Khan aren't brothers... you're..."

"The same person." Harry finished for him.

The scene around him changed. It was now a small room, with a table in the center and a group of people sitting around the table. There was a curly haired woman, a red headed man and Harry all sitting on one side of the table and two other men sitting on the other. Harry looked a few years older than before. Not as old as he does now, but not too far off. He isn't injured any longer and he looks quite uncomfortable.

"We need your expertise in espionage for this, Mister Potter," one of the men said. He held out a folder to Harry, who simply glared and stared.

"I believe I said I was done with all of this nonesense when I destroyed Voldemort!" Harry said, crossing his arms and glaring.

"Mister Potter," the other man said, through a flinch at the last word, "you are one of the best at keeping out of sight in the muggle world. We need your talent for taking down this man! He is practically the next V-V-Vol- oh hell, Dark Lord!"

Harry rolled his eyes, "He's a muggle! That would make him Hitler, not Voldemort!"

Another resounding flinch with the other men before confused looks hit their faces. "Hitler? No, Mister Potter, this man is making Hitler look like monkey for all of his ways. He's already conquered the entire continent of Asia!"

The two people on Harry's either side did a double take before looking to Harry with pleading eyes. Harry pointedly ignored both of them.

"I don't care," he said.

"Harry!" The woman said, her hands coming up to plead. "Please! You're the strongest wizard in the world!"

"Yeah, mate, if anyone can take down this guy, and fast, it's you!" The man on his side agreed.

"But, I've already done my duty!" Harry responded. "I've already taken down an evil dictator! Haven't I earned some rest? Haven't I?"

All of the people in the room looked quite sheepish, looking down to their laps in shame. Harry had obviously hit a little too close to home with them.

"Yes, but-" the woman started.

"No." Harry said in finality. "Let's see you all risk your life in the face of mortal peril. Better yet, let's see you all die and come back to life for the people you love. Let's see you all lose every person in your family to an evil dictator only to be the only one left and all you want is peace and to be happy. Only, no, you don't get that, you get called to attempt to destroy yet another evil dictator. And you're expected to risk your life again to stop him." He glared at all of the people in the room. "By all means, stop me when I get to the point where I'm wrong."

"You're not wrong, Mister Potter," the first man began, "however, you-"

"No." Harry said. "I'd like to see the end of the world, now that I've saved it, not once, not twice, but no less than three times."

The room got quiet. No one had anything they could say to that. He was right and they knew it.

"Please, Mister Potter," the second man said, "just look at the file."

Harry rolled his eyes, sighing at the people, before standing angrily, jerking the file from the man's hands and stomping out of the door.

"So, they wanted you to stop Khan," Jim said, "and you didn't want to. Mostly because you'd already defeated someone and saved the world already?"

"No, because I was tired of everyone else have these demands of me. I wasn't allowed to live my own life." Harry's voice sounded. "But, it wasn't an issue. They didn't need to worry, because the second I read the file, and saw how many people were dying, I signed up for the mission."

"So, you wanted to be a hero again," Jim reasoned.

"No," Harry said, again, with a sigh in his voice. "I wanted to stop the killing."

Jim frowned at what Harry said. That didn't sound like what Jim thought of Harry.

The scene changed again. Harry was walking in the shadows of an elaborate hallway. People were walking by, but none of them seemed to notice Harry. He was wearing a black long sleeved shirt and tight black pants, he had his wand out and was cautiously walking toward a door at the end of the hall.

Harry glanced around, before pointing his wand at the door. The lock flashed for a moment, before Harry opened it silently. Jim entered the room. It was a beautiful grand master bedroom. It was done up in white and gold, a large king sized bed sat in the middle. Large open windows showed a bright and sunny day outside.

In the bed, Khan lay sleeping. While Jim recognized him, on his side, he doubted Harry saw his face.

"Did you even see a picture of him?" Jim asked aloud.

"No, but I did have a description of him and knew where he would be sleeping." Harry responded.

