HEEYOO Here I am with my first Makorra fanfic! Hope you guys like it.

Italic: flashbacks

And also Disclaimer: I don't own any shit.

It had been 6 months since Asami and Mako started dating. Everything was normal. Except Korra. Her jealousy was driving her crazy. She tried to hide it. Every freaking time. Well, she couldn't and Asami was pretty much aware of Korra's situation. Korra was her friend, that's for sure. But she couldn't just let Mako go. She loved him so much. She knew it was selfish. But she always felt safe and loved when she was with him.

Things had gotten awkward between Korra and Mako. Asami noticed it quickly. Mako started treating Korra coldly and Korra didn't seem to like his whole jerk attitude. They treated each other worse day by day. That bothered Asami. A lot. Korra would always get sad when they were together.

"Korra, can we talk?" Asami asked her.

"Yeah, sure. What is it?"

"Umm, not here. Can we talk in your room?" Korra nodded and they went to her room.

Korra opened the door and they entered her room. Asami wandered around the room. They sat on her bed. Korra broke the silence.

"What do you want to talk about?" she asked Asami.

"Oh, I- umm. You and Mako… You act weird. How is your relationship with him?"

"He's my buddy, that's all." Korra told her.

"Is this your first time?"


"You don't get along, nowadays. Why?" Asami asked her.

"Faster Mako, please."

"I don't want to hurt you."

"I think he's upset because we lost a few matches last week."

"Oh, spirits!" Korra screamed in pleasure as his hands caressed her breasts. His other hand was doing an amazing job down there. Pleasure was driving her crazy. She was sweaty. Korra moaned when their hips met again and again. Her legs were wrapped around his waist. Her fingers were all around his hair. She was biting her lip and sweating like crazy. She moved her hands to his shoulders as he held her waist for an easier pumping. He moved faster when she started enjoying it completely and begged him for a faster rhythm.

"Oh, I see. But please talk about this. It bothers me a lot. I mean, you're my best friend and Mako is my boyfriend." Korra looked down. "I don't want you to fight."

"You're right Asami. I'll talk to him."

"Great!" Asami hugged her. "Then I'll see you later."

Korra, on her way to Mako's room, saw Bolin and Asami talking to each other behind a bush. Korra was suddenly curious and moved closer to the bush. 'No, I shouldn't. No, no, no, yes. This is extremely wrong' she thought.

"Talking to Korra worked a bit. I hope she will talk to Mako. Oh, Bolin this is so messed up."

"I know. But what can we do? I mean, we don't even know what they are fighting about."

'You would be better off not knowing anything about what happened.' Korra thought over their conversation. She quickly walked away and went to Mako's room. She knocked on the door and she opened it without Mako saying 'Come in'. She saw Mako lying on his bed and whistling. He jumped off the bed when he saw Korra.

"Korra, what's wrong with you? You can't just-"

"Mako, we need to talk." Korra interrupted him. "Asami and Bolin noticed your jerkiness. You have to stop it. I mean, it was just for one night. One night can't hurt anybody."

"It can Korra! I have a girlfriend!"

"You don't have to act all jerky about it."

"I-I cheated on the person I loved."

"You wouldn't sleep with me if you really loved her! I-I thought that loved me and that's why you spent that night with me! You're a jerk and nothing more! I can't believe I love you!" Korra quickly noticed her confession and blushed. Mako felt bad and realized her anger and sadness. He noticed Korra's innocence and helplessness. She was new to this kind of things. She didn't know how relationships really worked in the city. She didn't know how one night stands worked. She was a loyal, water tribe girl after all.

Mako sighed. "I'm sorry Korra. For treating you bad and being a jerk. I do have feelings for you but… I can't, I can't do this. I'm sorry." Korra couldn't understand it. If he really loved her, why would he do that do her? Stabbing Korra in the heart. Korra left the room angrily, tears running down her cheeks. Bolin and Asami watched her go.

"Oh spirits, help us." Bolin said, disappointed.

Korra went to her room and slammed the door behind her. She sat on her bed and cried silently.

"I can't, I can't do this."

'Well, me neither.' She thought.

"Oh, hey Korra. What are you doing outside… in the middle of the night?" Mako asked her. It was 2 am in the morning. Korra was out for some fresh air because of the restless, hot summer night.

"I should ask the same question to you, maybe?"

"I couldn't sleep. So…" There was a moment of silence "We can walk together, if you want." Mako offered.

"That would be nice." Korra accepted his offer.

Korra was wearing black shorts and a blue tank top. Her sweatiness was obvious. Her slim and muscled legs were exposed just for that night. The tank top was clung to her skin. It made her breasts and her small waist more noticeable. Even though she was just a teenager, Korra had the body of a fully grown woman.

Mako was pretty much in the same situation. His white sleeveless undershirt exposed his abs and arm muscles.

"So… how is your job?" Korra attempted to start a conversation.

"Same. How is your training?"

"Ugh, boring. I hate meditating. 'You can't drink lychee juice until you finish your meditating'" Korra imitated Tenzin's voice. Mako smiled. "How is your girlfriend?" Korra asked. It only took her 3 seconds to understand that she made everything awkward.

"Fine, I guess. I haven't talked to her since yesterday." Mako responded, trying to avoid the awkwardness of the question.

"Oh, last week Bolin and I went to see a movie. It was pretty good. Oh, spirits didn't I have fun!" Korra realized that she failed at changing the subject and she made everything worse. 'Talking about his brother and me having fun? I'm a total idiot.'

"Korra, are you… trying to make me jealous?"

"WHAT? No! I was just trying to change the subject. It's not my fault if you really ARE jealous."

"I'm not!"

"You're a horrible liar."

"I'm not!" Mako protested again.

"Yes, you are!"

"Am not!"

"It's so obvious. You wouldn't care about it if you weren't jealous." There she said it again, 'jealous'.

"You're crazy."

"You're a liar."

The two stopped arguing for a minute. After a moment of ignoring each other, they began kissing passionately. Mako's hands were all over her body and Korra's fingers were dancing in his hair. They pulled each other tightly as they kissed.

Korra suddenly woke up. 'That's odd' she thought. She dreamed of the night they slept together. She was in sweat and her skin was sticky. Her hair was all messy. She pulled on the tie that held her hair and she let her hair down. 'That's more comfortable' she thought. When she was about to go sleep, there was a knock on the door. Korra sighed and opened the door.


Did you like it? REVIEEEW! Next chapter tomorrow!