Author Note: If you read the couple of chapters of Darth Gothic I posted in Odds and Ends then you know that I have wanted to do a Sith Gothic story for a while now. However until recently I didn't really have a plot that I was happy with. Now that has changed. I wanted to insert a Gothic into the KOTOR games and have him team up with Revan at least for a while, but he's not the kind of person the Jedi would ever train. It also seemed highly doubtful Revan would let someone tag along with him from Taris if that person didn't have any useful skills to offer.

So I came up with having a Gothic getting sent to the Sith academy on Korriban. The Sith are less fussy about who they teach as those who can't cut it get killed. Also a human being from another galaxy would be interesting enough to be worth keeping alive for awhile with gives this Gothic a chance of surviving long enough to get to grips with the Force.

Of course that's not the only reason why the Sith are keeping this Gothic around but you'll find out the other reasons later.

Sith Gothic

Part One.

"Evil began in a time before recorded history, when magicians made themselves into kings…and gods…using the powers of the dark side of the Force. The weak-minded have ever been ready to obey one who wields great power. Those who learned the powers of the dark side were quick to exploit this weakness—to make war. Again and again the dark side has surged forth, like a storm…devouring whole worlds and entire star systems. Those who mastered dark power became dark power. They unleashed destruction, for no other reason than for selfish gain. They despoiled nations…destroyed whole civilizations. Some of them, I am ashamed to say, were Jedi."―Ood Bnar

Empty Classroom. The Sith Academy. Korriban. Revan's Sith Empire. Star Wars KOTOR Galaxy.

"Peace is a lie. There is only passion."

I'd heard the words before, I even agreed with them to some extent, but I'd never heard them spoken by a genuine Sith. Until today that is.

Despite knowing every word of the Sith Code I didn't dare to interrupt Headmaster Uthar Wynn as he spoke. The Sith Master could (and would if the mood struck him) kill me as easily as I could crush a bug.

Still despite the possible threat to my life I wasn't too concerned about my well being. The very fact that the Headmaster of this academy was showing me so much attention meant that he was very unlikely to simply end my life. I had far more to worry about from those who were outside the the empty classroom that Wynn was using to lecture me about the Sith.

"Through passion, we gain strength".

The Headmaster was leaving long pauses between his reciting of the code. Perhaps he was simply giving me the chance to reflect upon the meaning of these words but I found my mind wandering. It was hard to focus on the present when the recent past and my possibly very sort future weighed so heavily upon the mind.

My recent past was rather interesting to say the least. Mere days ago I'd been a whole galaxy away, living rather a dull life with the whole nine to five job thing as a bachelor and science fiction loving nerd.

Then one day I'd blacked out rather suddenly while walking home. When I'd woken up I had found myself lying face down in the dirt. Only it hadn't been the soft, wet earth of my homeland it had been the dry, cracked surface of an alien world.

How I'd gotten to Korriban was a mystery. No amount of mental probing by the Sith interrogators had uncovered the truth and those same interrogators knew that I had been completely truthful with them.

Because of my honesty I'd avoided torture Even the Sith don't torture people for information if that person doesn't have any information. And lucky for me no one seemed to want to torture me for the sake of it.

"Through strength, we gain power".

I kept ignoring the words and thought more about what had happened to me recently.

After the interrogators and their tests came the medical people and their tests. The results of those examinations had been far more interesting than the questioning.

I still didn't know what is was about my blood test that had caused such a stir but whatever it was they had found had brought me to Wynn's attention, and it was also enough to make one of my interrogators go pale (well paler) upon reading the chart.

When he'd seen what the medics had found out he'd gotten the look of a person who had been playing with what he thought was a harmless to pet only to discover that he had in fact been handling a wild poisonous snake.

I suspected that they had discovered that I was in fact a Force User. Which explained why I was now a student here.

"Through power, we gain victory".

After the medical tests I'd been given a few injections that were supposedly vaccations of some sort. If they truly had been the I was grateful to the doctors as I had no desire to catch some weird space disease.

Then I'd been locked away for about a local day judging by the fact that night came and went, and that I'd been served three meals while in isolation.