Looking back at the sight, showed Harry stepping forward. His wand wasn't raised, in fact, he was staring at the sleeping form with curisosity. Khan rolled over in his sleep, Harry froze, staring down at the man with wide, shocked eyes.

"Oh, my God!" He shouted.

Khan sat up, fast as lightning, glancing around the room in confusion. Harry stood stock still, taking in the sight. Khan did look very much like Harry, from his messy black hair, to the shape of their faces to the plumpness of their lips. Their noses were slightly different and their eye color was also off. Khan had bright blue eyes while Harry's were a bright green.

"Who's there?" Khan's voice sounded. His voice was also different from Harry's. His was deeper. More sensual. He looked cautiously around the room. "I know you're there."

Harry still didn't move, but he would have to do something soon, because Khan was getting out of bed. Finally, Harry raised his wand pointing it directly at the augment, his mouth opened. He then shut his mouth. He squeezed his eye tight in frustration, before removing the concealment charm.

"What the fuck?!" Khan shouted, jumping back.

"Don't hurt me, don't scream out," Harry said, raising his free hand and his wand, before opening his eyes and meeting Khan's cold gaze.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?!" Khan growled at Harry. He looked Harry up and down, "Why do you look like me?"

Harry shook is head. "I don't know."

Khan walked forward, reaching his hand out and grasping Harry's wrist.

The moment their skin touched, the both gasped. Their backs arched and their bodies strained. They glowed with a white translucent power, but only for a moment. As soon as the reaction hit, it ended and they collapsed to the ground.

Slowly, they raised their heads to look at one another. Their features matched, like when Khan had touched the time turner. They stared, their eyes wide, their faces in shock.

"Harry," Khan said, reaching his hand out cautiously, it was shaking with either pain or effort.

"Harry," Harry said, his own hand meeting its brothers. Their bodies flashed for a moment, before returning to normal.

"Khan," Khan said, pulling his brother to his chest, "my name is Khan, brother." He leaned down and kissed Harry's forehead.

Harry squeezed his eyes shut again. "Khan," he breathed, a tear slipping down his cheek, "brother. Please..."

"Please, what, Harry?" Khan said, securing Harry to him.

"Please don't leave me..." Harry whispered, resting his head on the bigger man's chest.

"Never, my brother. Never again," Khan responded. The memory faded.

"But, he did." Jim said to Harry.

"Yes," Harry responded, his voice sad, "he did. We were both without eachother for so long, and then we only had a year and a half together."

"How did you get captured?" Jim asked.

"I played double agent for that time. I fed the other side false data. Though, sometimes real data. I told them that Khan had a successor that was in hiding. Told them that if and when he died, his successor would take over. I told them that I had to find the successor before I killed Khan." He heard the scoff, "They ate it up. Until they didn't. The night they attacked, Khan had it all planned out."

"Harry!" Khan's voice sounded, jerking Harry awake. The door burst open to reveal his beloved brother.

"Khan, what is it?!" Harry said, already awake and ready.

"They are attacking." Khan grasped his brother's hand, draggin him to the table in the room. He jerked his hand across the table and cleared it. "We need to do the ritual now!"

Harry looked confused. "What ritual?"

Khan looked exasperated, "Grasp my right arm and then my left." He held out his hands and they grasped each others arms. "Quickly, say these words, my brother."

"My mind to your mind," they said in unison, "my thoughts to your thoughts. Parted from me and never parted. Never and always touching. We meet at the appointed place." At that moment, Harry's right arm glowed while Khan's left arm did the same. Then darkness shrouded the memory and Jim found himself blacked out as well.

AN: Okay, I admit, there is really no excuse as to why I haven't written. Other than my sister's wedding taking place. I was just really tired and I actually hated this fic, and I wanted to take it down and then fanfiction took down Into Darkness and I was pissy. So, yeah. This fic is coming to an end anyway, I think there is probably going to be about two or three more chapters and then that is it! So, I'd love some feedback on what you guys thought of this chapter! I would just like to be clear that they are NOT lovers, Harry and Khan are brothers and that is how they love each other. Even though they are technically the same person. Okay! Great! Love you all!