A/N: A mass effect kink fanfiction :D, it revolves around Aria and Femshepard, with Aria being her casual self, and Jane being…well..in the process of being enslaved!
This is supposed to be a oneshot, but depending on its reception I might continue it! Let me know what you think! :]

I do prefer Liara/Femshep, with Femshep being the sub : ] couldn't resist letting Aria hog the fun this time thanks to the Citadel DLC.

It hadn't been long since the destruction of the Reapers. Commander Shepard, saviour of the galaxy, Hero of earth and the finest and first human spectre in the galaxy….and missing. Soon after the climax of the celebrations on the Citadel, Commander Jane Shepard disappeared like thin air.

Many at the time assumed it was cause of the fatigue from the battle along with the tiring night of partying and shaking hands with the billions celebrating her and her crew's victory over the Reapers. It was only after three days with no sighting or any known form of contact, only then did the galaxy begin investigation, where could she have gone?

"Nnnguooh…." The woman groaned as she stirred, well-built and at the peak of physical condition. She had a fiery red hair that matched her strong and fierce personality and combat prowess, piercing glowing emerald green eyes and a extraordinarily beautiful face for a former soldier. Her wrists were chained together above her in the wet, dank and dark cell. Shaking her head to clear the fog from within, she blinked drowsily and looked at her surroundings.

Footsteps made by high heels echoed from outside, a purple asari woman appeared in front of the cell; she stopped and chuckled as she watched the helpless human.

"Do you remember your name?" she spoke with a cold and almost demanding voice. She didn't enjoy broken pets. Especially not one of this value; she had put weeks of planning for this, it wasn't easy to bribe and hire the mercenaries and commandos to perform such a feat on a celebrity such as her, many of them being reluctant and afraid to act against the legendary figure.

"Commander Jane Shepard, Alliance military." She muttered, shivering slightly as the cold air brushed against her skin.

The asari smiled and nodded to her, "Good….Good. Do you know who I am?" she asked curiously, unlocking the door and stepped into the moonlight.

"No fucking ide-" Shepards voice caught in her throat as the woman stepped into the light, her eyes widened as she realized who her captor was, "A-ARIA!?" she stammered in disbelief.

"Tch" Aria made an annoyed sound as she quickly closed the gap and launched an explosive kick into Jane's stomach. "Incorrect. You shall address me as your master"

Shepard felt her breath instantly leave her for dead; crumpling to the side, protected from hitting the floor by the very restraints that left her unable to defend herself, she tasted bile, adrenaline and a hint of blood. Gasping desperately for air she looked up with a pained expression in her face, "W-What the fuck?" she managed to gasp.

Aria smiled, she had hoped the spectre would put up a resistance, it was going to be fun breaking her spirit and dominating her. She bent down low and grabbed her chin, "Now now….in time that word will roll off your tongue as if you've been saying it your whole life, it'll be the very word you use to beg me to fuck your brains out."

The captive couldn't believe what she was hearing, she was being told that she was nothing more than her whore now? After saving the whole entire galaxy from an almost god like race she had been reduced to nothing more than a fuck toy for this asari?

Shepard stared into Aria's purple eyes, full of anger and hatred towards the woman. She had provided a powerful fighting force and useful intel and for that she was grateful but there was no way in hell was she going to be her fuck toy. After regaining her breath, Shepard yelled into her face, "FUCK OFF!" and spat onto her.

Shutting her eyes just before the saliva landed on her face, Aria wiped away the liquid slowly, her eyes turned deadly. It was the eyes of a murderer, rapist and worst of all an angry biotic boss. "Big mistake." She whispered before launching a world of pain onto the helpless woman beneath her, explosive kicks to her stomach and slaps to her face and even stomping her smooth, long and muscular legs.

After twenty seconds of pure pain, Aria finally relented. She stepped back to admire her handiwork, making sure to be extra careful not to bruise and batter the face. Shepard was barely breathing or moving, apart from the occasional twitch. Not many would have survived such a barrage of deadly force, and most of them would be unconscious. But here was Jane Shepard, barely conscious, alive and still had a defiant look in her eyes.

Chuckling again, she watched the bruises form on her pet's body, leaning back down to the barely conscious woman and ran her tongue up from her collarbone to her ear, while at the same time pushing Jane's legs apart and traced from her knee to her pussy. She cocked an eyebrow at the human, she was quite wet. "Wow…You fucking dirty masochist slut! You're soaking down here!" taunting the helpless human.

Shepard only looked at Aria with contempt, wincing as the asari's fingers penetrated into her, rubbing, twisting and teasing her sex mercilessly.

Aria watched cool while finger fucking Jane, relentlessly pumping her fingers inside and out. Using her free hand she wrapped around her neck and squeezed lightly. Using her thumb she circled her clit and teased. Jane had begun moving away as the fingers pushed, trying weakly to escape from the assault.

"S..Stop." she gasped out softly, her eyes began to roll upwards from the oxygen deprivation. Her muscles contracted around the invasive fingers, writhing on the floor and mentally abusing herself, as much as she hated the woman in front of her, she couldn't deny whatever she was doing was bringing her to her limit.

A smile crept on to the asari's face, she could tell that the commander was finally beginning to crack. She could feel it as the contracted tightened around her finger, increasing her pace, watching carefully for the moment where she would release.

Jane trembled as she felt her climax near, the fingers swishing and swirling deep inside of her felt amazing, leaning forward towards the woman she tried desperately to hold back her moan. She was so close! Just a bit more and she would be there, just one more thrust and she was sure, as her captives fingers pulled back….and out.

Aria smirked and lifted her fingers up in front of her face and licked, closing her eyes as she savoured the warm liquid, trying to remember the smell and taste of her pet. She studied Jane's face, it was flushed from a mixture of oxygen deprivation and sexual arousal.

"W-what…?" she panted, twisting around the floor in extreme discomfort because of the orgasm denial. The commander was certainly pissed off and along with the teasing and taunting it infuriated her.

Stripping off her pants and underwear, the asari picked up her laced underwear and pulled her pants back up and did it back up.

Shepard watched carefully, it was so embarrassing to show this side of her to another person that she had no sexual feelings for. With a flash like movement, she felt Aria's first two fingers grip around her mouth pushing her cheeks in between her upper jaw and lower jaw. She flinched in horror as the laced underwear was stuffed into the back of her mouth and the forced shut.

"When I return, if I find those anywhere apart from inside your mouth….." Aria leaned in to add extra emphasise, "You're FUCKED!" With that she whirled around and sauntered out the cell, her figure fading back into the darkness.

"God damn bitch! I'll get you back for this! Ungh…my ribs, god it feels like every bone in my body has been shattered." Shepard groaned, her arms were from being held above her head, she had thought about disobeying the asari pirate, but didn't believe she could survive another beating like that.

She tried yanking the chain to see if it would budge, but it held firm and no signs of budging were shown. Oh god what was she going to do? Never in life had she felt worse off and more vulnerable than this.

Jane curled up, hugging her knees to her breasts and leaned back, tears streaking down her smooth cheeks.