During that time I'd gone through the expected panic attacks, denials about reality and I'd even prayed to a god that I didn't really believe in. I'd asked Jesus, or whoever might have been listening, to please send me home, but my request had been declined.

"Through victory, our chains are broken".

By the time morning had come, and breakfast had been served, I'd come to accept that I was in fact in Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic. Judging by what I had overheard from my guards Lord Revan still ruled the empire so it was pre- KOTOR I. Revan had yet to be mind-wiped by the Jedi Masters and he so wasn't yet seeking the Starforge either.

I knew that sooner or later Revan would come to this academy and when he did I intended to find him, to see if he would let me tag along. Given that I knew more about what he'd be looking for than he would when he arrived here he could do with my help. If he was a goody two-shoes he'd accept me along if I promised to follow the path of a Jedi and turn my back on the Sith.

And if he didn't well I could always try and stowaway on the Ebon Hawk

"The Force shall set us free."

Wynn had finished reciting the code and was now looking at me as if I was suppose to say something.

"Now then, student," the bald headed Headmaster said, "tell me what you believe the Code of the Sith means to you."

Student. That was another new thing for me. I was back in school, complete with unflattering uniform, only this time I was in a school were the bullies were in fact likely to kill me, as long as they didn't get caught in the act, and the bullied were encouraged to fight back with deadly force.

At least this question couldn't led me to being murdered. The Sith Master had asked for my opinion on the code which was a safe thing for me to answer as long as it was answered truthfully.

"Well the 'peace is a lie part' is easy to understand" I said after thinking it over a little "there's always a war going on somewhere and people are always fighting with each other, even if they are not actually fighting they are in competition".

That answer seemed acceptable even if wasn't that insightful but this was my first day and if I was a promising student then I'd be given a little leeway.

"To quote my apprentice 'Conflict forces one to better oneself. It forces change, growth, adaptation, evolution… or death' she is also right when she says peace leads to stagnation and that conflict is necessary. One has to embrace their passions in order to fuel themselves. You will need to call upon your fear, anger, lust and greed in order to survive here".

I'd never been one for the idea of inner peace as it sounded quite dull. If you don't have feelings you might as well not be alive, but was it possible to be Sith without having to be an emotionally driven, ambitious, self serving asshole?

"Now what of the next line?" questioned the Sith Master "what does 'Through passion, I gain strength' mean to you Gothic".

That was another change, my new name. It wasn't odd for a new student of the academy to either chose or be given a new name. My old name meant nothing to the Sith, so it had made sense to reinvent myself.

Not that I had been given much of a choice. Wynn had looked me in the eyes and told me that 'Gothic' was who I really was. I got the impression that he didn't know why he'd picked that name and that he had no idea why it was important that I use it. Mostly I'd just gone along with everything but it kinda sounded cool. Also I agreed it was sensible of me to try and build a new persona for my new life.

The man I use to be could never be a Sith, he'd never survive here but Gothic, he could be a Sith if needs be he could be a killer and he could survive on Korriban when the old me wouldn't of lasted a week.

"Our passions can keep us alive when our logical minds tell us it would be better to lay down and die" I said answering the question "hope can keep you going when everything seems lost. Anger can give you the strength you need to fight. And hate can give you a reason to kill".

Again my answer seemed acceptable. I felt that I could do better but without knowing what the Force was and how to tap into it I didn't think I would ever really understand the ways of the Sith.

"Through strength, I gain power"

This time he didn't ask but I answered anyway.

"When your stronger than others you have power over them. You can control them to an extent and that's power. At its most simply anyway".

I could tell that this time I was going to have to give a more well thought out reply, so I racked my brain and tried to interpret the words but before I could give the Headmaster anything better he moved on.

"Let us skip to 'Through victory, our chains are broken'".

Chains. Now those were things I understood.

"Chains are what ties you down and stop you from achieving your full potential. Friends, family, society, mortality, these are all chains that hold you down".

I need more than that so I kept speaking.

