Chapter 1

Ash was walking up to his house when he saw it. There was smoke coming from his house.

Ash ran forward.

He turned a corner and ran into his smoking house. He looked around frantically for his mother. He went into the kitchen and what he saw made him cry out in shock. His mother was on the floor. There were galactic grunts everywhere. Saturn and his toxicroak turned around and saw Ash.

"Use karate chop."

The world went black.

Ash woke up in a hospital.

"Where am I?" yelled Ash.

An Officer Jenny came striding over to him. "so the murderer is awake."

"What are you on about?"

"You have destroyed Pallet town and killed your mother her mister Mime and your own Pikachu to cover up your tracks."

Ash started to tear up. "My mum and Pikachu are dead."

The officer Jenny nodded at him like it was all an act.

Five hours later.

The mass murderer Ashton Ketchum will face charges against him today in the kanto royal court. Said the TV

When Ash finally came out from the trial with it un-resolved he was confronted by his friends. "Guys help me here I have to get bail."

"You murderer" yelled May "how could you do this."

"What, you believe this crap."

"Yes we do" yelled Dawn. "I thought you were better than this."

"How could you kill all those people." Shouted Misty.

Ash started to cry as he was put into the police van to be sent to the professor oaks lab for bail.

"He is sixteen years old and he still cries. Pathetic."

When Ash arrived at the lab he was confronted by two angry Oaks.

"Go away."

"Please professor can I see my Pokémon."

"It is his right professor." Said the policeman feeling sorry for the kid.

"Okay, be quick."

Ash walked round back to see his Pokémon there.

"Guys hi." They did not acknowledge him.

"Guys come on Help me."

Gary came round.

"All those who will stay with the professor stay here. Those who will stay with the murderer go over there."

At first no-one seemed to be moving but then a flash of green and a lumbering figure got up.

"Sceptile, snorlax thanks" said Ash. A second later gible joined them.

The others were given their pokéballs and one by one stepped on them.

A year later.

Ash was running through the streets being chased by a police car.

Charizard come out and let's get out of here. Ash had gone round the regions collecting his Pokémon. Squirtle and Charizard came with him the other's all refused to come with him. He had gone to collect his gliscor but had been rejected and the police had come after him.

Ash turned a corner and ran right into someone.

"Watch where you are going." They said.

Ash looked up. "Jessie, James, Meowth."

"It's da twerp" said meowth.

"Oh look so it is."

"The police are following me so I would scarper."

"Oh yeah we heard that you had got away from the police so we were sent to find you." Said James.

"I am so going to regret this." Ash said to himself. "Lead on"

Twelve hours later they were in the Team rocket hide out.

"So Giovanni what do you want from me."

"Let me show you." He brought out an alacazam and said "show him"


Ash was a baby and was looking up at his mother and another man.

"Get away from me" yelled Delia.

"No" replied the man gleefully.

"Get away from my wife." Yelled a man from out of Ash's vision.

"Go ryperior" said the husband in a familiar voice. The man ran off. The husband came into view.

"Thank you George." Said Delia.

The father was Giovanni.

"What, no" said Ash.

Giovanni looked impassive to this outburst.

"But your my father" Ash said amazed. "but you steal Pokémon."

"Yes I do" replied Giovanni.

"You cannot be him."

"My mother said that she had not seen my father since I was born."

"I always kept an eye on her helping her out every so often. I could not remain in contact for to long otherwise the police might connect us and ask her questions. That might put my son in danger."

"But why are you a criminal"

"I am a criminal to stop other criminal organisations. Have you ever noticed that we have never actually tried to do anything but get more power? Have you noticed that we are constantly waging war on the other teams? The Pokémon we steal is to help the war effort."

"Now my son do you want to join me. You can get back at team galactic for killing your Pikachu and mother. And you can help clear the world of the other evil organisations. And finally you will be able to get stronger so you can take on your friends."

Ash thought for a long minute. "Yes father." He replied

Giovanni smiled. "Jessie, James and Meowth get in here." Once they came in Giovanni said. "Show my son the newest grunt his new dorms. He shall be in omega squadron with you three as I believe you have history."