Originally, this began with a one-shot, but I thought it deserved a little more of an introduction :) So without further ado:


This idea follows in the very many, very impressive footsteps of Countess Impossible and Higher Magic :) It will include one-shots and smaller stories, anything I feel I should put in here really.

Before you begin, I feel I should made it very clear that the title has nothing to do with Shades of Grey, it just refers to the many light and dark tones of the stories included.

'Shades of Destiel'. Get it? :D

I hope you enjoy! ^^ Reviews are the love!




This will contain:

One-shots, multi-chapters, from fluff to smut. A few AU a few norm. I make no apologies for what you find inside.

[!] The ratings are in the chapter title so you can find what you want and stay away from what you don't.





CountessImpossible, this is for you. Every story, every word :) You may have to share the dedication with some other people on a few... But for the most part, all of it yours ^^ I hope you like it! This is for all those times you have inspired me, cheered me up, and fangirlishly obsessed with me over all the things we love. You are my BFF Forever~!