"Through victory, with strength and by gaining power I can break these chains. I become more free because I now have more options if I'm not held back I can do more..".

I was stopped there.

"You seem to at least have a basic idea of what the code means to you" said the Sith Master "greater understanding will come in time. I can sense that you know what you will need to do in order to become Sith".

I did know. I'd need to become an immoral person willing to do whatever it took to survive. I'd also need to let go of my past in order to become Sith, but at least that wasn't a problem because there was no chance of me returning to my former life.

Well not unless the Doctor turned up in his TARDIS and offered me a lift home.

"Let us go back to 'Through strength, I gain power'. I will attempt to educate you on the parts of the code you can not yet fully understand".

Despite what he said I didn't feel as if he was talking down to me. If anything he seemed happy to teach me.

"The Sith seek power wherever they find it. Power comes from strength. By strength I do not mean strength of the body, although that is a useful tool, no real strength comes from the mind...".

As if he knew that lecturing me would get him no where Wynn changed teaching style.

"Take yourself for example. A student found you dying outside the academy. Most Sith would of left you to die seeing you as weak, but I saw your potential to be moulded into a true Sith"

In my view it was something else that told him of my potential however I didn't dare to argue that point.

I did know the real reason why I'd been brought into the academy and that was because I was a mystery. Perhaps the student who had found me believed that he would be rewarded for his discovery of the strange human lying in the dirt.

"I'm a tool for you to gain power, at least until I've outlived my usefulness."

For some reason I'd felt compelled to say that. The Sith Master might of used the Force on me I didn't know but I hadn't intended to speak that thought aloud.

Wynn smiled a little but he also corrected me.

"You could be a tool, a useful ally or even a potential failure. For now you are a mere curiosity".

I got the sense that this was not the whole of the truth. If I was a mere curiosity he'd be studying me not trying to teach me. Of course he was still studying me but that wasn't all he was doing.

"The curiosity of others will keep you alive".

Now that I understood completely. The other students would soon try to befriend me (not that Sith really had friends) in order to find out if my alien nature could be of use to them.

And they were right to, at least in Sith terms, as I could help them. I had knowledge of the future, so much in fact that with the right resources I could alter the destiny of this galaxy in ways most people couldn't imagine. Sadly for me I lacked resources and Sith knew better than most that the future I knew was only one possible future.

Still at least I'd been able to hide that knowledge from the Sith interrogators. That had been mostly because they hadn't really looked for it. I wasn't very threatening by the standards of those who deal with Force Users and as Wynn had said I had some minor value as a curiosity, so the interrogators had wanted to keep me alive and thankfully sane.

"Do you have any questions before I send you to your new quarters, Student Gothic?"

Hopefully the lesson was coming to an end because the Headmaster of this academy was a busy being with things to do rather than the fact that he had lost interest in me.

"I guess I'd like to know what to do next".

That wasn't really a question, and I didn't really get an answer.

"If you can't figure that out for yourself then I'm wasting my time with you".

Uthar Wynn then told me to leave and some sort of guard went to the trouble of showing me to my quarters.

As I moved around the complex I was careful not to fall into bad habits. When I'd been in high school I'd taken care not to draw attention to myself in order to avoid being picked on. However this was not a normal school, it was more like a military academy mixed with some sort of college for back stabbng magic users. Acting all timid here would be death sentence.

It wasn't until I was inside my quarters (although it was more a cell) that I dropped the act and let myself feel fear. Thankfully the door had a lock that I was able to figure out and it was dark so this allowed me to hide and start to panic once again.

Private Chamber. The Sith Academy. Korriban. Revan's Sith Empire. Star Wars KOTOR Galaxy.

After spending a few hours in what I called my cell I started to feel better. No one had tried to murder me and it turned out that the students were better provided for than the video game suggested.

Once you knew what you were looking for it was easy to find the small bathrooms that were hidden behind a wall which could be moved by pressing down hard on a certain block of stone.

The cell was also more comfortable than it first appeared. The bed wasn't much but it paid to be a light sleeper when around Sith so this was a good thing.

