I don't own Twilight. In this, Renesme was never born and Jacob wasn't alive during all of that and he is not a werewolf in this.

It's been nearly a hundred years since Bella became a vampire, joining her husband Edward. The two of them have been incredibly happy together. But there's always been something missing: a baby. Edward has always wanted to be a father and while Bella used to not care for children, she soon realized why Edward wanted a child. She felt empty. She loves her husband more than anything in the world, but they both know something's missing.

Jacob's mother had passed when he was young. He had two older sisters that lived out of state and his dad was an alcoholic that kicked him out of the house on a regular basis. On this particularly cold and rainy night, he's walking through the woods trying to find some shelter. He adjusts his backpack over his shoulder and comes through the clearing, seeing a cute, but not so little, cottage. He shivers and walks over to see if it's vacant, maybe he could have a warm place to sleep for the night.

"What are you doing?" The fifteen year old jumps and turns around to see a tall man standing there. "Why are you near my house."

"I…I'm sorry…" Jacob mumbles. "I just…never mind." He starts to walk away when a brunette blocks his path.

"Oh sweetie are you lost?" She asks softly.

"Um…not really," Jacob lies.

"You're lying," says Edward, Bella gives him a look, her husband is normally good about not outing himself. "I mean, by your voice, I can tell." Then Edward is able to hear the rest of the story. "You might want to tell the truth before I call the cops."

The young boy bites down on his lip, slowly averting his eyes. "I um, my dad…he's not the greatest guy. He kicks me out of the house whenever he goes on a bender." Bella's eyes soften and she pulls him into her arms.

"Oh sweetie, you obviously need a place to stay. Come on, you can come in with us." Edward nods.

"Why would you want some screw up kid?" He asks with a sniffle and Bella tightens her grip on him.

"You're not a screw up," she coos. "Come on." She leads him inside and helps him up to the bathroom. "You take a shower sweetheart, I'll get you some warm jammies to wear."

"You really don't have to do this…" He trails off, realizing he never really asked for her name.

"I'm Bella, my husband Edward is downstairs. And don't worry about a thing Jacob." Jacob raises an eyebrow.

"How did you know my name?"

"You told me, silly."

"No you didn't."

But the brown headed beauty just shakes her head and walks out of the room. Jacob takes a shower and when he comes out, he wraps a towel around himself, realizing his backpack and wet clothes are all gone. On the counter is a note.

Come across the hall.

-Bella and Edward

He bites his lip. They probably called DCFS. I'm gonna end up in foster care, great.

He walks across the hall, into a huge master bedroom. Both of them sit on the bed, when they see him, they smile.

"Come here," Edward says, patting the spot in between them. Jacob hesitates but walks over, sitting down. Bella runs a hand through his dark, wet hair.

"Now sweetie, in time, we will explain things to you, but right now, we are going to keep you safe. We have also needed someone to take care of for a very long time, you see, I cannot have babies," Bella explains. Jacob is confused, he wonders what this has to do with him. "So we were thinking, you could stay here with us."

"But you have to be our baby," Edward tells him.

"What does that mean?" Jacob asks.

"Well, we would be your mommy and daddy. You'd be diapered, we'd pick your outfits, feed you bottles and baby food, you'd be our own little precious baby boy," Bella explains, caressing his cheek.

Jacob knows he should run, but he considers for a minute. At home, he's abused and neglected. His mom died when he was a baby, so he never got to have a real nurturing parent. He knows that Bella and Edward are doing it for themselves in a way, he'd have real parents for the first time. He bites his lip and nods. The two smile.

"Excellent," Bella says, taking her new baby into her arms, cradling him. "We already had a nursery set up." She stands up holding Jacob and carries him into the nursery. He's in amazement, it's a complete nautical theme. There's a steering wheel to a boat on the wall, the wallpaper has little anchors. There's a window seat with an attached book case filled with sea accessories. There's a changing table, a stuffed leather rocking chair and of course, a huge oak crib.

Jacob can't help but think it's ten times nicer than his room at home.

She lays him down on the changing table and takes the towel off. She lathers his whole body with baby oil and then tapes a diaper to his bottom. She then goes to the closet and pulls out a pair of Buzz Lightyear footie pajamas, changing him into them "And for the final touch." She reaches under the changing table and produces a blue pacifier, sticking it in his mouth. Jacob smiles and kicks his legs. "Aww, look at my little precious." She picks him up and snuggles him close.

"I love you so much Jakey Poo," Bella coos softly, tickling her new son's chin. Tears well up in Jacob's eyes, panic fills Bella. "Oh Pumpkin, what's wrong?"

"No one's ever said that to me before," Jacob says behind his pacifier. Bella smiles.

"Well get used to it, because who couldn't love this cute little face." She squeezes his cheeks together and kisses his nose. A smile spreads even further across his face and she places him into his crib. "Sweet dreams my precious prince."

The next morning, Edward walks into the nursery, only to find Bella there, watching their new son. He places a hand on her shoulder.

"It happened so fast," Bella whispers as she stares at him. "But look at him, he's our little boy.'

"I know, he's so perfect." The young boy's eyes flicker open and Edward lifts him out. "Morning Munchkin. How was your sleep?" He removes the pacifier and gives his little boy a ton of kisses. Jacob laughs.

"Gwood Daddy," Jacob says, trying out a baby lisp.

"Let's get you changed Stinky Poo," Edward coos, laying him down on the table. He removes his sleeper and changes his diaper. He then grabs a blue and white striped onesie and khakis that snap at the crotch. He puts booties on his feet and ties a bonnet onto his head.

"Look at my handsome wittle boy!" Bella coos as she lifts him up, pinching his cheeks.

"Mommy," Jacob whines. "Hungeee."

"Okay Jakey Poo." With that, her and Edward take him downstairs where he's strapped in a high chair. She ties a bib around his neck and Edward plays peek-a-boo with him as she prepares his breakfast. She walks over with a bowl of warm oatmeal and holds up a spoonful. "Open wide, here comes airplane!" She makes airplane noises as she moves it towards his mouth. Jacob smiles and opens happily, quickly swallowing the contents. It feels so good to have a warm meal for the first time in forever. Finally, when he's done, he's a messy.

"Look at our messy wessy wittle baby boo," Edward coos, wiping off his face and scooping him up. He fixes his son a bottle and puts it in his mouth. "Drink up your baba." Jacob doesn't have to be asked twice and sucks on his bottle, feeling happy and content. After being burped by Daddy, Bella takes him and cuddles him closely.