The door swung open and I was once again face to face with the girl who had ruined my life. No, I wasn't being over dramatic, Quinn Fabray had actually ruined my life. Or at least my marriage. I was having some very violent thoughts. Thoughts which involved grabbing Quinn by her glossy blonde hair and slamming her face into the door frame. Of course I didn't.
Quinn narrowed her eyes and gave me the patented ice-queen glare. "What do you want, Rachel?"
"Is Finn here?" Good Rachel, cut to the chase. Quinn's glare got more icy if that were even possible.
"No. He's not. What do you want?"
What did I want? Oh, I don't know maybe everything you've ever taken from me. I bit my lip to keep those very words from spilling out of my mouth. I dug through my bag, pulled out the papers and thrust them at her.
"Can you give him these and actually get him to sign them."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"These are the fourth set of divorce papers I've had drawn up, he hasn't signed any of them."
I watched as all the color went out of her face – so she didn't know Finn refused to divorce me. I didn't know how that made me feel. I did, however, feel a sense of satisfaction of having one up on Quinn. Except, she had him. She'd had him all these years. He'd chosen her. She'd won. He'd left me for her. Quinn had been right, she got him, I got heartbroken.
I sighed, "Just get him to sign them."
I was halfway down the path when her voice stopped me; "He went to college. He has a career now."
I froze and turned back to her; "Why are you telling me this?"
Quinn smiled and shrugged; "I just want you to know he made something of himself. And he didn't need you to do it."
There it was. It was as though time had stood still and I was back at High School and Quinn was telling me I could sing and dance with Finn all I wanted but I'd never have him. Quinn had always known exactly how to hurt me without ever laying one perfectly manicured finger on me.
Quinn was sitting up straight on the couch, perfect posture, her hands folded in her lap when I walked in the door. She looked life one of those perfect, creepy Stepford wives. Except, no matter how hard she tried, she wasn't anyone's wife.
"Do you think you could wait until I've got a beer before you start bitching at me?" I asked as I strode past her into the kitchen.
"Your wife stopped by today."
My had froze on the fridge door. Rachel. She was back in Ohio. She'd been here, talked to Quinn, this was gonna be rough. I ripped the fridge open, pulled out a beer and took a swig. I'd need some alcohol flowing through my veins for what was coming. I strode into the living room and stood in the middle of them.
"Fine, Quinn, let me have it."
"She brought divorce papers. Papers I know you won't sign."
I kept my mouth shut. I knew better than to say anything when she was in scary Quinn mode.
Quinn sighed; "What are you doing, Finn?"
"Look, if you're gonna start calling me ten different kinds of idiot, I'm going to need some harder liquor."
When did it get like this, when did we actually start to hate each other? Was it when I used her to drive Rachel away or when Quinn started screwing Puck and I just couldn't care? I looked at her now and I couldn't see the girl who fascinated me sophmore year.
"You are an idiot Finn. We've got a great life here and you're holding onto the past. If you would just sign those damn papers we could get married, start a family."
"You already started a family, Quinn, with Puck. Remember Beth?"
It was a low blow but this is what we'd become, hateful glances, sniping at each other.
"You need to wake up, Finn, Rachel's not coming back to you, you pushed her away, remember? And if you think she'd come back then you're a bigger idiot than I thought." She paused and looked at me as if she expected me to completely agree with her, "I know Rachel Berry's always been your obsession..."
"I'm not obsessed."
"Right," She scoffed, "That's why this place is pretty much a shrine to her."
"Quinn, can we just not do this now?"
She stared at me for a moment, stood up and smoothed a non-existent wrinkle out of her dress.
"Look around you, Finn, we have a life here, it's time you started living it."
I looked at her in all her blonde Prom Queen glory and it came back to me, the moment the disgust for her started creeping in...
"I'm not actually going to have sex with you, you know that, right?" I asked Quinn as we started undressing and pulling back the bed covers.
She quirked a perfect brow at me; "It would have more impact if we did."
"Well, we're not. Do you even want to know why I'm doing this?"
"It really doesn't matter to me, Finn, as long as I get you, Rachel gets heartbroken and leaves our lives for good."
It was in that moment that I started to feel something like hate towards Quinn Fabray.