There was also a small wardrobe with clean uniforms provided. A laundry chute, a waste chute and container on the floor for personal effects. Mine was opened with a thumb scan and already contained my personal effects.

I had expected the Sith to have confiscated my possessions, but I really shouldn't have. What use could they have for a mobile phone that couldn't be charged, a half empty pack of cigarettes, a lighter and my wallet. Unless I found some collector of rare and completely useless artefacts then nothing I owned was of any value.

At least I had my own clothes back but the uniform the academy had provided was much more suitable for this environment so I hung my outfit up in the wardrobe.

That was when I found the knife and the blaster pistol. I'd seen other students carrying such weapons but I didn't think they were given out for free. Given that I had no local currency I couldn't afforded to buy anything never mind high quaility stuff as these weapons seemed to be.

Slowly I picked up the blaster pistol and examined the device. It looked pretty fool proof. A switch on the side allowed you to select safety, stun or kill. The weapon was also rather light for a gun but it felt real enough. Hopefully I'd get a chance to test on a firing range sometime soon.

The knife also turned out to be lighter than expected and it was simple to use. Gripping the handle cause the blade to vibrate every so slightly and it looked very sharp. I tested it by cutting the wall and it left a noticeable impression.

A virboblade.

"Do you like it?".

Moving faster than I ever had before I turned stood up and had the knife in front of me ready to stab anyone who got to close.

The speaker was Yuthura Ban, a female Twi'lek and apprentice of Uthar Wynn. She was in every way that mattered the Deputy Headmistress of this sort of school. She was also kind of hot for an evil babe even thought purple women were not normally to my taste.

"I wanted to make sure that you were well equipped" explained the Sith who had somehow entered my chambers despite the door being locked and without making a sound until she spoke "so I passed on my old weapons. I know that they will serve you well".

A generous Sith was something that didn't exist which meant that she wanted something from me. Given what I knew about her it was obvious that she saw a place for me in her plan to overthrow her master.

"Thank you" I told the woman.

I saw no advantage to being rude, and if she thought me naïve enough to think that the weapons were in fact merely a gift, then all the better.

"Your quite welcome" she replied.

I lowered the weapon, knowing that if she decided to kill me then there wouldn't be anything I could do about it. And if she was intending to kill me she wouldn't have been foolish enough to arm me first. Not unless she intended to pled self defence, but that seemed unlikely as she could kill me without anyone knowing it was her.

Ban seemed totally unconcerned about the knife in any case, she was so relaxed and casual about this encounter that she thought nothing about sitting on my bed.

"What is it like?" she asked "your world I mean".

I already explained the basics about my world a number of times but there was no harm it doing so again. If I offered a little information I might even get some back.

"Earth.. its well... primitive. We don't have any contact with other races and we don't have hyperdrive or even proper space ships".

If it weren't for the fact that my home world was in another galaxy the Sith would be planning an invasion by now. Earth would be a tempting target for the Sith. Defenceless in space. Full of slaves for taking. And it would be so easy to turn its people against each other.

"None of people have ever been to other worlds?" she questioned.

"Well a few have been to my planet's moon and we have what you'd call probe droids. They've been all over our star system but the distances are too far for people when your just using rockets".

In a rather seductive manner the Twi'lek woman patted the bed inviting me to sit down next to her. I resisted the urge but when she verbally asked to me I couldn't stop myself. However at least this time I felt the compulsion on my mind and I knew that next time I had a hope of being able to resist, but for now resistance was futile.

Sitting down next to the alien was understandable rather awkward, despite having some experience with the female gender I wasn't use to the woman controlling the pace of things. Normally I'd be trying to get the woman to relax rather than have her urging me to.

"Tell me more about your world" urged the Twi'lek.

This time I could truly feel the compulsion upon my mind. It was my first real taste of what the Force could do and its power both thrilled and terrified me.

"Well its a human world about seven billion of us live there. The planets is divided into many different nations and faiths which sometimes get a long but most of the time they don't. Its not like here, my world doesn't have unified leadership".

Yuthura Ban was able to get closer to me without actually seeming to move. Her hand was on my knee and I tensed up, wondering where I had put the knife.

"Relax" she urged once more and I tried to fight the Force aided suggestion but she was too strong for me.

My body relaxed against my will and the Twi'lek woman's hand moved up my leg.

I had rather mixed feelings by this as getting have to have sex with an alien babe was a once in a life time opportunity but on the other hand she was a Sith and that meant that anything she gave would come with a price tag. That was the real problem here, nothing was free with people like her and since I didn't know what it was she wanted I had no idea if what she was offering was worth paying for later.

Such thoughts fled from my mind once Ban started to caress what in my trousers and I decided that since I was likely going to get screwed while here at the academy then I might as well getting a little screwing done.

However the choice I made was rather irrelevant as the female Sith had already decided that we were going to have sex and any opinions I had the matter weren't being considered.

I wanted to protest, if only a little, but there was nothing I could do to change what was to happen. This was a culture of dominance and submission, and since I didn't have the power needed to be the dominant one that meant I had to be the submissive.

Rather than get angry about this or whine about how unfair it was that I had a Sith apprentice pinning me down onto the bed I decided that instead I work to ensure that this didn't happen again.

Perhaps that was the real reason Ban was being so sexually aggressive, it could be a test or a lesson of some sort. Maybe she wanted to see how I would react to a female who tried to control me. In fact this could even be an attempt to make me defend myself using the Force so that Yuthura Ban could get a measure my power.

But if this was a test then I was failing, or perhaps passing with flying colours depending on the result she wished for, because as soon as the Twi'lek's uniform started to come off I was entranced.

As I was now discovering for myself, Twi'lek females aren't that different from Human females. They have breasts with nipples on them and and their reproductive organs look about the same. Yuthura Ban's body was also completely hairless and had different shades of purple depending on what I guessed to be exposer to sunlight, she also had tattoos all over her body.

Once she was sitting on my legs and undoing my belt I got the chance to touch her skin and found to be different than a normal woman's. Her body was soft and warm but she didn't seem as fragile as some of my bed partners had felt.

Perhaps this was because she was a warrior and therefore she was well toned, or it could be that Twi'leks don't have skin at all and that was touching something else. Well whatever it was it felt good enough and the Sith didn't mind me feeling her up, she was certainly wet enough when she mounted me.

Her cunt, or whatever it was my cock was inserted into, felt nice and tight. It was warm and wet too, like it was suppose to be. I relaxed a bit more upon finding this out.

Ban expertly rode me, using the muscles inside her body to milk my dick, she focused on my pleasure but she did seem to be enjoying herself. Of course that could all just be an act, the Sith weren't above using deceit even in the bedroom.

It was so hard to focus at this point but she was saying something, it wasn't the language everyone else spoke. The words meant nothing but the tone of her voice was encouraging and she closed her eyes as she spoke.

My eyes never closed I was too busy taking in the sight before me. The shapely form, the alien 'skin', the odd tattoos, and the scars she bore all fascinated me.

The Twi'lek's pace began to increase, and she had to steady herself by pressing down on chest as she rode my cock in a way that suggested she had been well trained in the ways of sexually pleasing men.

In fact she was so good at she had me cumming inside her far sooner than I would of liked yet rather than look disappointed or frustrated about how soon the sex was over she smiled as if she had won a great victory.

She was still smiling as she dismounted and started to dress which left me feeling a little used. I would felt completely used if she'd been the one to cum and then just stopped but as far as I could tell she hadn't cum at all and it didn't bother her in the least.

Something else had her feeling satisfied about this encounter. I got the feeling that she had gotten exactly what she wanted from me, but for the life of me I had no idea what that was. I only knew that I would one day soon find out what this was all about and that likely it wouldn't be a good thing, at least not for me.

"Go to sleep now" she ordered in a soft tone of voice that also carried a compulsion backed with the power of the Force.

Yuthura Ban then left without saying another word, she only turned and smiled as she left and the smile had a predatory nature to it.

I would of stayed awake worrying about this encounter but soon I was falling asleep as the minor mind trick compelled me to obey the Sith's order.